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President's Message |
This month I would like to highlight benefits of AFP membership you may not have explored. A comprehensive list is available at and they are FREE!
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August Audio Conference
"Raising More Money from Your Business Community" Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Speaker: Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE Lunch/networking: 11:30 a.m. - noon Conference call: 12 - 1:30 p.m. Read More>>
Happy Hour |
(i.e. fun raising)
Tuesday, Sept. 27 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Blue Mesa Grill
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What We Are Hearing.... |
Thank you to everyone who participated in the AFP Membership Survey. For those of you who thought about participating, procrastinated, and then didn't get around to it ... better luck next time.
The AFP Board is still compiling your feedback for a coherent presentation to AFP International, but we thought we'd share a bit of what we heard.
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Get Involved
Serve your chapter. Here's how.
Member Orientation
Oct. 26th, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Are you new to the chapter or just want to get more involved? This one-hour overview of the AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter is a great way to get connected, network, and meet some of the AFP board leadership. Where: Funding Information Center Coffee and Light Refreshments To RSVP, email Holly Miori at
July Chapter Meeting
Rob Buchheit (the tall one) and David Broughton (pink tie), both from the University of North Texas, presented "No Fear: Taking the Mystery out of Incorporating Planned Giving into Your Major Gift Conversations." Read More>>
 Thank you, again, to BBVA Compass for sponsoring our July chapter meeting. Member Kay Casey (left) helped secure the Compass sponsorship. Representing BBVA at the meeting were (l to r) Christian Escamilia, district retail executive; Tiffany Dromgoole, business relationship manager; and Tim Coats, partnership banking officer. For more details regarding the Compass nonprofit partnership program, "Compass for Your Cause," contact Tiffany at 817-735-0930 (office), 817-896-5742 (cell) or Thank you BBVA Compass for supporting charitable organizations.
Fundamentals of Fundraising Course |
Thursday & Friday - October 13 - 14, 2011 Dallas Baptist University 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway ~ Dallas, Texas Read More>>
National Philanthropy Day |
Nov. 17, 2011 Raising more than $150,000 since its inception, the National Philanthropy Day luncheon plays an important role in highlighting the role of philanthropy in our community. The slate of award recipients will be released this summer, so watch to see if someone from your organization is being honored. Read More>>
2011 Conference Set Record Attendance |
More than 500 people attended the AFP DFW Philanthropy Conference on June 10 at the Arlington Convention Center. Conference Chair Tara Dunn and Conference Co-Chair Larry Bisno heralded record attendance and credited a top-notch volunteer committee with planning the 31st annual conference.
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Deadline for submitting articles for the newsletter is the second Monday of every month. We reserve the right to edit all content for accuracy, clarity and brevity. Questions or comments about AFP? Email the chapter administrator.
Important Dates Bring a friend to lunch and invite them to join AFP! Email Carolyn Ayres at for membership info.
Changed jobs or moved?
Need to renew your membership?
Can't find your ID#?
Contact AFP International