Cultivating Connections Recommends:  

Events and More for Metro Louisville - May 2013 

Affirming Connections between Planet, People, Power and Possibilities

CC Rec May 2013

May Table of Contents - Click to Jump to the Listing
Wednesday, May 1 * Louisville Sustainability Forum
Tuesday, May 7 * Carmichaels Booksigning with Samuel Avery
May 8 - 12 * Courting the Mystery of Our Invisible Soul
Thursday, May 9 * Annual KIPL Awards Dinner with Michael Dowd
Saturday, May 11 * One Stop Drop Responsible Recycling Event
Sunday, May 12 * Mother's Day Service with Mark Steiner and kRi n hettie
Thursday, May 16 * Compassionate Organizations Conference
Friday, May 17 * Louisville Loves Mountains Festival
Sunday, May 19 * Community Boot Camp with NPP
Monday, May 20 * Tibetan Freedom Concert with Ben Sollee and Friends including the Be the Change Choir
Tuesday, May 21 * Sierra Club with Author/Activist Samuel Avery
May 22 - 29 * The Artistry of Street Puppets with Artist in Residence Mary Plaster
Saturday, May 25 * March Against Monsanto
Wednesday, May 29 * Music for Social Change with Tom Neilson
**** Summer Save-the-Dates ****
Summer Camps for Kids at Earth and Spirit Center
June 20 - Injustices of the Coal Cycle March and Rally
**** Community Projects, Resources and More ****
Herman the Strider Bug Update
Check Out the Louisville Timebank
60 Seconds to Learn ABout Why Gas Prices Are So High

15ThousandFarmers sm
  Louisville Sustainability Forum

Wednesday, May 1  12 - 1:45 pm

Passionist Earth and Spirit Center  

(located behind St Agnes Church at 1920 Newburg Road)   

Featured Presentation
Louisville Trees
with Katy Schneider,
co-chair of the Louisville Metro Tree Advisory Commission
Louisville Trees
The Louisville Metro Tree Advisory Commission is entering its second year since Mayor Greg Fischer created it in 2012. The commission was formed by executive order to develop policies to better care for existing trees and plant new ones. A recent study suggested Louisville trails other Southern cities for tree cover - with less than a third of Louisville Metro shaded.

On April 5, 2013, the commission issued its first annual report suggesting Fischer has not adequately acknowledged the tree commission and has failed to act on the recommendations the commission made last summer on protecting and growing the city's tree canopy.

Last week, Mayor Fischer rejected a tree protection ordinance - at least for now. In a letter written April 23, the mayor told the commission that it would be "premature to pursue" an ordinance "until we have an adequate inventory of our trees." The mayor's economic development director, Ted Smith, attended a tree commission meeting on the 23rd and said the mayor also doesn't yet support a "no-net-loss" trees policy that the commission also requested.

Shorter Presentations
Fair and Affordable Housing
Cathy Hinko, Executive Director, Metropolitan Housing Coalition
Shine, a Wellness Studio
Maria Whitley, Owner/Director

Now in its fifth year the purposes of the Louisville Sustainability Forum are:

1.  We hold and promote the intention of sustainability for Louisville.

2.  We establish and nourish relationships that strengthen community and create change.

3. We create a space for discussion that inspires, motivates and deepens our ability to catalyze social change.


Food & drink:

Heine Bros. provides us with Heine Bros. coffee.  Feel free to bring a bag lunch. If you'd like to prepare extra food or drink to share with others, that is always welcome!


Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00 pm 
Book Signing with Sam Avery

pipeline Sam
The Pipeline and the Paradigm 
Carmichaels Bookstore 
2720 Frankfort Avenue

On Tuesday, May 7th at 7 PM, longtime social activist and author Samuel Avery will discuss his new book The Pipeline and the Paradigm, in which he investigates the economic, ecological, political, and psychological issues behind the Keystone XL -- a project so controversial it has inspired the largest expression of civil disobedience since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.

Publishers Weekly said, "Environmental activist Avery travels the route of TransCanada's controversial Keystone XL pipeline, engaging in frank and respectful dialogue with proponents and opponents. His finely researched book blazes with hope."


Please join us. 
RSVP on Facebook!


Courting the mystery edit
May 8 - 12, 2013

Courting the Mystery
of Our Invisible Soul

Oldham County, Kentucky

with Annie Bloom
& Doug Van Houten

Two spots open as of May 1.
Get all the details here.


