Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT, LMSW
Painting Inside Out  |  Family Constellations  |  One-on-One  |  About Eve-Marie  |  Schedule
Through the simple medium of Tempera paint, we learn to express our true nature and to explore our potential.
Give yourself that! Experience the joy of rediscovering yourself and the freedom this can bring to your life.
Family Constellation 
There are times in our lives when we must look beyond our selves to the places and people we come from - to where the exclusion began - in order to resolve and heal our creative blocks and our lives. 
Constellations offer the opportunity to experience and heal the relational entanglements that may be in the way of our true potential. 

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"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anais Nin


Painting from the Inside Out

The painting process is a template of our life. What happens between the paper and us is a representation of our relationship with our self. How intimate can we be with our self? How honest can we be? When do we use our mind /thinking to fill in the space between our truth and ourselves at the moment? It happens so subtly, without our knowing - based on our conditioning. We interpret every sensation, feeling and image. The painting reveals tightness. We feel stuck and wonder why we are here. We feel tired and believe we need to lie down. We are hungry and need to eat or we believe we are finished and need to start anew. We have lost connection to ourselves; to what is calling to be expressed.

But we have a choice.

THIS PROCESS DOES NOT ALLOW US TO REST HERE FOR TOO LONG. We can quit and say: this is not for me. We can seek to control the situation and thus effort at painting a product, or we can learn to tolerate the discomfort that arises as we bump up against ourselves. We then build a capacity to hold more of ourselves, which brings new possibilities:

Tired and low energy are some of the symptoms experienced from the inner tension between what your creativity needs and what you think you want (habit). This inner tension needs to be felt and given permission to express: (scribble paintings can activate and bring those buried emotions to the surface-) to then see your painting with new eyes.

Another way we want to avoid our discomfort is to say we are finished, hoping the next painting will enliven us again. Instead, can we ask: where have we become fixed? How can we become more fluid and loose?

This painting process confronts us with our self-limiting habits that leave us disconnected and separate from our true nature.

It reminds us who we are, inviting us to open the bud and blossom.


Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT & LMSW

"Thanks for a creative Saturday of painting from the inside out. Your comments truly facilitate inward reflection and ownership of one's s own journey." - Sue Z.
Please join me for . . .




Sept. 20, 2014

Oct. 11, 2014
Cost: $90. Sign up for both: $150
Materials included.

6-week series beg. Sept. 10.
9:30- 12noon
Cost: $350. Sign up by 9/3: $300
Materials included


Afternoon: Sept. 27. 1-4:30pm
Cost $70- (couple $100)

2-day workshop: Healing Relationships
Nov. 8-9, 2014, in Philadelphia
Cost $175 by 10/24; then $200
Contact Caren: cborowsky@comcast.net

Please call Eve-Marie at 914.844.6213 to reserve your space or for more information.

Private Sessions also available by appointment.

Final thought: Free expression gives space for the new to emerge.

If you resonate but are not sure if you want to to join a class or workshop, private sessions also offer a way to connect with yourself. Free consultation available.