February 5, 2015

Last Minute Lenten Resources 

Ash Wednesday is less than two weeks away! Do you have all of the Lenten resources you need? If not, check out these offerings from Lower Susquehanna Synod colleagues, from colleagues across the church, and from ecumenical partners. (Click the headings for weblinks and/or PDF documents.)


10 Commandments in Lent: Confession and Forgiveness 

Pastor Jonathan Jenkins (St. Michael & Zion, Klingerstown)uses this Order for Confession in Forgiveness in Lent.


Walking Simply with God: A Lent Hunger Calendar

Pastor Caitlin Glass (St. Stephen, New Kingstown) created this simple devotional calendar for use during Lent. It's a natural fit for our synod, where the hungry are fed as we are fed by Christ!


Social Media Lenten Photo Calendars

A Witness Through These 40 Days

This Photo-a-Day Challenge Calendar was put together by several ELCA synods with coordination by Pastor Joe McGarry. Please share freely and encourage people to use the hashtag #Lent2015 and to like the Facebook page facebook.com/lentphotoaday.


#reLENT 2015: A Digital Discipline

This Photo-a-Day Lenten Calendar from Delaware-Maryland Synod's The Slate Project offers a photo opportunity, a daily selection from scripture, and suggestions for readings and activities. Thanks to Pastor Jason Chestnut for this offering!


Other Online Resources

There in God's Garden is a free downloadable PDF devotional booklet from Luther Seminary. Click here to access it.


Bread for the World offers Lenten Prayers for Hungry People: Table Tents on their website. You'll find scripture readings, prayers, and a call to action. Either download and print your own (click here) or order free printed copies. 

"Getting the Most Out of Lent" with Rev. Dr. Mark Oldenburg is a short video from Gettysburg Lutheran Theological Seminary to share in your congregation. Click here to watch or link.

"About Ash Wednesday" with Rev. Eric Shafer is a short video produced for the Odyssey Network and filmed at the Garden of Gethsemene. Click here to watch or link. Be sure to check out "About Lent," another video in the same series. Click here to watch or link.



Hope in Haiti: From Summer Mission to Vital Ministry

Photo: Kelly Moore

Hope In Haiti began in 2007 as an expansion of the summer mission trips to Ouanaminthe, Haiti that started when Jillian Rockey and Carol Forbes first traveled to Institution Univers in 2005.  Interest in this organization has continued to grow in the western half of our synod over these many years. Its mission is to support a Christian education program in Ouanaminthe, Haiti, a community of 130,000 residents bordering the Dominican Republic.  The program includes a private school (Institution Univers) consisting of 13 grades, and 2,100 students, a health center, a technological center for continued education after high school, and a bakery. Hope in Haiti sends a mission team each summer to the school to help run a summer camp, it celebrates its broad membership with an August picnic at Kentland Retreat Center, and it raises money for all aspects of its programs through various area fundraisers. It also raises money for the 403 B charitable home organization of the school.


Pascal Florival is majoring in engineering at HACC Harrisburg
From our synod, there are member travelers from approximately 10-15 Lutheran churches.  Ascension Lutheran Church from Willow Street was the first church to sponsor a student from Institution Univers to matriculate from Millersville University in 2014. There are currently 5 students being sponsored in our synod, all graduates of Institution Univers, attending HACC or other area colleges: Pascal Florival through Trinity Lutheran, Chambersburg, Erwens  Fleurant through a private donor, Angrand Karl-Doudy and Elie Jean-Berno through Ascension Lutheran, Willow Street, and Audate Starson through a private donor. 


This expanding Haitian presence, and young in spirit mission minded lovers of God and people, welcomes any other members of our synod interested in any aspects of this mission. Contact: Sarah (Person) Williams at sperson24@gmail.com.  

TREE 4 HOPE Offers Summer Mission Opportunities to Guatemala

This summer, Tree 4 Hope is offering three volunteer trips to Guatemala, each with its own unique focus. We would be thrilled for you to join us in service and community. Below are links to full details about registration and itinerary. 

Have a wonderful winter and spring. We'll see you down there!

Team Join HANDS: June 27-July 5

For the first time ever, Tree 4 Hope is Team Join HANDS: June 27 - July 5 partnering with another service organization, our synod's own LutheranHANDS!

Team Traverse: July 11 - 20

This is our first ever running-themed service trip!

Team Rejuvenate:July 30 (or August 1) - August 9


February ELCA Global Links is now available! 

Click here for a PDF version of these wonderful stories from our global partners.


Interested in Global Missions?

Thanks to Global Mission Committee member Dr. Jim Drukenbrod for this week's article about Hope in Haiti! Do you have an idea from your congregation that you'd like to highlight? Want to serve on this committee? Interested in sponsoring a missionary? E-mail Sharron Blezard, Committee Chairperson Pastor Bob Hoover, or contact any Global Missions Committee member. 

