Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT, LMSW
Painting Inside Out  |  Family Constellations  |  One-on-One  |  About Eve-Marie  |  Schedule
Through the simple medium of Tempera paint, we learn to express our true nature and to explore our potential.
Give yourself that! Experience the joy of rediscovering yourself and the freedom this can bring to your life.
Family Constellation 
There are times in our lives when we must look beyond our selves to the places and people we come from - to where the exclusion began - in order to resolve and heal our creative blocks and our lives. 
Constellations offer the opportunity to experience and heal the relational entanglements that may be in the way of our true potential. 

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"Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!

~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn""  


 Permission - Pleasure - Play!
Dear Friend,  
Out of the Dark, Into the Light
Out of the Dark, Into the Light
As we enter spring, we come out of winter hiding and shed our clothes.  We want to open our windows and let the fresh air in.  It is a time of new intentions; a time to bring fresh air into our lives and let go of what does not serve us anymore. How can we move forward- following our inner current.

Can you allow your inner impulse to manifest?

You may feel you cannot do this: what would happen if..?  It is often easier to remain in the status quo of :"I wish /I can't". ,

What if you had permission to feel pleasure? What if you did not have to deny yourself in order to have something you want? What if you could have what you want, naturally. As you experience pleasure in play and self -expression, your previous idea of "wish/can't" dissolves in the space of your self-expression. The extra weight of your being sheds naturally- without effort- as you become more whole and truly yourself.    



Eve-Marie Elkin, LCAT & LMSW



Please join me for . . .



6- week series
Wed. May 1- June 5.
Reg. by 4/17: $270; then $285

New WORKSHOPS - Painting Inside Out
Saturday, April 27, 10-4pm: $75 by 4/13; the $90
(for those coming to the workshop and wanting to continue with the series, there is a $50- discount for the series)

Sunday, May 5, 10-4pm: $75 by 4/22; then $90 

Saturday, June 8, 10-4pm: $75 by 5/28; then $90

WORKSHOPS - Family Constellation
Sunday, April 28 in NYC, organized by City Kinder.
Contact Gabi Hegan

Saturday, June 22 (correction NOT June 2) in Westchester 1-4:30pm
Cost: $70 ($100 for couple) by 6/8; then $85 ($125 for couple)

Please call Eve-Marie at 914.844.6213 to reserve your space or for more information.


See Painting Inside Out and Family Constellation Workshops

Private Sessions also available by appointment.

Final thought: "Spring is when life's alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti