The Federation Report
May 8, 2015

In This Issue
Legislative Report
The following bills are threats to conservation:
9th Annual Pull For Conservation Weekend
August 7-8, 2015

The weekend festivities will kick-off at 5:30 p.m. on Friday evening at Bass Pro Shops of Columbia with a social event that includes dinner, drinks, music and raffles. This gathering is always a great time for getting together with old friends and making new ones. Logboat Brewery is supplying craft beer.


The Pull for Conservation shoot will take place on Saturday at River Hills Sporting Clays near Boonville. Participants can shoot individually or as a two shooter scramble team. 

From Our Blog:
Q & A with Nick Younger, Award Winning Archer


What is your name?

Nick Younger


How old are you?



Where are you from?

Kansas City, MO


What is your goal?

To go to the Olympics


Who are your biggest fans?

My dad Dan and my mom Brenda have supported me from the very first shot as well as my big sis Katie and my big brother Jordan.


How did you get into archery?

I first got into archery when I saw my dad shoot at a local archery shop...


  Continue Reading 

CFM Store
Lewis and Clark
Journey Across Missouri
~ $10.00 ~
Other items are available for purchase on the

Explore the Outdoors
TOMORROW ~ May 9, 2015


Kansas City is the first stop of CFM's series of regional events in 2015. The event familiarizes Kansas City residents with the outdoor opportunities in their area while they learn more about the Conservation Federation of Missouri. Attendees will enjoy auctions and a banquet in the evening. Everyone is invited!


The cost for individuals to attend includes a one-year membership to CFM. Spouses and children have a discounted family rate. Children ages six and under attend for free.


There are sponsorship opportunities for businesses. Sponsors receive ten tickets and an Iron Business Alliance Membership with their purchase.


For more information, please contact Rehan Nana at [email protected] or 573-634-2322.


Online registration is open until NOON today.


Don't miss out on your chance to bid online for our Explore the Outdoors: Kansas City auction. We have numerous hunts, gear and more up for a pre-auction. The highest bid online will be the opening bid during the live auction. If no one in the audience outbids the online participant, they will be considered the auction winner.  

Bid Now 

Trout Fest
June 6-7, 2015

Join CFM at Bennett Springs State Park during free fishing weekend (June 6 and 7) to catch some fish while celebrating conservation in Missouri. 

Bennett Spring is one of the most popular State Parks in Missouri, with visitors coming from all across the Midwest each year to fish, camp, picnic and more. The spring from which the park derives its name is the third largest in the state, producing an average of 100,000,000 gallons of water a day that pour into the Niangua River. This makes for prime trout fishing habitat and opportunity.
Trout Fest is going to be all about family fun centered around fishing.

We hope to see you at Bennett Springs for Trout Fest this June.

New Interactive Advocacy Portal
Has Been Launched

The Conservation Federation of Missouri has launched a new Interactive Advocacy Portal. Once signed up, the system will allow residents to see who their representatives are and send already written emails directly to them with the click of a button.


Conservation in Missouri is experiencing attacks like never before. Legislative bills are threatening our successful Department of Conservation by eliminating funding sources and altering conservation authority. This new advocacy portal allows Missourians to have a greater voice in these policy issues that affect conservation and our precious natural resources.By working together, our voices will be heard by decision makers before they act on your behalf.


Sign up TODAY for FREE

Conservation Federation of Missouri Executive Director Brandon Butler explains what CFM does to protect the natural resources.
Conservation Federation of Missouri Executive Director Brandon Butler explains what CFM does to protect the natural resources of Missouri.