Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT, LMSW
Painting Inside Out  |  Family Constellations  |  One-on-One  |  About Eve-Marie  |  Schedule
Through the simple medium of Tempera paint, we learn to express our true nature and to explore our potential.
Give yourself that! Experience the joy of rediscovering yourself and the freedom this can bring to your life.
Family Constellation 
There are times in our lives when we must look beyond our selves to the places and people we come from - to where the exclusion began - in order to resolve and heal our creative blocks and our lives. 
Constellations offer the opportunity to experience and heal the relational entanglements that may be in the way of our true potential. 

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"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor ... "

Dear Friend, 

Can we allow ourselves to be touched Class painting by a momentary awareness, a new arrival that may be a feeling of joy, a depression or a meanness? 
Or would we rather push it away not wanting to feel any intensity or discomfort? Or perhaps we would rather hold on to the feeling as to a long past memory. 
What does it mean to be touched, if we would neither push away nor hold on? 
The painting process can help with this: while we hold a paintbrush and allow it to make a mark on the paper - over and over again- without a preconceived idea of how the painting has to look; we open to movement. From this place there is no need to react by pushing away or holding on, but from here we can allow ourselves to be touched and respond as creative movement continues. 
We learn to trust the self as we allow more and more of ourselves to open. 
Please come to a class below and start your next great adventure. 


Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT & LMSW   


Please join me for . . .


Classes Resume! 
Wednesdays: 12-3pm beginning Sept. 18
As you know, this is a painting process which calls forth a different relationship with your self: one of intention and commitment. I am offering these scheduled options to help you take the step needed: 
4 weeks: $200*/$220 
8 weeks: $ 335*/$360
12 week: $475*/$550
*when paid in full by 8/31

Come take the risk to express all of you in a safe space! 

The last Painting Inside Out weekend was overbooked so mark your calendar for the next one offered Sept. 28-29!  
Early registration by Sept. 3: $175-, then $190 

* One scholarship available at a reduced fee for clean up both days.  


September 22:  1-4:30 
Early registration by Sept. 10: $70, then $85 


Please call Eve-Marie at 914.844.6213 to reserve your space or for more information.


See Painting Inside Out and Family Constellation Workshops

Private Sessions also available by appointment.
Final thought:
By neither holding on nor pushing away we allow the creative current to take care of us.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!