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April Extended Session Chapter Meeting
Program: Evaluating Your Development Program and Planning for Success

Speaker: Lynda Lysakowski, ACFRE
President/CEO Capital Venture
Date: Monday, April 11th
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Place: Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth200 Main Street, Fort WorthFree valet parkingRead More>> Register Here>>
President's Message |
What do Blake Mycoskie (founder of TOMS Shoes), Queen Latifah (actress, Grammy winner, entrepreneur), and President Bill Clinton have in common?
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April Audio Conference
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Speaker: Ted Hart, ACFRE, Hart Philanthropic Services
"Social Networking and Online Fundraising Success"
Lunch/networking: 11:30 a.m. - noon Conference call: 12 - 1:30 p.m.
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Notes From the March Meeting |
"The 2010 Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy"
Presented by Ramsey Slugg, senior vice president - wealth strategies advisor, U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management
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Member Survey |
The Fort Worth Metro Chapter wants to serve you better. Seriously. So we've enlisted the help of a marketing class at UT Arlington under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Rogers, senior lecturer in the Department of Marketing. The students have created a survey, which you can take anonymously, to let Chapter officers know how to make our rockin' good chapter even rockin'-er.
Please keep an eye on your email. The survey will arrive in the next few weeks. We promise it will be mostly painless.
Mark Your Calendars
2011 AFP DFW Philanthropy Conference Friday, June 10, 2011 Arlington Convention Center What better theme for a Philanthropy Conference than "Collaboration: Communities Need It, Funders Expect It." Read more>>
CFRE Review Course |
When: June 8-9, 2011
Where: Sheraton Hotel Arlington Convention Center
If you have been waiting to take the CFRE Review Course, wait no longer.
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Fundamentals of Fundraising |
Fundamentals of Fundraising Course
Thursday & Friday, Oct. 13-14, 2011
Dallas Baptist University
3000 Mountain Creek Parkway ~ Dallas, Texas
The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising course was developed by experienced fundraising professionals to meet the real-world needs and challenges nonprofit organizations face every day.
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IRS Updates Charitable Contributions Publication
The IRS has once again revised and released Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, to account for recent changes to the law. Publication 526 is targeted to individual taxpayers and discusses how to claim a deduction for charitable contributions and which organizations are qualified to receive contributions. (Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, Legislative Update, March 1, 2011)
Call For Nominations: 2011 National Philanthropy Day Awards
The Fort Worth Metro Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals celebrates National Philanthropy Day to recognize the contributions of our generous philanthropic community. This year's celebration will be held Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011. Nominations will be accepted through Wednesday, June 15, 2011. Please click here to access the nomination form.
Deadline for submitting articles for the newsletter is the second Monday of every month. We reserve the right to edit all content for accuracy, clarity and brevity. Questions or comments about AFP? Email the chapter administrator.

4/11: Extended Session Chapter Meeting and Luncheon 4/20: Audio Conference Recruit New Members! Bring a friend to lunch and invite them to join AFP! Email Carolyn Ayres at for membership info.
Changed jobs or moved? Need to renew your membership?
Can't find your ID#? Contact AFP International