The Federation Report
October 9, 2015

In This Issue
Legislative Report

We are so proud of the work the Conservation Federation of Missouri, our affiliate partners and so many individual Missouri citizens are collectively accomplishing. The legislative session has ended and great strides were made this year. This article touches on the direction we are heading.

From Our Blog:
The Life and Times of a Monarch Butterfly

Guest Blog Post By:
Lee Phillion
The monarch butterfly, those iconic orange and black insects seen flying south across Missouri in the fall, are the focus of a lot of effort and money these days. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) recently provided more than $3 million in grants aimed at increasing and improving monarch habitat in North America. Almost a third of the initial grants have been directed at Missouri, which is smack in the middle of the monarch's migration flyway.

Why the sudden interest in monarchs? Over the past 20 years, the population of monarch butterflies most Missourians know for their unique, two-way migration, has plunged from more than 1 billion to fewer than 60 million. While monarch abundance can certainly fluctuate markedly between years, this sustained, long-term decline is alarming.

Monarch Biology

A look at monarch biology sheds light on the survival hardships these unique insects face. The monarchs now flying toward overwintering sites in Mexico are the last of four or five...

Green Horizons

A newsletter from the Center for Agroforestry in conjunction with the Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri


View the newsletter HERE 

CFM Store
Lewis and Clark's Journey Across Missouri
~ $10.00 ~

This beautifully photographed and illustrated book explores indepth Lewis and Clark's time in Missouri through journal excerpts, oneofakind maps made by nationally known geographer James Harlan that locate the Corps of Discovery's campsites, and an alongtheriver guide for travelers who wish to explore the historic towns, state parks, and other points of interest. Individual chapters also probe the river then and now, the Native Americans then in the state, the fur trade at the time, the last European settlement on the river, and contemporary flora and fauna of Missouri. The return journey through the state, when the men were speeding homeward, is also included.

Other items are available for purchase on the

Explore the Outdoors - Saint Louis
October 24, 2015
St. Louis is the second stop of CFM's regional event series in 2015. Taking place on October 24, 2015 at Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center and The Lodge at Des Peres, the event familiarizes St. Louis residents with the outdoor opportunities in the area while they learn more about CFM.
The event begins at 11:00 a.m. at Powder Valley Nature Center with multiple interactive sessions on hunting, fishing, birding, outdoor photography and other outdoor opportunities in the St. Louis area. Following the seminars at Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center, the event moves to The Lodge at Des Peres for a celebration of conservation featuring dinner, live entertainment, auctions, raffles and a panel discussion.

CFM is hosting Dr. Peter Raven, President Emeritus of Missouri Botanical Gardens; Andy Buchsbaum, Vice President of Conservation Action for the National Wildlife Federation; and Brandon Butler, Executive Director of the Conservation Federation of Missouri, for a discussion on world, national and state conservation issues.
There are sponsorship opportunities for businesses. Sponsors receive eight tickets and an Iron Business Alliance membership with their purchase.
For an event flyer - CLICK HERE
For the event schedule - CLICK HERE
For the event invitation - CLICK HERE

For more information, please contact Rehan Nana at or 573-634-2322.

MDC Holding CWD Meetings in California & Jefferson City


The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is hosting two public informational meetings in central Missouri to provide an update on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Missouri, explain recent hunting regulation changes related to the disease, and share ways that hunters, landowners, wildlife watchers, and others can help slow the spread of the deer disease.
The CWD meetings will be held Oct. 20 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the California Nutrition Center, 107 W. Versailles Ave. in California, and Oct. 22 from 6 - 8 p.m. at MDC's Runge Nature Center, located on HWY 179 in Jefferson City. MDC staff will be available to answer questions and will provide an informational presentation at 6:30 p.m.
More information can be found HERE.

Share the Harvest
Feed Hungry Missourians
It's that time of year again. The time you wake up before the sun rises to spend hours in a deer blind, waiting for the perfect deer. This year, while you search for that big buck you've been dreaming of, we hope you'll take part in an important program, Share the Harvest.
In 2014, thousands of Missourians benefited from another successful year of Share the Harvest. There were 3,961 hunters who donated 212,343 pounds of venison to feed hungry Missourians. CFM expects even greater results this season, and is counting on hunters around the state to participate.
For more information on Share the Harvest CLICK HERE.

New Interactive Advocacy Portal
Has Been Launched

The Conservation Federation of Missouri has launched an Interactive Advocacy Portal. Once signed up, the system allows residents to see who their representatives are and send already written emails directly to them at the click of a button.


Sign up TODAY for FREE