November 2014

Wow, what incredible month October was for us. We hosted actor Joe Pantoliano, held our Say it Forward Anti-Stigma Campaign, had 2 amazing lecturers; Kay Warren of Saddleback Church AND Dr. Mani Pavuluri, held our first Stigma Busters 5K run/walk, and held our first "home salon" in Los Angeles, whew!

It is therefore fitting that we give thanks for all the support we received from you. Thanksgiving is often attributed to the USA & Canada, but did you know Liberia, The Netherlands, Japan, Norfolk Island and Grenada also celebrated?

As the mom of a son with bipolar, I know I sometimes get caught up in all that's not going well, and forget to give thanks to what IS good. In that vein, I am thankful that my family is healthy, has a roof over our heads, food on the table and plenty of loving friends and family. What are you thankful for?

This month we launched our Make Someone Happy Campaign (see details below). If you know someone who could use a boost, please participate and don't forget to tag us.

Happy November & Happy Thanksgiving all.
Thank you,
If you are interested in writing a country-specific chapter,
or translating our book,
Healthy Living with Bipolar Disorder
please email Debbie Brown

International Bipolar Foundation in partnership with North American Center for Continuing Education 
When: November 9, 2015
Where: Anaheim, California
Consumer/Caregiver track is $25 and includes breakfast and lunch!
Speakers to include: Dr. Terence Ketter, Dr. David Miklowitz, Dr. Carrie Bearden, Eriz Arauz and many more...
Register today! 


Take a moment to thank, support, and celebrate family or friend caregivers!


   #MakeSomeoneHappy Challenge

What: A campaign to make at least one person happy and to bring awareness to International Bipolar Foundation and our work to help the more than 165 million people with bipolar disorder 

Who: Anyone interested in brightening someone's day

How: It's as easy as 1, 2, 3,

      Wear a red nose and video yourself telling them (at least one person) your wish for their happy day, then post it on your social media: "Hi [name], I want to make you happy today so I'm wearing this red nose. When feeling low or down in the dumps, remember this nose to relieve your grumps. I invite you to wear a red nose and make 3 more people happy." Remember to use the hashtags #MakeSomeoneHappy and tag us on Facebook (  or Twitter (@intlbipolar) . Don't have social media? Send Heather at your video and/or pics and we will post it for you! 

      Be creative; use a Rudolph or clown nose, lipstick, a sticker, ping pong ball...your choices are endless

      AND ask people to make a donation to us at when you post your photo or video to social media!


Please forward to friends, family and colleagues and ask them to participate in this fun challenge!

Thank you for supporting 
Say It Forward 2014!

Because of YOU, our Anti-Stigma Campaign reached 

4.4 million people 

through social media in seven days!

THANK YOU! And a BIG thank you to our amazing San Diego LEAD Team.

13 Shocking Facts That Show How Widespread Mental Illness Is In The U.S.

Dr. Melinda Goodyear: 

Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness: Understanding Family Resilience

Wednesday, November 5th, at 9:00 am PST

The main focus of the talk will be outlining our research into understanding family resilience for families where a parent has a mental illness. The talk will begin by describing the prevalence of parents with a mental illness, and will highlight a shift of focus in the research field from understanding the risks for children to now exploring the benefits of early intervention and focusing on building resilience in children. A more recent shift in our research field has also seen a focus on exploring what's known as family recovery and addressing support for the whole family where there is mental illness. Our focus more recently for our work has been on exploring family resilience for families where a parent has a mental illness. I will describe some of the stories from adults who have grown up in a household where a parent had a mental illness, and in particular, parents who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I will also describe, from the perspective of clinicians, what may hinder and promote family recovery and suggest some strategies for service providers. Finally I will describe a brief parent recovery intervention that we are trialling in Australia as part of a large randomised control trial that aims to equip parents with the confidence and skills to support their family, with the support of the mental health provider.

Dr Melinda Goodyear has been working as a researcher in the area of Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness since 2003. Melinda has a background in Psychology, and recently completed her PhD in Neuroscience. Melinda is currently a Research Fellow at Monash University working on a randomized control trial of the parent intervention 'Let's Talk About Children' for mental health services. She is also an adjunct researcher at the Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University, working on workforce development projects that promote well-being in vulnerable families.

