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2013 DFW Philanthropy In Action Conference
Some people kick off summer with a BBQ. Not local development directors, associates and fund raising professionals; they kick off their summer together at the annual AFP Philanthropy Conference. Date: Friday, June 7
Location: Irving Convention Center Presented by: Grant the Good Online registration ends May 31. |
President's Message |

"In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours." Mark Twain
New Member Discount Coupon!
In honor of our 53nd Anniversary, AFP will be offering a $53.00 discount to new members joining in the Professional Member category by June 30, 2013. Read More>>
Thanks to our Ethics Jeopardy Panel
AFPFW Members; Amanda Stallings, Vinsen Faris, CFRE and Cathy Sheffield, CFRE, hosted by Larry Hostetler, CFRE, Director, Chapter Services
2013 CFRE Review Course
Does It Pay to Become Certified? Yes, it does!Don't delay, register today! Read More>>
Welcome To Our Newest Member
New Member Devin Dunivent with Lisa Brown, CFRE, Director of Membership Retention
Chapter Leadership Nominations
The nominating committee is about to start the process of discussing chapter leadership for 2014. Serving on a committee or the board of directors is a great way to get to know other chapter members and help our chapter be the best it can be. Please fill out the Nominating Committee Response Form and return it to Kristie Gibson no later than June 14. If you have questions, please contact Kristie Gibson, nominating committee chair, at or 817-504-1318.