Association of Fundraising Professionals - Fort Worth Metro Chapter Newsletter
August 2013
August Chapter Meeting & Luncheon
Monday, August 12, 11:30 a.m.

Program:  I Am Inclusion!
Speaker:  Tracy Brown

Omni Fort Worth Hotel
in Bob's Chophouse
1300 Houston Street
Fort Worth, TX  76102


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President's Message

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou

Dr. Angelou has certainly summarized one of the most essential aspects of fundraising with the above quote. 


National Philanthropy Day Awards Honorees

The NPD Committee is proud to announce the following winners of the National Philanthropy Day awards:

Taylor and Shirlee Gandy -- Distinguished Philanthropist

Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust -- Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation/Trust

Will A. Courtney, Sr. -- Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser

Roby Key, TCU -- Outstanding Professional Fundraising Executive

Ryan Scott Prince -- Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy


New CFREs!
"If you're looking for success stories, I passed the test this morning!  Thank you for your help and investment in my success". 
Tim Connor, CFRE

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Mentor-Leader Circles
All active members of the Fort Worth AFP chapter are invited to join the Mentor-Leadership Circle.  This group will meet one weekday morning per month from September 2013 through May 2014. A trusted AFP facilitator will lead 'roundtable' discussions and idea exchanges with ten diverse, trusted peers.

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2013 Conference sets records:
Help plan 2014 Conference
A record-setting 575 individuals attended the 33rd annual AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference presented by Grant the Good on June 7 at the Irving Convention Center.

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2013 Fundamentals of Fundraising
Time is running short!  Have you prepared?

Just as you need to prepare for unexpected weather crises, you also need to prepare for the unexpected demands of your career.  Have you pursued all the educational opportunities that will ensure you're ready?

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National Philanthropy Day
National Philanthropy Day Luncheon has been scheduled for November 7, 2013 at the Omni Fort Worth Hotel. Sponsorships are currently being solicited.  The theme for this year's luncheon is "Legacies in Philanthropy." Ads are being solicited for the program.

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We are happy to provide our chapter news to you.  Please forward our news to friends and colleagues using the link below.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.

Pam Cannell
Chapter Administrator
Association of Fundraising Professionals - Fort Worth, TX 
Important Dates

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