December Chapter Meeting & Luncheon |
Monday, December 9, 2013 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Omni Fort Worth Hotel
1300 Houston Street
Program: AFP Gives Back
Program Description: It's time to wrap up 2013, and AFP members have a lot to celebrate! Join us as we take a look back at our successes of 2013, look forward to 2014 and give back in support of Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth.
President's Message
Michelle Crim, CFRE
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Charles Schultz
This is my last column for our chapter and I have mixed emotions. I appreciate all the wonderful friendships and support from the board and chapter members during the last 731 days (2012 was a leap year).
Welcome To Our New Members
BonjourSo glad you have joined us! Let us know what we can do for you. That's why we're here. Annie Chavez, MPA
| Cassata High School
| Linda Chreno
| Friends of Hopi Foundation
| Sonya Curry
| Lena Pope Home
| Joyce Dalzell
| Faithworks of Abilene
| Lesley Irwin
| A Wish With Wings
| Susanne Johnson
| Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD
| Barbara McColm
| M. Gale & Associates
| Christie Mosley-Eckler
| TC Samaritan Housing, Inc.
| Melanie Navarro, MSW
| MHMR Visions
| Andee Mason Smyer, MA
| Tarrant Net
| Kay Van
| Trinity Habitat for Humanity
| Donald Whelan, Jr.
| Texas Christian University
Looking for a Way to get More Involved?
We are currently looking for folks to greet new members and welcome guests at our monthly chapter meetings. If you are interested in this or other ways to volunteer, please contact Lisa Brown.
AFP Every Member Campaign
The AFP Every Member Campaign is a way to support the efforts of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy on a local level. The Fort Worth Metro Chapter benefits from the AFP Foundation...
The 2014 AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference is open for business!
We are happy to provide our chapter news to you. Please forward our news to friends and colleagues using the link below. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Pam Cannell Chapter Administrator Association of Fundraising Professionals - Fort Worth, TX