Lower Susquehanna Synod
Office for Children, Youth & Family Ministry
ltcamp small group                
Timothy's Call
e-news for the congregational pastor, youth leader & volunteer.
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We're here to serve you. The pastor, youth director, volunteer, Sunday school teacher, Confirmation leader, parent, really anyone who is mentoring children, youth and young adults in faith. When God called his young disciple Timothy, God gave him Paul as a faith mentor, to accompany Timothy as he matured in faith. Similarly, God has placed you in the lives of young people as a faith mentor, teacher and guide. We hope this e-news will be a resource you will turn to for information and guidance as you nurture the faith of young people and families.  
Summer 2013 Limited Edition
summerfest sun    
Summerfest 2013: Saturday, July 27
For years, youth & congregational adult leaders have asked us to host some kind of event that has the same energy and presence of the Spirit of Winterfest, but with a price point affordable to more youth and families. 
Here comes Summerfest! Priced at $15/person, this day-long event, to be held at our beloved Camp Nawakwa, will include games, crafts, hikes and labyrinth prayer walks, a BBQ meal, worship with Holy Communion in the great outdoors, and a concert by David "Agape" Scherer. 
This will be our first synod-wide "family-oriented" event, with activities geared for all ages. So, youth can bring their friends or family members. Youth leaders can bring their children, and fiends who may have never excperienced the kind of energy fostered at a "youth" event. In fact, this kind of "Lutheran revival," could become an annual tradition if we get a good response, and we hope we will!
Limited to the first 450 participoants, we ask that groups "register" by using the Summerfest Registration Form. Please send along checks made payable to Lower Susquehanna Synod, with your registration form to the Synod Office for CYFM, 900 S. Arlington Ave, Room 220B, Harrisburg, PA 17109. The event is limited because in case of rain we will move into the pavilion for our worship and concert. 
An offering will also be taken at the event to help support our shared ministries with children, youth, young adult and families. An offering is not required, but encouraged.
To learn more about this event, or to get a color flyer suitble for posting, visit the synod website at: http://www.lss-elca.org/Youth/.
Summer of Sun & Service kicks off in April
A growing edge for ministry in Lower Susquehanna, like in so many places throughout the church, is ministry to, with, and for "emerging" adults. Many congregations are urrently using effective small group methods to bring them together.
Now a new partnership between the Office for CYFM and LutheranHANDS hopes to gow this ministry by offering a series of events geared towards emerging adults this summer. The events focus on four key factors we hear this age group asking for:
1. Gathering in community wih peers
2. Serving in Jesus name
3. Opportunities for caring conversation about the issues they face applying a "faith lens"
4. Contextual worship with Communion
While event sizes are limited, we hope to use these events to gauge interest, and perhaps as a springboard to grow a more sustainable model to accompany this age group. Event costs have been kept low by generous grants from the Project Connect Task Force of our synod and the Office for Evangelical Mission.
In April there is a Saturday devoted to home restoration in Steelton. In May, an opportunity to help serve meals to area homeless in Harrisburg, followed by a meal and campfire at Kentland Retreat Center in Camp Hill, PA. In June, we offer theology on tap with Biblical centered faith conversation and a mal at an area pub in York. And in August, a four-day retreat in Ocean City, MD, focused on a theme of how we continue our relationship with God as we move on from college into life.
To learn more about these events, to egister, or to download a color flyer suitable for posting, visit the synod website at: http://www.lss-elca.org/Youth/Young_Adults/index.asp.
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Office for Children, Youth & Family Ministry: 717-579-0349