FDRsafety:unmatched expertise to safety consulting services.
FDRsafety Newsletter
November 2012

Second-term advice: Bring OSHA regs into 21st Century            


By Jim Stanley
President, FDRsafety


Dear President Obama,


Congratulations on your re-election victory. Now comes the hard part - another four years of governing.


You have discussed the importance of helping boost the economy by easing the regulatory burden on companies where appropriate. The first target that springs to mind when it comes to OSHA is the dramatic increase in enforcement by OSHA under your Administration.


I certainly have  written extensively on this blog about misguided thinking behind the enforcement ramp-up. But I think there is an even better first step - bring outdated regulations into the 21st Century.


Many of OSHA's standards date from the early 1970s when the agency was founded. Read them today and they talk about equipment that is no longer used and procedures that are no longer relevant.


Your administration put all of its eggs in the basket of drastically increased enforcement. That clearly did not work. As I wrote in a recent newsletter article,  the number of fatal injuries stayed relatively level during the current administration after a period of substantial decline in the final years of the Bush presidency.


To resume the downward trend, update the OSHA regulations. Because many are outdated, they leave employers confused about what to do. That confusion leads to safety practices that are not in the best interests of workers. In my opinion, with an updated set of standards, employers would better know what to do, safety practices would improve, and injuries and fatalities would drop.


A couple of examples:

  • Fall protection standards in general industry have not been revised for decades. As a result, they don't even mention the use of safety harnesses and lanyards, common protective equipment that is used regularly in general industry. Nor do they address walking/working elevated surfaces that are not floors, platforms or runways, again something that is common in industry.   
  • Standards for overhead traveling cranes don't take into account any technological advances since the 1960s, of which there have been many. When OSHA put overhead traveling crane regulations in place in the early '70s, they were based on standards adopted years before by ANSI/ASME. They haven't been updated since.

Among other general industry standards that are old, old, old:

  • Exit routes
  • Manlifts, powered platforms, and vehicle-mounted work platforms
  • Ventilation
  • Combustible liquids
  • Powered industrial trucks (forklifts)

The list goes on and on.


No administration has wanted to tackle a comprehensive revision of standards, in part because the revision process involves many complex requirements.


The simplest approach would be to take the current ANSI and other consensus standards as a starting point and work through the process from there. That would at least give the revisions a bit of a head start.


A more far-reaching approach would be to adopt a model from some other nations. In that model, OSHA's standards would take a 30,000 foot view and provide a framework that guides the adoption of more technical details that would be determined by voluntary, outside groups like ANSI.


Whichever approach you take, Mr. President, you would be helping America's workers stay safe far better than the misguided enforcement crackdown of the last four years.


Jim Stanley is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA. Contact him at [email protected] or (513) 317-5644.


A tribute to safety awareness training and the effectiveness of a trainer

By Fred Rine   

CEO, FDRsafety


We are extremely proud of the results companies get with our safety awareness training and just as proud of the good reception our trainers get from employees. That is why we were especially pleased to read a tribute to Ed Wildey, our trainer who works with California Steel Industries, Inc.  


The basic idea behind our safety awareness program is that most workers know how to work safely, they just aren't always motivated to do so because of pressures of time or convenience. Our program  motivates workers to want to obey the rules rather than just feeling that they have to, stressing that acting safely allows them to return home in one piece to the people who depend on them.


Here's some of what CSI had to say about Ed and safety awareness training a couple of months back in its newsletter, CSI News.


"Come September 14, it will be the 15th year that Ed Wildey has conducted his acclaimed FDRsafety classes. With a background of more than 30 years in the steel industry, Ed brings a unique approach to the non-traditional course required at CSI.


"Accountability is the biggest change at CSI over the years, according to Ed. He's happy to say that more

employees are holding themselves accountable and responsible for their own actions. He also mentioned how the best way to get employees to comply with safety is that they must be motivated first.


" 'With motivation, you see better incident reports with OSHA. You see more morale and fewer violations,' he said. Ed concluded with expressing his gratitude to be back here at CSI."


On behalf of Ed and all of us here at FDRsafety, thank you, CSI.


Learn more about our safety awareness program. Or contact Fred Rine directly at 615-370-1730 or [email protected].


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What to do when a safety standard doesn't fit the task 


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In This Issue
New' OSHA not achieving goals, numbers show
A tribute to safety awareness training and the effectiveness of a trainer
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At the heart of FDRsafety is this simple idea: Extensive expertise and experience bring the best results.

FDRsafety is led by two nationally recognized, long-time leaders in safety: Fred Rine and Jim Stanley.

Each has decades of experience improving occupational safety and health performance at companies of all sizes, including complex multi-billion dollar, multinational organizations.

FDRsafety can meet your needs for a wide range of safety and health services, including training, OSHA compliance, safety staffing and expert witnesses.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reduce accidents, meet federal, state and local legal requirements, reduce costs, and most importantly, protect your greatest assets - your employees.