KIPL 2013 Dinner
Thursday, May 9, 6:30 pm
Annual KIPL Awards Dinner
featuring author Michael Dowd on
"Beyond Sustainability: A Realistically Inspiring Vision"
with musical guests kRi n hettie
at St Paul United Methodist Church, Louisville

Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light's annual awards dinner honors the real work towards sustainability taking place within Kentucky's faith communities as part of a fun and entertaining evening featuring local healthy foods, uplifting homegrown music all topped off by a lively and inspired featured presentation.

This year's presenter examines how a mainstream scientific understanding of the universe might inspire hope. Drawing on his book, Thank God for Evolution (which has been endorsed by 6 Nobel Prize-winning scientists), Michael Dowd explores trends through which greater complexity, cooperation, and interdependence have emerged over time - even in the face of enormous chaos and breakdowns. Then, looking to the future, Dowd explores how this 'deep-time' perspective offers hope and guidance for our moving forward.

Reservations are required and  can be made online.


Saturday, May 11 9 am - 12:30 pm
One Stop Drop
FREE Responsible Recycling Event
Mellwood Arts Center -  1860 Mellwood Avenue
recycle flier May 2013

Would you like to de-clutter your home in a responsible way?
All items will be reused or repurposed! 

Don't send your items to the curb, be responsible and recycle them at our next One Stop Drop - Responsible Recycling event!  The One Stop Drop has been organized around the slogan "Let's make recycling & re-purposing EASY"!
Join us at the Mellwood Arts Center to cleanse your home of clutter, things you don't use anymore, old electronics, building materials that you have replaced like a kitchen faucet or pedestal sink, old documents that need to be shred, the suit you don't fit anymore, shoes that aren't worn anymore & more!

Mothers Day
Sunday, May 12, 11 am
Special Mother's Day Service
with Mark Steiner
kRi 'n' hettie
Clifton Universalist Unitarian Church
2231 Payne Street
Clifton Universalist Unitarian Church is a progressive religious community with a diverse membership that welcomes folks of all backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles.  Ours is not a dogmatic, but a pragmatic faith. We may not share the same ideas, but we do share a common way of relating to others and our world that includes justice, compassion, kindness, and respect. It is in this spirit of openheartedness and openmindedness that we eagerly open our doors to you.

Clifton Universalist Unitarian Church
2231 Payne Street, Louisville, KY 40206

Fruit Banner

Compassion Conference
Thursday May 16 - Saturday May 18
International Summit Conference on
Compassionate Organizations
Spalding University

I would like invite you to join me for the 2013 International Summit Conference on Compassionate Organizations (16 - 18 May 2013).

The Summit will be held in at Spalding University in affiliation with "Engaging Compassion," the visit to Louisville by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It kicks off a year-long process of exploring how we can foster cultures of compassion in government, business, schools, faith groups, colleges and universities, healthcare systems, the arts, service agencies, and other organizations.

The Summit is a "working" conference: I will be helping to facilitate an Open Space approach to bring people together to explore how we can cultivate cultures of compassion in government, business, schools, faith groups, colleges and universities, healthcare systems, the arts, service agencies, and other organizations. The work that you do is integral to this effort.

If you do decide to attend the conference, I encourage you to consider convening an open space session that explores the challenges, the possibilities, and action points that can help move things forward in your area of interest. Please consider making a Pre-Posted Open Space Proposal. We can then let folks know in advance about your proposed session.

Please visit the 2013 International Summit Conference on Compassionate Organizations website for more information and to register.

Thank you.
Howard Mason
New Possibilities Associates
 newposs logo

Friday, May 17 4-pm - 10 pm
Louisville Love Mountains Festival
Longest Avenue at Bardstown Road

Louisville Loves mountains
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the Fifth Annual Louisville Loves Mountains Festival on Friday, May 17th from  4-10 p.m. on Longest Ave at Bardstown Road.

What is Louisville Loves Mountains: Heine Brother's Coffee, Carmichael's Bookstore, and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth's annual Louisville Loves Mountains Festival draws more than 1,000 Kentuckians each year. Concerned citizens of all ages and walks of life come together to call learn about the destruction created by mountain-top removal coal mining in Kentucky and the need to begin a just transition to a more diverse, sustainable, and thriving economy in the mountains.

The festival is outdoors on Longest Ave in the Highlands and has educational booths, food, music, and lots of fun!

Music Line-up
5-5:30 PM Troubadours of Divine Bliss
5:30 -6PM Potluck Ramblers
6- 6:30 PM Hog Operation
6:30-7:15 River City Drum Corps (Pipe Drummers)
7:15 PM- 7:45PM Beady
7:45 PM -8:30 PM Slow Charleston
8:30 -10 PM: Dance Party with Hay DJ

Sunday, May 19  1:30pm until 4:30pm
Respecting, Protecting and Improving Our Neighborhoods:
What Communities Working Together Can Do
Louisville Free Public Library Fourth and York Streets

This is part of Neighborhood Planning & Preservation, Inc's (NPP) Vision Louisville: Rightsizing from the Grassroots UP! initiative-- that began last year.

