Carings Heading 


Thursday, April 4, 2013


Is it a Picasso?  A van Gogh?  A Monet?


You Are Invited!

Resource Center Open House

Monday, April 8

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Come to the synod Resource Center Open House and discover treasures, old and new!  We're dusting the shelves, hanging pictures and preparing tasty treats for the official dedication of our new space.  We begin the day with Morning Prayer and "ribbon cutting" as we say thank you to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and the Mission Investment Fund for their partership in ministry.  Meet the staff, log on to WiFi and connect with colleagues in this synod.  And, the person who comes up with the most creative name for our new art work wins a prize!


seminary in bloomRegister now - registration deadline is extended! 


Hunt into History

a compassionate quest to raise awareness and funds to fight malaria


April 13, 2013

Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg

spaces still available for teams of five


Join us for a day of history, fellowship and food as we "search" for clues in and around famous Gettysburg battle sites. 


Click here for more information and register by contacting Charlie Roberts at


Use It or Lose It 

What's In Your Worship Tool Box?
Helping leaders identify assets in their congregation and in the community beyond their walls
An event for
pastors, musicians, worship and evangelism committees

Pastor Ben Leese


Sponsored by Parners in Worship - Lower Susquehanna Synod


Presenter:  Pastor Ben Leese 
Saturday - April 13
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
St. Peter Lutheran Church - Middletown
Asset-based planing is an approach that helps to focus the congregation on strengths rather than perceived needs.  The method is a fun approach to planning that nurtures the gifts of all involved and avoids burnout of participants.
There is no charge for this event, but donations will be accepted to cover the cost of refreshments.  Learn more and download a print-friendly bulletin insert.


Deadline extended!
RSVP to Pam Drenner at by April 8.

Coach Training
Welcome to Coaching
April 26-27, 2013
St. Matthew, York

A key to a healthy and growing ministry is the ability to encourage and equip others to serve more faithfully,  In "Welcome to Coaching" you will be offered opportunity to grow in your ability to work with others creatively and to help others to grow in their gifts for ministry.  According to CoachNet, "Coaching is at the core of all we do in ministry: it's the vehicle for growing disciples, learning ministry competencies, developing leaders, and passing along the legacy we've been entrusted with to others."


"Welcome to Coaching" is a two-day event.  The registration cost is $125 which includes all training materials, lunch both days, snacks and other refreshments.  Scholarships may be available.  For more information about scholarships, please contact Pastor Richard Jorgensen, our synod Director for Evangelical Mission, at rjorgensen@lss-elca.orgDownload a brochure and register online.


Installation Services Scheduled

all are invited


The Rev. Beth J. Costlow will be installed as pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Columbia, on Sunday, April 21, at 4:00 p.m. Clergy are invited to vest and the color for the day is white. A dinner will follow in the Fellowship Hall. For dinner, please RSVP to 717.684.2763. St. John Church is located at the corner of 6th and Locust Streets, Columbia.


You are invited to attend a service of Holy Communion with the Rite of Installation of the Rev. Clifton D. Eshbach as pastor of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, 3131 Columbia Ave., Lancaster.  The service will be held on Sunday, April 28, beginning at 4:00 p.m.  Rostered leaders are invited to vest and process.  The color of the day is white.  A reception will follow the service in the congregation's fellowship hall.


It's not too late to get in on the Contest for Kids

What Does Generosity Mean to You?


We want to hear from kids in preschool through high school about what generosity means to them.  The contest, which is open to all children, runs through April 15.  They can write an essay (100-300 words) or draw a picture (no larger than 8 1/2 by 11) that fits the theme "Describe a way someone has been generous to you."
deadlineThrivent magazine will award $100 prizes for the top three drawings or essays in five age categories.  One entry per child will be accepted through April 15, 2013.
Click here for complete submission guidelines and eligibility criteria, including entry forms.






You are invited to begin gathering a congregational team to register for an upcoming ELCA Glocal Mission Gathering.  For only $35 per person and in only 1 1/2 days, your team will:
  • Enhance your connections with local and global Christians
  • Gain practical skills for mission
  • Learn the ways churches are changing how they proclaim and serve

By the end of the event, your team will be equipped to:

  • Lead inviting worship that includes global voices
  • Serve in a way that is sutainable, respectful, and cross-culturally sensitive
  • Give, receive, lead and serve in different ministry settings
  • Practice and share best practices in mission in your own congregationa, the local community and across the globe


Want to know more about dates and locations?  Click here for details.

