October Chapter Meeting & Luncheon |
Don't forget that we will be voting to approve the Proposed Slate for the 2015 Board of Directors & new Chapter Bylaws at this months meeting!
Monday ,October 13, 2014 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Omni Fort Worth Hotel | 1300 Houston Street
Presented By:
D. Shannon Shipp
Dr. Shannon Shipp, Associate Professor of Marketing in the Neeley School at TCU, is the featured speaker for the October meeting.
Dr. Shipp will focus on the kind of unusual ethical situations we encounter in our daily lives and the things that "make us go hmmmm". Dr. Shipp's experience has shown that people know how to handle the normal stuff, it is the "out of the ordinary" situations that really cause cognitive dissonance and sometimes end up badly.
Join fellow AFP colleagues for an open, fun and serious dialogue about the ethical issues that our boards, donors, friends and family face. The program will feature real life ethical scenarios from the AFP membership as well as dialogue about ways to answer the "what if/what now" questions we face.
The program will also focus on and include discussion about the new AFP Ethics Assessment Inventory tool, the AFP Code of Ethics and the Donor Bill of Rights.
 | Lyn Downing, CFRE |
President's Message
Focus, Focus, FOCUS! We need EVERY member's Attention! |
National Philanthropy Day (NPD) - October 30 at Omni Hotel
Next month is our annual NPD celebration. This event highlights the very generous philanthropists and volunteers in our community and it's always a privilege to be part of this special recognition luncheon.
When NPD was first celebrated in 1986, then-President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation officially recognizing Nov. 15, 1986, as National Philanthropy DayŽ. Since then, the day has been recognized by numerous state, provincial and local governments across North America.
This year, more than 125 communities and 50,000 people around the world will participate in NPD events and celebrations. These events include award ceremonies, galas, luncheons, seminars and other special events. Outstanding donors, volunteers, corporations, foundations, small businesses, youth in philanthropy and others will be honored on NPD in recognition of their work in improving their communities and their world every day.
National Philanthropy Day is formally supported by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and hundreds of other nonprofit and for-profit organizations throughout North America.
We are looking forward to a wonderful NPD luncheon here in Fort Worth and hope you are able to join us.
Check out the links to sponsorship and table purchase opportunities in this month's newsletter
Welcome To Our New Members
So glad you have joined us! Let us know what we can do for you. That's why we're here.
Mr. Benjamin H Ortega, BS | Southwestern Adventist University | Ms. Kyndall Burroughs | Child Study Center | Ms. Erin Hayes | Susan G. Komen Greater Fort Worth | Mr. Toby Owen | Presbyterian Night Shelter |
2014 National Philanthropy Day |
Plans are well underway for planning the 34th Annual National Philanthropy Day on October 30 at the Omni.
You may purchase your tables by going to the AFP Fort Worth website at: http://www.afpfortworth.com/
NPD is our chapter's signature fundraising event to promote and recognize philanthropy in our community. It is a wonderful opportunity for organization's to provide a meaningful stewardship event for their major donors without the headache or expense of planning a separate event, which can be very helpful for smaller organizations.
Special thanks to those organizations who have already reserved tables:
M. Gale and Associates
Cynthia Prince
ACH Child and Family Services
Michele Hahnfeld
Colonial Kids for the Cure-sponsored by M.Gale and Associates
If you have any questions regarding the event or sponsorship please contact Beth Zimmerman at beth.zimmerman@tcu.edu or Nancy Jeter at nancy.jeter@rmhfw.org.

As we build up to National Philanthropy Day on October 30, we will be highlighting each awardee.
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser
Michele Hahnfeld
Michele has a long history of service to the non-profit community in Fort Worth. She has chaired numerous committees to raise funds for local organization and has served on the board of directors for Junior League of Fort Worth; American Cancer Society, Past Chairman; Lighthouse for the Blind, Past Chairman; Casa Manana, Campfire; Ladies on the Lamb; and Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County.
Michele chaired the Meals On Wheels Mardi Gras/Cowboys and Cajun event Committee in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Under her leadership, the net revenue from this event increased substantially each year. Michele has continued to support underwriting efforts for Meals On Wheels events including High Heels and Hot Meals, the 40th Anniversary Gala, and the annual Golf Classic.
Michele currently serves on the board of directors for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and chairs a fundraising committee. She is also chairing the Meals On Wheels Legends Luncheon Committee. Michele is also a key member of the Capital Campaign Steering Committee tasked with raising $12.75 million to build a new facility for Meals On Wheels.
Congratulations Michele!

Distinguished Philanthropist
Mary and Dick Lowe
Mary Lowe currently serves on the board of All Saints Health Foundation and is on the committee to raise funds for an endowment for the Joan Katz Breast Center (JKBC) at Baylor All Saints Medical Center. Their initial gift to the JKBC was $1,000,000 for construction and they have continued to support the center. Mary was also the driving force behind the Garden of Hope. Situated just outside the JKBC, it provides patients and visitors a place to reflect and relax.
Giving back to the community is important to Dick and Mary Lowe. As a breast cancer survivor, Mary has shown a deep and abiding appreciation for the support and hope she found at the Joan Katz Breast Center at Baylor All Saints Medical Center. Her experience there made her and Dick enthusiastic supporters and cheerleaders of All Saints Health Foundation and Baylor All Saints. They have tirelessly supported the Joan Katz Breast Center with donations and their time.
Mary and Dick Lowe have been very good friends not only to All Saints Health Foundation but to Texas Christian University (TCU) and Presbyterian Night Shelter. Their giving to TCU includes a gift of over $6 million with their friend, Hunter Enis, to support the renovation of Amon G. Carter Stadium.