In Year 2, we begin by hearing from South, East and West Louisville neighborhoods--What are the challenges? Victories? Concerns? This meeting will broaden our knowledge about other neighborhoods.

It will also provide basic tools to strengthen neighborhood voices in decision-making that effects our communities. Working together we can make a difference. Come find out how.

Includes very Informal sessions with breaks.

Connect with this event on Facebook

Monday, May 20, 8 p.m.
Drepung Gomang Institute Presents:
Tibetan Freedom Concert
Featuring Ben Sollee & Friends
with Nawang Khechog
Brown Theatre on Broadway

Tibetan Freedom

The Tibetan Freedom Concert coincides with and celebrates His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Louisville. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the Drepung Gomang Institute, Louisville's Tibetan Buddhist Center and host organization of "Engaging Compassion" and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Kentuckian Ben Sollee is a cellist, singer-songwriter, and composer known for his innovative playing style, electrifying performances, and social and environmental activism.

Nawang Khechog is a Grammy-nominated musician who specializes in music for meditation and healing.

Friends includes Peace Education Program's Be the Change Choir led by the marvelous Cynthia Fletcher.

Tickets online here.

Ben Sollee
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM
Greater Louisville Sierra Club
The Pipeline and the Paradigm:
Keystone XL, Tar Sands, and the Battle to Defuse the Carbon Bomb
with author Samuel Avery
Clifton Center 2117 Payne St

Please join us for a very special program and book signing on Tuesday, May 21 at the Clifton Center. The Sierra Club, in conjunction with Cultivating Connections, is hosting a talk and book signing by Samuel Avery, author of The Pipeline and the Paradigm: Keystone XL, Tar Sands, and the Battle to Defuse the Carbon Bomb, foreword by Bill McKibben.

This book introduces the people and explores the competing interests that power this critical environmental issue, one that has inspired the largest expression of civil disobedience since the Civil Rights movement. In its review of The Pipeline and the Paradigm, Publishers Weekly wrote:
"His finely researched book blazes with hope".
There will be a book sale and autographing following Sam's presentation.

Samuel Avery was raised near New York City and educated at Oberlin College and the University of Kentucky.  He has written a series of books on the relationship of physics and consciousness, including The Dimensional Structure of Consciousness, Transcendence of the Western Mind, and Buddha and the Quantum.  He is passionate about peace and environmental issues, having written The Globalist Papers and The Pipeline and the Paradigm.
Samuel lives with his wife on a small wooded farm on the banks of the Nolin River in central Kentucky.  He spends his time gardening, building, writing, and operating a small solar installation company. He has practiced meditation daily throughout his adult life. "On the farm," he says, "we have to find reliable sources of water, food, warmth, and energy.  We see where our lives come from."

The Greater Louisville Sierra Club meeting is at the Clifton Center 2117 Payne Street ( and will begin at 7:00 p.m.

This programs is free and open to the public.

    Puppets Banner revised
May 22, 7:00 pm
Opening Talk and Welcoming Reception
Tuesday, May 21
location to be announced

May  24 - 26
Weekend Experiential Workshop
Friday, May 24 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Saturday, May 25  11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday May 26 1:00 - 6:00 pm

The Artistry of Street Puppets, 
Public Theater and 21st Century Activism
with Mary Plaster

Street Puppets have played an important role in the world of activism and social expression for hundreds of years. Amazingly their symbology and potency remain rich in the digital age making them a powerful form of expression to this day.

These larger-than-life sized icons and symbols can speak to both the weight of the issues and the breadth of the people's power.  Utilized well they have the ability to enliven and focus a performance, gathering or action.

This May Cultivating Connections is excited to be hosting an artist-in-residence visit with Minnesota artist Mary Plaster.  Mary's eye-catching puppets and icons have appeared at a wide variety of events across the country, including the Festival of Faiths here in Louisville.

Get all the details on our website

Puppets March


March Monsanto
Saturday, May 25, 2 pm
March Against Monsanto
The Fight for Our Food

Bardstown Road Starting at Phoenix Hill

On May 25, activists around the world will 
unite to March Against Monsanto.

Why do we march?