Youth and Family Ministry

Workshop Opportunities


Friday, April 19
As part of the Youth Ministry Certification School of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, workshops for leaders of faith formation ministries are open to all interested persons.
smileSchedule for the Day
8:45 AM - 11:45 AM
The Rev. Ed Kay, assistant to the bishop in the Delaware/Maryland Synod, will lead a workshop on change in the church and conflicts with volunteers and staff along the way.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Chelle Huth, Director of Youth Ministry Certification School, will lead a session on understanding personality types (with a focus on the Myers-Briggs personality sorter) and how it impacts ministry with youth.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Chelle Huth will lead a session on understanding different learning styles, the multiple intelligences and the implications for ministry with youth.
Classes take place in the Library Lecture Room of Wentz Library on the campus of Gettysburg Seminary.  Cost for the whole day, including lunch, is $35.  Cost for a half day is $25.  Checks can be made payable to Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and given to Chelle Huth on the day of the event.  Please contact Chelle Huth at to let her know that you will be attending the workshops.
Save these Dates
Lutheran Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, May 7
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Camp Hill, PA
Join Lutherans from around Pennsylvania for a day of worship, learning, advocacy and action.  This year's Lutheran Day at the Capitol will lift up the ELCA Strategic Direction to "step forward as a public church that witnesses boldly to God's love for all that God has created."  Get more information... 
2013 Gettysburg Spring Academy
April 15 - 20
LTSGGettysburg Seminary is expanding its Spring Convocation into a weeklong feast of lectures, presentations and workshops, with worship, cultural and spiritually enriching activities for students, lay learners, prospective students, and more.  Highlights of the 2013 Spring Academy include preview access to the Seminary Ridge Museum which will open its doors to the public July 1.  And, the Lutheran Historical Society of the Mid-Atlantic will present "Faith on the Firing Line" on Tuesday, April 16.  Learn more...
Heaven, Hell and...Purgatory?
crossJune 10 - 12, 2013
The Pro Ecclesia Annual conference for clergy and laity
Sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology
Loyola University
Baltimore, MD
The final end of humanity of humanity and the universe is a subject of perennial interest, especially for Christians. What are we promised?  How does that promised end relate to history?  Will anyone finally be left out of God's intentions to bless humanity?  Read more... 


Rejoicing Spirits Worship

April 14

St. Stephen, New Kingstown


Assistance Ministry Organ Recital with Jonathan Noel

April 14

St. Matthew, York


Hymn and Choral Festival

April 13

St. Peter, Lancaster


PureHope Coffeehouse

April 27

St. Peter, Highspire


A Retreat Day of Learning:

Exploring Contemplative Prayer and Spiritual Direction

Saturday, April 6

St. James, Gettysburg



Read more on the Congregation Connections page of the synod Website.


Have an event, activity or idea to share?  Post your links, photos, events and thoughts on the synod Facebook page and spread the word about your congregation's ministries and outreach to the community! 

summerfest sunA Summer of Sun and Service
The Lower Susquehanna Synod Office for Children, Youth and Family Ministry, the Office of the Director of for Evangelical Mission and LutheranHANDS are working in partnership to present a series of four summer events for older youth and young adults. 
AND, these ministry partners are hosting the first ever SUMMERFEST!, a day-long event for all ages that includes live music by Agape, a picnic meal, outdoor worship, games and crafts.




Thrivent South Lancaster County Chapter


John Busacker

author of "How to DO Less and Be MORE Fully Engaged"


Saturday, April 20

Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center


Read more and print a registration form...


Mediation Skills Training Institute

sponsored by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

First English Lutheran Church

Columbus, OH

May 6-10, 2013


 Read more and print a brochure...


New Life for Mainline Churches

a workshop for church leaders


Gil Rendle


Saturday, April 20

Church of the Good Shepherd

United Church of Christ

Boyertown, PA


Read more and register...



Job Corner 


Employment listings are provided to synod congregations and related agencies free of charge.  This service is made possible by your Mission Support of the Lower Susquehanna Synod and ELCA.  Please provide a brief position description and contact information (as below) and a link to a complete position description on your Website (if desired).  Send information to Pam Drenner at  Complete listings are posted on the Employment Opportunities page of the synod Website. Positions are posted for 60 days unless extended.


Congregation:  St. Paul Lutheran Church, Spring Grove

Position: Director of Music

Posted: 4/4/13

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, is seeking a Director of Music.  Responsibilities include playing the organ/piano and leading the chancel choir.  For more information, contact Pastor Dan Biles at   


Other Job Listings


  • Youth and Family Ministry Director - St. Stephen, New Kingstown
  • Organist/Choir Director - Mt. Eden, Quarryville
  • Organist/Choir Director - Zion (Penbrook), Harrisburg
  • Organist - Halifax Lutheran Parish
  • Campaign Office Manager - Lutheran Camping Corporation


Carings and Sharings is the e-newsletter of the Lower Susquehanna Synod. Its purpose is the sharing of news and events which raise up the mission and ministry of the synod and ELCA in our congregations, our synod, and the broader church. It is not intended to be an endorsement of every activity. Comments about this newsletter may be sent to Pam Drenner, editor,

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