Your recognition is well deserved!
Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation
Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse
Greg Kalina, GM of Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, is involved in many charitable and philanthropic organizations, and he brings Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse to the table (so to speak) in support of numerous local charitable organizations, including:
- A Wish with Wings
Bobby Bragen Youth Foundation
The Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Jewell Ball (Underwriting Sponsor)
Gary Patterson Youth Foundation
Del Frisco's Restaurant Group Invitational Golf Tournament - Underwriter benefiting
Save City Commission, Emergency Assistance Fund - Underwriter
Greg Kalina and Del Frisco's lives and breathes philanthropy. They support almost any organization which he feels is doing good for the community.
Whether an underwriting sponsor, event chair, emcee, auction donor, board or committee member, they are "all in" "all the time".
When they help at an event the entire staff is giving time and money as well!
As an ambassador for good, he inspires others to follow in his footsteps and get involved.
Outstanding Work Del Frisco's!
2014 Fundamentals of Fundraising Course |
Another great professional development opportunity to consider!
2014 Fundamentals of Fundraising
Thursday & Friday, October 9-10, 2014 at Dallas Baptist University
We are one month away from the early bird deadline for the Fundamentals of Fundraising course! Whether you are development staff or a volunteer, you can benefit from the curriculum, faculty and networking of this two-day course!
The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising course is a two-day program that includes case studies and projects for groups and individuals, making the learning experience both substantial and enjoyable. Participants gain a complete overview of the development function of an organization, featuring the most current information and techniques for people with zero to four years of experience.
The course is approved for 16 CFRE credit hours.
Register today!
2014 Be The Cause Campaign |
We need YOUR help to reach our goal. Only $305 left!
- The AFP Fort Worth Metro 2014 goal is $1,800 and so far we have raised $1,495!!.
- Great news! AFP International has launched a new donation site and giving is now easier than ever!
- Please visit the Be the Cause website at http://www.AFPFoundation.org/bethecause to make your gift or pledge.
Please feel free to contact Katherine Curtis if you have any questions regarding the 2014 Be the Cause Campaign at Kdcurtistx@gmail.com or 817-735-5313.
We appreciate all you do for the AFP Fort Worth Metro and for our community!
2015 AFP DFW Conference |
Mark your calendars, the 2015 AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference will be on Friday, June 12, at the Irving Convention Center.
The conference planning committee is in need of volunteers from the Fort Worth Chapter. All committees need help, including Guest Relations. If you have any interest please contact Larry Bisno, Conference Co-Chair at 972-322-5754 or at Lbisno@healthntx.org.
One of the great benefits of membership in AFP it the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals through the Mentor - Mentee Program.
These personal matches help form relationships that are lasting.
If you're an experienced professional and would like to become a mentor, please let Craig Schaefer know and he'll get you matched!
For those interested in being matched with an AFP Mentor, please register through the link below:
Click on this link and complete the mentoring form, returning it to the AFP office. Matches will be made as soon as possible depending on need and availability.
2014 AFP Web/Audio Conferences
Once again, your chapter is offering select offerings from the AFP 2014 Audioconference in partnership with the Center for Nonprofit Management West.
Sessions are available at $10 for AFP members, $15 for non-members.
Dates and subjects appear below.
Center for Non Profit Management West
2701 W. Berry Street Fort Worth
11:30 a.m.-Networking
12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.
AFP Web/Audioconference and Brown Bag Lunch
Wednesday, October 8
Incorporating Stories Into Your Fundraising Program
Leah Eustace, CFRE
Wednesday, December 10
Small Shop Success: Building Something from nothing Starting a Well-Rounded Development Program
Amy Wolfe, MPPA, CFRE
Register? Questions?
Contact Linda McMillan at mcmillan@cnmconnect.org
Quick Links |
Changed jobs or moved? Need to renew your membership? Can't find your ID#? Contact AFP International  |
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John A. Davis Scholarship
This scholarship is available to chapter members with 10+ years in the fundraising profession who want to gain new or more in-depth knowledge in the field of fundraising.
Named after long-time DFW fundraiser John A. Davis, Jr. who was instrumental in the development of both the Fort Worth and Dallas chapters of AFP.
The scholarship is to be used to fund education opportunities beyond what is normally available through the Fort Worth Metro Chapter.
Deadline is November 15. Additional information is available on our website
This scholarship is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter members. The scholarship will reimburse $250 to a member who has paid for either the CFRE review course or the exam.
For more details and application, please visit our website and search the Member Resources tab - www.AFPFortWorth.com .
Fundamentals of Fundraising Scholarship
This scholarship application is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro or Dallas Chapter members. Awarded scholarships provide the registration fee for the annual Fundamentals of Fundraising two-day course,
which offers a complete overview of the development foundation and is sponsored by the Fort Worth Metro and Dallas Chapters.
Applications are available on our website - www.AFPFortWorth.com.
AFP Diverse Communities Scholarship
As a community of inclusion, the Association of Fundraising Professionals seeks, embraces, and engages diverse individuals, groups, and organizations with a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, thoughts and cultures within the fundraising profession. Through this strategic initiative, AFP is committed to activities that increase awareness of diversity issues.
As part of this commitment, AFP has created a diversity scholarship program to provide financial assistance for the professional development of AFP members who are themselves members of a diverse community, or are employed by grassroots organizations that primarily serve diverse populations.
Additional information is available on our website - www.AFPFortWorth.com.
Moving? Changed Jobs?
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Moving? Changed Jobs?
When your title, employing organization and/or mailing address, email address or any other contact information changes, you must go to
www.afpnet.org and update your personal membership record. Any local updates would be overwritten when we import the latest national spreadsheet into our database.