Space is limited, reserve your seat now at:

Christine Anderson: 

Denial, Acceptance, Recovery: What Stage of Bipolar are you in?

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 at 9:00 am PST

Christine F. Anderson was born in Brooklyn, New York. Tragically she was orphaned by her 9th birthday and was raised by her older brother. She was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder in 1987. Christine attended Pace University for her undergraduate studies and received her MBA in Marketing from New York University's Stern?School of Business in 1991. She has traveled extensively and lived in New York City, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. She served a 70-month federal prison sentence for securities fraud between MCC Chicago and FCI Danbury, Connecticut. She has dedicated her life to animal rescue via She now lives with her boyfriend?and her many animals on a farm in a small country town in central Virginia.


In 2013, after she self published her memoir, Forever Different, Christine founded Christine F. Anderson Publishing & Media, where she is currently CEO. 

Space is limited. Reserve your seat now at:


Jon Nelson: 
Straightjacket Memories
Wednesday, November 19th , 2014 at 4:15 pm PST


Bipolar disorder is becoming more prevalent in our society today.  Despite the growing knowledge of it's effects, this disorder is still not recognized for what it should be; a physical disorder.  Most people label those of us that struggle with bipolar as mentally unstable thus dismissing this disorder as a true ailment that affects our daily lives.  I will discuss how people can deal with bipolar disorder despite the stigmas that are out there.  I use a Christian perspective on the disorder and how it affects people of faith, overcoming the perceptions that others have of bipolar disorder.

Jonathan Nelson is an Elementary Physical Education teacher and Head Boy's Basketball Coach in Iowa, with a Master's degree in Education. He has been a teacher for 13 years and a basketball coach for 15 years. He is married to his wife Alicia, and has three beautiful girls.  Jonathan struggled for many years with depression but continued to go undiagnosed figuring it was a spiritual issue or that he just was not a good husband or father.  After years of frustration, he was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2008.  Since that time, his life has turned around and he has been able to overcome the difficulties associated with bipolar disorder.  With the help of his family, he was able to write the book Straightjacket Memories and share his life story.     


Space is limited. Reserve your seat now at:

After registering you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the Webinar.

Story of Hope and Recovery

My Life with My Cohort...Now Collaborator

by Marta Edmisten


I began experiencing serious depression around the age of 11. As the years went by it got steadily worse. I began cutting when I was 12: first my left thigh, later my left forearm. I kept them covered. People don't seem to understand what cutting is about. It's not a suicide thing. Depression is excruciating. For me, it toggles between extreme pain and total emptiness. I lose me. It's like a having a partial brain amputation...perspective disappears and any ability to think rationally flies out the window. Losing those resources is what makes it so horrible and dangerous. I cut, because I needed to feel something-anything to make sure I was still there. Read more here...

Our 2015 Gala,
Behind the Mask: 
Changing the Game of Stigma
will take place May 9, 2015 
in San Diego, CA!

Jane T.
Marcelina P.

International Bipolar Foundation blogger, Dyane Leshin-Harwood

has been nominated by best selling author Wendy L. Williamson for the WEGO Health Activist "Best in Show Blog" Award. 

Harwood plans to use WEGO's influential social platforms to help

bring more awareness to bipolar disorder if she places as a finalist. Nominees need a show of community support in the form of endorsements to win. 

Please endorse Dyane here!





Taking or not taking medications: psychiatric treatment perceptions in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder




*** International Bipolar Foundation Scientific Advisory Board Member(s)
**   International Bipolar Foundation Board Member


You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. GreatNonprofits - a review site like TripAdvisor - is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2014 Top-Rated List. Won't you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It's easy and only takes 3 minutes! 


Create Your Review Here! 



Bipolar disorders affect up to 3% of the world's population and are the 6th leading cause of disability worldwide. The estimated annual costs of bipolar disorder approach $50 billion in the United States, and the associated societal and personal suffering is immeasurable. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness that typically begins in mid-adolescence, thereby disrupting healthy developmental processes. It is also a progressive illness, making early intervention even more critical. 

