What do baseball, Halloween, and engineering have in common? Find out with this month's eGFI double header!
October 2015 
Going, Going, GONE!
baseball hitting bat
Peanuts? Crackerjack? Today's ballparks feature sushi along with such high-tech enhancements as Jumbotrons and safety gear. Still, the nation's pastime retains many traditions from when the first club wrote the rules 170 years ago, including wooden bats, the laws of physics, and candy. Your sluggers won't choke in this month's activity celebrating the World Series - and Halloween. Play ball!
peanuts bag baseball
Students in grades 3 to 12 learn how design differences can affect the success of a final product by working in pairs to evaluate, design, and build a better candy bag.
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Pop Fly (Grades 3-12)
Projectile Motion (Grades 6-8)  
Snack Bag Assembly (Grades 6-8)  
Atomic Candy (Grades 5-11)  

Stephen Hawking and Ellen Kullman STEM All Stars

Who are STEM's heavy hitters? To commemorate the 25th anniversary of its student essay contest, DuPont created a series of downloadable all-star trading cards. Use them to inspire your young writers to participate in this year's DuPont Challenge. Deadline is January 31, 2016.

DOE Energy Literacy Videos
Energy drives everything from weather patterns to daily electricity needs, as new videos from the U.S. Department of Energy highlight. The series is part of the agency's broader set of energy education resources, lessons, and activities.

Learn More

Einstein Fellowships for Teachers -- Spend a year working on national STEM education policy in the Department of Energy or other federal agency. Apply by Nov. 19. Learn more.

eCYBERMISSION -- Robotics, fitness, and the environment are among the challenges 6th to 9th grade teams can choose in this virtual contest. Register by Dec. 17. Learn more.

Verizon Innovative App Challenge -- No coding is required in this contest for middle and high school students, who can win up to $20,000. Register by Nov. 24. Learn more.

Toyota Dream Car Art Contest -- Kids 15 and under from around are invited to share their ideas for the future of mobility. Entry period runs until the end of March 2016. Learn more.
engineering trailblazers

From 3-D-printed body parts to space tourism to Hollywood visual effects, engineers are on the cutting edge of discoveries that make our world a healthier, happier place.  
Help inspire the next generation of innovators with the latest edition of ASEE's Engineering, Go For It magazine. Filled with engaging features, gorgeous graphics, and useful information about engineering colleges and careers, eGFI is sure to get your students fired up about learning - and doing - engineering!
Price: $6.95 

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