Greetings! With the seemingly endless polar vortex finally behind us it's time to SPRING into action with classes at IYD. Our Spring Session begins April 7th-June14th.*
IYD Members - $135 (10 wks) 2nd class per wk $90 Non-Members - $165 (10 wks) 2nd class per wk $132
We've added a new level1 beginner's class to the schedule on Saturday mornings at 8am. Check out our
SCHEDULE OF CLASSES!* Your final chance to make up classes from the Winter Session is now thru April 4th.
GARUDASANA (Garuda = eagle) Eagle Pose
From Tadasana, bend the right knee and lift the left leg and place it over the right thigh. Move the left foot behind the right calf. Hook the left big toe just above the inner side of the right ankle. The left leg is now entwined around the right leg.
Bend the elbows with the fingertips facing the ceiling. Place the right elbow inside the left elbow bend. Move the right hand to the right and the left hand to the left and join the palms. The left arm is now entwined around the right arm. Stay for 15-20 seconds. Do asana on opposite side. Repeat asana on both side 1-2 times.
This asana develops the ankles and removes stiffness in the shoulders. It is recommended for preventing cramps in the calf muscles.
Burn Up Old Karma: 1st and 2nd Chakras
Saturday, April 26th 1-4pm, w/ Peggy Hong
What's all that "old stuff" holding you back? It could be fetal, ancestral, collective, sexual, or infancy/early childhood energetic baggage. Issues of support, trust and survival arise here in the 1st and 2nd chakras of the lower body. Are you ready for a deep spring cleaning? Working through the intelligence of the body while ensuring physical and emotional safety, we will focus on standing poses and hip openers to burn up that old, old karma. For students with at least 3 months of Iyengar Yoga study.
IYD Members Community Gift Suggested Fee: $15-$50 Non-members: $50 REGISTER NOW
Introducing IYD's New Teacher, Erin Shawgo
Erin Shawgo has been studying yoga for 10 years and Iyengar Yoga for 3 years. She began teaching Iyengar Yoga in Milwaukee in June of 2013 and recently made the move to Detroit to continue her yoga studies and work towards IYNAUS certification (Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States) with her mentor, Peggy Hong. She believes in the power of yoga to heal and connect individuals and communities and is excited to share the gift of yoga with the Detroit community. She is living in HAMTRAMCK and outside of yoga practice, loves handcrafting, gardening, cooking, baking, and singing. Beginners and continuing beginners are welcome to her new Saturday morning class beginning in April. Please give her a warm DETROIT welcome!
There are MANY ways for you to support your Iyengar Yoga community. Make a donation to YOUR local Iyengar Yoga Center. Your tax deductible gift will help sustain our efforts to bring the transformative power of Iyengar Yoga to our community. Help us by informing the community about the benefits of Iyengar Yoga. Share your story and help enable us to collaborate with schools and other organizations in the area.
Donate $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000, or more. Click the donate button and enter the amount you'd like to give.
Volunteer to help. Do you or anyone you know have media connections? Encourage them to do a story on IYD. Help us create a crowd funding video. Encourage your close friends to join a yoga class with you. Find out how you can help.
At IYD we offer a selection of "community gift"/pay-what-you-can classes each week, marked with "*" on
the schedule. While there is no set fee, your generous gift, whether $2 or $20, will keep the class running and allow others to experience the same benefits you receive. The lessons of Iyengar Yoga, so generously offered by the Iyengar family and the teachers they have trained, are priceless. Let us appreciate this sacred art by giving what we can from the heart. Keep the gift circulating!
| = A regional Center for Iyengar Yoga Studies. Vibrant, dynamic Iyengar Yoga classes for all levels and abilities.
Iyengar Yoga Detroit
Yoga is a light which, once lit, will never dim. The better you practice the brighter the flame.
-B.K.S. Iyengar
At IYD we provide dynamic instruction from highly trained, dedicated teachers. Our teachers have over 25 years of combined Iyengar Yoga experience between them and they uphold to the standards of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS)
Noteworthy Community Projects
Join us at the next H SOUP Potluck dinner and you could help fund an Iyengar Yoga Detroit Community Project EIGHT & SAND 3901 Christopher Hamtramck, MI Sunday, April 13 4:30-7:00 pm HERE'S HOW IT WORKS!IN THE NEWS
We are interested in learning about your community development and would love to feature your project. We look for projects that fit our mission of community uplifting and giving for the betterment of society. To submit your project for consideration contact us at
On SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH IyengarYogaDetroit in conjunction with AASY Action is sponsoring a Yoga Bus Tour. Our journey will take us to Ann Arbor School of Yoga to experience the teaching of Advance Level Teacher Laurie Blakeney.
STAY TUNED for more developments in the coming weeks.
Be among the first to receive information about this exciting event by emailing
Scholarships for this event will be given on a need base.
Half-Day Workshop w/Laurie Blakeney
Sunday, April 27th, 1-5:30pm
Royal Oak Senior Community Center, 3500 Marais Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48073 FOR MORE INFO CONTACT:
Guerilla Food -
Food As Medicine
F.A.MSOUP! Vegetarian Soup is available at IYD! $10/quart*
Use food to heal and nourish yourself! All soups are made fresh using, local, seasonal and organic ingredients.
Meiko Krishok is the owner of Guerrilla Food. Her interest in food as medicine is the result of many years of vegetarian and vegan cooking, as well as her ongoing commitment to health and the body's innate ability to heal itself. Guerrilla Food valorizes traditional foodways-lactofermentation in particular- and pops up weekly in the warmer months out of the Pink FlaminGO! Mobile Restaurant. Emphasis is on local, seasonal food that bridges cultures and exhilarates the tastebuds. Follow Guerrilla Food on twitter @meikok or on Facebook