*Research studies have shown that Monsanto's genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects.
*In the United States, the FDA, the agency tasked with ensuring food safety for the population, is steered by ex-Monsanto executives, and we feel that's a questionable conflict of interests and explains the lack of government-lead research on the long-term effects of GMO products.
*Recently, the U.S. Congress and president collectively passed the nicknamed "Monsanto Protection Act" that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto's genetically-modified seeds.
*For too long, Monsanto has been the benefactor of corporate subsidies and political favoritism. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while Monsanto continues to forge its monopoly over the world's food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.
*Monsanto's GMO seeds are harmful to the environment; for example, scientists have indicated they have caused colony collapse among the world's bee population.

What are solutions we advocate?
*Voting with your dollar by buying organic and boycotting Monsanto-owned companies that use GMOs in their products.
*Labeling of GMOs so that consumers can make those informed decisions easier.
*Repealing relevant provisions of the US's "Monsanto Protection Act."
*Calling for further scientific research on the health effects of GMOs.
*Holding Monsanto executives and Monsanto-supporting politicians accountable through direct communication, grassroots journalism, social media, etc.
*Continuing to inform the public about Monsanto's secrets.
*Taking to the streets to show the world and Monsanto that we won't take these injustices quietly.

Find this event on Facebook
Tom Neilson

House Concert
Music for Social Change
American folk singer-songwriter Tom Neilson
Wednesday, May 29, 7:30 pm
2975 Lexington Road, Louisville

Come hear social protest folk singer, Tom Neilson, in the tradition of Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, and Bob Dylan.  Mr. Neilson began his activism in the 1960's, and has never let up.  He has had an amazing career travelling all over the world to help victims of injustice and through his songs is using this experience to shine a bright light on social and planetary injustice. Visit his website.

Winner - Kerrville Folk Festival Winner - South Florida Folk Festival-
IMA People's Choice Song of Year

This is very good music and very good politics.
 Tom Paxton
One of the most savvy songwriters I know.
World Soul Records
Politically cutting-edge, incisive, warm, & very funny; raucous political satire & quick wit; had everyone laughing & engaged.
Cathy Gilbert, Miami Dade Greens
Space is limited, so if you plan to attend, please RSVP Drew Foley, [email protected], 502-644-0649.

Requested donation $15

Sponsored by Greater Louisville Sierra Club and 350 Louisville

Summer Save-the-Dates

PEASC Kids 2
Summer Camps for Kids
Camp Nature Odyssey: Adventures in Earth & Spirit
Week One: June 17-21
Week Two: June 24-28
Passionist Earth and Spirit Center
  PEASC green Kids
Summer kids camps are designed to engage a sense of awe and wonder in children entering grades 1-6. Children learn about growing food in our garden, harvesting, cooking, meeting farm animals and discovering a sense of their place in our world. We have 19 acres to share this experience with them.

For More Information and Registration contact the
Passionist Earth & Spirit Center
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 502.452.2749 1924 Newburg Road
Download Brochure
UUA Witness Banner 2
Save-the-Date June 20 - Injustices of the Coal Cycle March and Rally

Community Projects, Resources and More

"Herman the Strider Bug" --A Water Catchment System Update

Herman has a new schedule! The public will be invited to come and help with assembly of found materials on Herman's exoskeleton on Saturday June 1 and Sunday June 2. We have a temporary studio for this process at 203 Pope St. (Clovene Studio across from the Silver Dollar).

We begin the installation process on Saturday June 8 starting at the Clovene Studio and then moving the work over to the Billy Goat Hill Garden, 2004 Payne St. The final day of installation will be Sunday June 29 at the garden location.
Please mark you calendars so you can plan on coming to help and have a great time in the process.

Stay in the Herman loop at the Art ReSourced website



The Louisville Timebank is a local chapter of TimeBanks USA whose mission is to nurture and expand a movement that promotes equality and builds caring community economies through inclusive exchange of time and talent.

Everyone has talents to share, and the overall community is strengthened when neighbors help one another. For every hour that you help meet the needs of another  Louisville TimeBank member, you earn a time dollar for the exchange. This time dollar can then be redeemed for services from others, and the cycle of  reciprocity continues!

The TimeBank as of February 2013 has 180 members and has a wide range of talents.
The folks at Louisville Timebank can't wait to meet you and
help you to start exchanging time!

Visit their website for more information and/or a membership application!


All you need is 60 seconds.
That's all it takes to learn the truth behind the high
gas prices we pay at the pump.

The truth is simple, but you're not going to like it.
Take just one minute of your time to watch our video,
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Paradigm Sky
This information brought to you by
Cultivating Connections
[email protected]

Louisville, Kentucky

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