Rostered Leaders: Save the Date!


April 12-13, 2015 - Rostered Leaders Retreat: Centered in Christ

This is a post-Easter getaway for where we can all relax, refresh and renew. This year we will hold it in the newly expanded (and really nice!) ShreiberHause at Camp Kirchenwald. Synod Resource Director Marsha Roscoe will guide us in the retreat theme, "Centered in Christ - Spiritual Journeying." The retreat explores various spiritual disciplines to strengthen Christ-consciousness  (themes such as Mindfulness, Awareness & Gratitude).

Cost: $65, includes lodging, breakfast, lunch and materials.

What time: Arrive after 5 p.m. Sunday, April 12, leave after 3 p.m. Monday, April 13

Where: SchreiberHaus, Camp Kirchenwald, 1 Cut Off Road, Lebanon, PA 17042

Leadership Link of the Week

Our synod grows stronger because its dedicated leaders continue to learn new ways of approaching ministry and serving God's people. Check here each week for a link to a video, article, podcast, powerpoint presentation or other media that will help our leaders embrace new ideas and learn new insights into ministry. (Photo: Chris Carter, Creative Commons)

Four Myths about Online Giving

Despite the fact that less than 7% of transactions in the United States are conducted via cash and check, many thousands of churches continue to count on cash and check donations for 100% of their annual budget. Online giving options can help modernize a church's revenue stream, but many congregations are hesitant. This article from ChurchMag explores - and explodes - four myths. There are also some helpful links to get your congregation going.


Upcoming Brown Bag Leadership Lunch: 

February 12 - Website Ministry Basics with Sharron and Marsha

Want to know more about how your congregation's website can be used for ministry and mission? Need to know how to get started in digital ministry or how to update and enhance what you already have? Trying to decipher platforms and hosts? Join Deacon Marsha Roscoe and Pastor Sharron Blezard to learn and share tips and techniques. If you are interested in having your website evaluated for this event, please contact Pastor Sharron Blezard (717-652-1852, ext. 102). We gather at 10 a.m., work for a couple hours and then eat at about noon as we finish up our discussion. All congregational leaders are welcome. Registration is not required but it would be great if you could let Cathy Deitrich of the synod office (cdeitrich@lss-elca.org) know if you're attending so we can make sure to have enough materials. 


(To get to the lunchroom from the lobby of the Synod Office's main entrance, follow the corridor that goes off to the left. Just before the end, take the stairway at the left. On the ground floor, the lunchroom will be on your left.)

You're Invited
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Installation of the Rev. Edwina Landrry
Christ Lutheran Church, 66 South Main St., Manchester
3:00 p.m.
Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is green. A reception in the fellowship hall will follow worship.

Sunday, February 15, 2015
Installation of the Rev. Kirk Kerns
Christ Lutheran Church, 1214 Crosby St., Linglestown
3:00 p.m.
Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is white. A reception will follow worship. 

Prayers and Updates 
Our synod prayer list is updated frequently and posted on the website. To be redirected to the complete prayer list click here.

...We pray for the family of Anna Paull, wife of Pastor Ben Paull (St. Paul, "The Pines," Lutheran Church), who died January 31, 2015. Services were held Thursday, February 5, 2015, at Christ Lutheran Church, Manchester. Click here to be redirected to the obituary.

...We pray for our senior seminarians as they prepare for the assignment process and look forward to their first call.

Have a prayer request to share with others in our synod? Please contact Pr. Sharron Blezard at sblezard@lss-elca.org. 

Give + Receive + Share = News to Use from our Synod Office

Click to Give: It's Easier Than Ever to Make a Difference with your Mission Support!

It's easier than ever to make a gift to support the mission of our Lower Susquehanna Synod. All you have to do is visit our website (www.lss-elca.org) and click the "Donate Now" button on the bottom right side. It will take you to our secure donation site (the same one that hosts Thrivent's Simply Giving) so that you can easily support our work together. Make a one-time gift or set up a regular giving schedule. 



A message will be posted on our Facebook Page and on our phone system voice mail if our offices are closed due to bad weather. The United Church Center Building follows the Central Dauphin School District closure policy.


HOLD THE DATE! Mark your calendars now for September 13, 2015 (first Sunday after Labor Day) and the third annual "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday. Look for more information, but start planning now how your congregation can use your hands to do God's work in your community and beyond.

Check the Synod Calendar on our website for a complete listing of meetings and gatherings. Inclement weather closings of our office are announced on the answering machine (ext. 100) and our Facebook page.

Opportunities for Education... 
Visit our synod website for specific details and registration information about each event!

to be redirected to our website for detailed information about upcoming events. 

