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May 2013

What Floats Your Boat?  

America's Cup free racing in SF  

For the water rat in The Wind in the Willows, nothing was "half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." Scores of summer sailors would agree. Same for the fleet of engineers who design high-performance craft like these 2013 America's Cup contenders, plus navigation and safety gear. Your mariners will go overboard for this month's activity on buoyancy. Towels ahoy!   

Activity: Watercraft


bug on a raft Pairs of students in grades 5 to 8 learn about buoyancy, displacement, and engineering design by constructing a watercraft from plastic wrap and straws that can hold 25 pennies for at least 10 seconds before sinking.


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Can-do Canoe (Grades 3-12)

Made to Sail  (Grades 2-7)

The Math of Sailboat Design (Grades 9-12)  

Float a Clay Boat  (Grades 5 - 12) 


Grades K-5  |  Grades 6-8  |  Grades 9-12


Feature: Ice Cream Cruiser


amphibious  ice cream van The world's first amphibious ice cream truck set sail on the Thames in 2011 to celebrate Britain's National Ice Cream Week. Created by Cadbury, the van can travel at close to 6 mph while playing jingly tunes. 



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Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering    

Meet Naval Engineering Student Isabel Anderson 

Aerospace Inspires Winning Yacht Design    


 Spotlight: NASA's Summer of Innovation

NASA 2013 Summer of Innovation Want to beat the "summer slide?" NASA offers day camps, professional development opportunities, and grants of up to $2,500 for schools, youth organizations, or other partners to infuse STEM content into existing after-school or summer programs. The application deadline is June 10, 2013.


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STEM Teachers: Join Us in Atlanta 

artificial habitatASEE's 10th Annual K-12 Workshop kicks off Saturday, June 22 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. K-12 teachers, administrators, and engineering educators from across the nation will find engaging hands-on lessons and interactive activities to share with students, takeaway materials for the classroom, and networking opportunities. Certificates of completion at the end may entitle teachers to CPE credits. For details, contact [email protected].   



STEM Teaching Video Library.  -- The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has a vast film collection of teacher-developed activities, searchable by standards or other criteria.  Learn more.


STEM Careers Resource for Students. -- STEM Career offers kids, counselors, teachers, and parents a one-stop guide for information from homework help to scholarships. Learn more


Daily STEM Webcast. -- Connecting your students to real-world science is just a mouse click away with Science Update, a 60-second daily online radio feature from the AAAS.  Learn more.


Explore Our Site: Helpful Links for Teachers

Cynthia Breazeal Wants You to Make Friends with RobotsJetman: Flying Soon to a Landmark Near YouUnderwater Scooters are the New SCUBAEbone Pierce - Mechanical Engineering StudentTurning Air into WaterVertical Forest Coming Soon to Milan
bulletPrepare your students for engineering school with these 10 Essential Steps.
bulletChange your students' perceptions of engineering students.
bulletIntroduce your students to young engineers who are already making a difference in the world.
bulletStay up-to-date with cool engineering innovations.
bulletFind out about the engineering design process.
bulletLearn about the different types of engineering.
bulletRead our magazine online.
bulletCheck out all the items in our online store.
bulletExplore lesson plans and class activities.
bulletView our archive of past newsletters.


If I Were an EngineerIt's never too early to learn about engineering. Along with our 5th Edition magazine and classroom cards, Engineering, Go For It offers an engaging children's book in its collection of learning materials.


"If I Were an Engineer," from the American Society for Engineering Education, is a fun, 40-page rhyming book that introduces engineering to kids 5 to 8 years old. It includes a parent page that explains the various engineering disciplines.  


Price: $7.95


Now available in our store and on!  


About the eGFI Teachers' Newsletter


Delivered each month to your email inbox, our newsletter is packed with lesson plans and activities, resources, feature stories, and the latest developments in K-12 engineering education. eGFI is part of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization committed to enhancing efforts to improve STEM and engineering education.   

American Society for Engineering Education 

1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600

Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20036



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