Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT, LMSW
Painting Inside Out  |  Family Constellations  |  One-on-One  |  About Eve-Marie  |  Schedule
Through the simple medium of Tempera paint, we learn to express our true nature and to explore our potential.
Give yourself that! Experience the joy of rediscovering yourself and the freedom this can bring to your life.
Family Constellation 
There are times in our lives when we must look beyond our selves to the places and people we come from - to where the exclusion began - in order to resolve and heal our creative blocks and our lives. 
Constellations offer the opportunity to experience and heal the relational entanglements that may be in the way of our true potential. 

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...when you have left the tried and true, but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else. ....when you are between your old comfort zone and any possible new answer.

Richard Rohr


Food for thought
Autumn brings up this feeling inside of me, what R. Bohr refers to as liminal space, deriving from the Latin word: liminus, meaning threshold. It does feel like a threshold space - between the warmth of summer and the impending cold of winter. As I clear out my closet of summer clothes, I am making room. I am preparing, getting ready, for what is to come. I may have an idea of how it will be: it will be cold, it will snow etc., yet I don't know what this winter will be like.
As we enjoy the last warm rays of sun and the leaves on the trees, can we not know? Can we rest in this in-between space, this space between something coming to an end and something new emerging? Can this time be one of taking stock and reflecting on the months to come?

I invite you to become aware of this space and ask yourself: what is it I wish to retrieve or bring home to myself during this time?

What old can you put to rest for the new to appear?

Can you make room to rest in the listening?

I invite you to experience this space in Painting from the inside Out.


Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT & LMSW



Please join me for . . .



2 more before the New Year! 
Nov. 15
Dec. 13
10 - 4pm


Wednesdays, 9:30 - 12 noon
Beginning Jan. 7, 2015

Registration open NOW! 

4 weeks: Jan. 7 - 28: $250
8 weeks: Jan. 7 - Feb. 25: $425

Sat. Dec. 6 or 14 (to be determined) at 1:30 - 4pm
Cost: $70 (couple $100)


Please call Eve-Marie at 914.844.6213 to reserve your space or for more information.


See Painting Inside Out and Family Constellation Workshops

Private Sessions also available by appointment.

Final thought: Painting Inside Out  allows me to rest in myself thus building my capacity to hold all of who I am.