February 21
Equipping Leaders for Transformative Change  St. Peter Lutheran Church, Mechanicsburg, PA
February 28
Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop  St. Rose of Lima Convent, York
March 1-3
34th Annual Rural Ministry Conference: Practicing Care in Rural Congregations & Communities
Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa
March 5 to March 21
Spring Basic Mediation Training Lancaster Mediation Center, Lancaster
March 11
Fresh Expressions Vision Day Mechanicsburg Brethren in Christ Church, Mechanicsburg, PA
Click here to register and for more information. Click here for a flyer.
March 21
Crucified Love: Life Rooted in the Paschal Mysteries (A Lenten Retreat) St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2695 Luther Dr., Chambersburg
March 24-26
Staying Fresh in a Long Small Church Pastorate Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA
April 13-16
Called to be Stewards: Embracing our Leadership Roles Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA
April 23
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and their Families: Understanding Depression and Anxiety Disorders Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace, Hanover, PA
April 24-26
Faith Forming Faith Weekend Immersion Training St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, 175 E. Main St., New Freedom Click here to register and for more information. Seminarian scholarships available.
Bible Study Series at The Wittel Farm (Wednesdays during Lent)
Boundary Training for Rostered Leaders & Professional Ministry Workers

ALL LEADERS should complete an approved boundary workshop every three years and are expected to attend one of these workshops or provide verification of comparable training received elsewhere.  To register, call Cathy Deitrich at 717-652-1852, ext. 104 or e-mail her at cdeitrich@lss-elca.org. There is no charge for the training. A free-will offering will be collected to defray lunch costs.

Saturday, March 14 

(Deadline to register: March 11) Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 750 Greenfield Rd., Lancaster

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 5

(Deadline to register: April 30) St. Paul Lutheran Church, 20 Franklin St., Biglerville

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.



Visit the Congregation Connections page on our synod's website to keep up with the specific details (including event times, contact information, publications, and registration information) of the many good things happening in the worshiping communities of our synod. (Click the blue hotlink at the beginning of this paragraph to be redirected.)

Please keep us posted about what's happening in your congregation and community. We are able to post photos, pdf documents and flyers, and contact information on our Congregation Connections page. E-mail event information to sblezard@lss-elca.org.

February 7

Valentine's Day Dance (Fundraiser for National Youth Gathering) St. Paul Lutheran Church, 201 W. Louther St., Carlisle

February 8

Second Chance at Life Celebration and Health Fair Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 3700 Rutherford St., Paxtang (Harrisburg)

Eaken Piano Trio in Concert First Lutheran Church, 21 S. Bedford St., Carlisle

Rejoicing Spirits Worship (a disABILITIES ministry) St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 30 W. Main St., New Kingstown

February 18

Blessed Community: Lent at St. Matthew St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 839 W. Market St., York

February 22

Popcorn Hat Players Present Bible Stories! Trinity Lutheran Church, 2000 Chestnut St., Camp Hill

March 12

Conversations with the Bishop Christ Lutheran Church, 30 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

March 22

"Seeding the Future" Dinner and Silent Auction -- A Camp Nawakwa Benefit Trinity Lutheran Church, 2000 Chestnut St., Camp Hill


To Share: 

Need hymnals, tables, or light bulbs? Check the Congregation Connections page of our Synod's website for a list of offerings by congregations who are willing to share what they no longer need. Have something to share with others? Let us know!


Employment listings are provided to synod congregations and related agencies free of charge. This service is made possible by your Mission Support of Lower Susquehanna Synod and ELCA.  Please provide a brief position description, contact information, and a link to a complete position description on your web site (if desired).  Send information to Sharron Blezard at sblezard@lss-elca.org. Positions are posted for 60 days unless extended.


Visit the Employment Opportunities page on our website for a complete list of current job openings with more details (including jobs that have been extended).

Congregation: St. Peter's Lutheran Church (Neffsville), Lancaster
Position: Director of Music, part-time (Posted 2/4/15)
Congregation: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, York
Position: Administrative Assistant/Secretary (Posted 2/4/15)
Congregation: St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Springettsbury Ave.), York
Position: Church Secretary, Full Time (Posted 1/29/15)
Congregation: Zion Lutheran Church, York
Position: Traditional Music Opening/Organist (Posted 1/22/15)
Organization: Lutheran Camping Corporation
Positions: Various Summer staff positions (Posted 1/14/15)
Congregation: First Lutheran Church, Chambersburg
Position: Parish Administrator (Posted 1/14/15)
Congregation: Zion Lutheran Church, Hummelstown
Position: Director of Youth Ministry (Posted 1/6/15)

Carings and Sharings is the e-newsletter of the Lower Susquehanna Synod. Its purpose is the sharing of news and events which raise up the mission and ministry of the synod and ELCA in our congregations, our synod, and the broader church. It is not intended to be an endorsement of every activity. Comments about this newsletter may be sent to Sharron Blezard, editor,  sblezard@lss-elca.org.

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