Kathleen Gilbert has researched grief among TCKs, and writes, "Losses that are not successfully resolved in childhood have an increased likelihood of recurring in adulthood... For TCKs, questions about who they are, what they are, where they are from, what and who they can trust are examples of existential losses with which they must cope.  And the way in which they process these losses will change, or may even wait until long after their childhood."



Our hand-made beaded bracelet represents IBPF and its cause. Each bracelet is hand beaded onto an elastic band with a copper BEAD RELIEF tag. Each bracelet is $6.00 and 25% of your purchase goes to the International Bipolar Foundation.


Bracelets come in three sizes, 6, 7, 8 inches (S,M,L). Select your size!

Order Here
My name is Dr. Mark Matthews. I am a researcher at Cornell University where we are looking at the use of technology by people like yourself who have bipolar disorder. This questionnaire will help my colleagues and me better understand your use of technology which will in turn inform our design of computer tools for people with bipolar disorder.
Please read this form carefully before agreeing to take part in the study.


Sharp Mesa Vista is currently enrolling men and women aged 18-75 with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder for outpatient clinical trials. Eligible participants may receive all study-related care at no cost, and may be reimbursed for time and travel. Participation is confidential and trials are safely conducted under the supervision of experienced physicians and research specialists. For more information, or to see if you qualify for a study, contact

Tonya Bell, RN at 858-836-8373 or

Learn More Here

If you are:
  • Between the ages of 21 and 65
  • Have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder

You are invited to participate in this research study to see how effective the MoodSwings website is at improving the well-being of people with bipolar disorder.



How to Participate

To determine if you are eligible, you will first be asked a few questions on the phone.

You will also be interviewed in person and have a physical exam to make sure it is safe for you to participate.

If you are interested, please call our study coordinator at

(631) 638-2053 



To be eligible you must:

-Be between the ages of 18 and 65

-Have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder

-not use drugs or drink a lot of alcohol


If you choose to participate, you will have a brain scan to measure certain receptors in the brain that may be related to bipolar disorder.  You will be paid a possible total of $400 or more. (HIC 1101007933)


If you are interested and think you may be eligible please call our study coordinator at


The UCSD Department of Psychiatry is seeking volunteers for a research study involving genetics and medication response in Bipolar Disorder.

You may be eligible to participate in the study if you:
*are at least 18 years of age
*have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 Disorder
*are willing to take Lithium for mood stabilization

To learn more about the study, please call: 858-642-3590
or, visit our website here 

BEAM is a comprehensive, early-intervention treatment program for Bipolar I Disorder which uses strength-based services to create a two-year plan designed specifically to put individuals and families back on track.

To be eligible for the BEAM program, participants must:

*Have a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder *Have experienced one manic episode

  but no more than three; and
*Be 14-35 or younger;
*Be a San Francisco or San Mateo County Resident *Have Any health insurance (or      uninsured) 

Learn More Here

November 9, 2014
Anaheim, CA
November 27-29th
Beirut, Labanon
December 9th, 2014
Los Angeles, California
June 3-6, 2015
Torronto, Canada
10th International Congressof the INA
Oct 14-16, 2015
Jerusalem, Israel
March 3-6, 2015
March 30, 2015
National Council Conference
April 20-22, 2015
Orlando, Florida
Mental Health AwarenessMonth
May 2015
July 2015
United States

About the International Bipolar Foundation

International Bipolar Foundation is a not for profit organization based in San Diego whose mission is to improve understanding and treatment of Bipolar Disorder through research; to promote care and support services for individuals and caregivers; and to erase associated stigma through education.

International Bipolar Foundation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or received from the International Bipolar Foundation.

Visit us online for more information:

Please join us on Facebook and "Like" us and help us spread the word.
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A Word About Funding

Please note that International Bipolar Foundation does not represent any pharmaceutical company or give any speeches for a pharmaceutical company nor does our site receive advertising dollars from any company.