March 2015
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from the Project Manager 
Joe Sarubbi


From Startup to Success: The SITN Five Years On


Building a national, highly-qualified, well-trained clean energy workforce takes time. And work. And vision.


We knew in 2010 when we started this project to build a national network of solar training institutions that we were in startup mode. Since 2010, some 30,000 students have received some form of solar training from SITN instructors from more than 420 institutions in 49 states and two U.S. territories.


Now, after five years, we're seeing stunning results from the confluence of the work of innovative instructors, supportive administrators at educational institutions, and long-term vision from DOE's SunShot Initiative. MORE  

from the RTPs...
California/Hawaii  | FourEnergy


Hosted by IREC, the national administrator of SITN, and the California/Hawaii Regional Training Partnership, 40 educators and representatives from some of the largest solar industry installers gathered for a day-long forum to learn about workforce needs from those hiring solar industry professionals, the types of skills in demand by PV installation companies, and innovative approaches for community colleges to keep PV training relevant. More

Southeast | Florida Solar Energy Center

Solar PV Training for Florida's First Responders 

As more and more PV systems are being installed, the need to educate first responders is critical. A recent workshop to educate first responders was hosted by the Southeast Solar Training Network (SSTN) at the Florida Solar Energy Center. Designed to assist trainers in developing courses for first responders and firefighters, the workshop was developed and coordinated with help from the University of Central Florida Building and Fire Code office. Renowned solar trainer and educator, Jim Dunlop, conducted the training. More

Northeast | Kennebec Valley Community College


High School Building Trades Students Receive Solar Training from KVCC

Students at St. Croix Regional Technical Center (SCRTC) come from Calais High School (with which it shares a campus), and Eastport and Woodland High Schools. SCRTC Building Trades Instructor Stan Sluzenski has worked with the Solar Instructor Training Network at KVCC for the past two years gaining skills in solar and ideas for how to incorporate it in his classes. When the KVCC mobile solar lab showed up, students got a lesson in the basics of solar PV and experience mounting a solar PV system on their mini-mock roof. More

Rocky Mountain Region | Salt Lake Community College, Solar Energy International, Utah Solar Energy Association

Solar Technicians Trained at Truckee Meadows Community College Will Help Advance U.S. Solar Energy



State-of-the-art curriculum developed by national experts, together with a growing need for technicians trained in renewable energy is powering the growth of a robust solar technology program at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC). The TMCC is a partnering institution under the Rocky Mountain Solar Training Program (RMSTP), one of nine Regional Training Providers in the Solar Instructor Training Network. More

SITN PV Solar Instructor Summit #2

Following the enormously successful first PV solar instructor summit last week in Long Beach, a second one is scheduled for April 23, 2015 at the North Carolina State University McKimmon Conference and Training Center. 

This PV Instructor Summit is being strategically held in conjunction with the largest annual statewide energy conference hosted by NC State University. Topics to be covered in the statewide conference include: policy and technology of sustainable and conventional energy. 

A workforce development session on advanced energy technologies on April 22nd will discuss the kind of skills and knowledge needed for this rapidly growing, ever evolving industry sector, and how educational institutions can adapt to the needs of the industry. Learn more

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How are solar providers finding SITN-trained, qualified workers? Curious how veterans can use the GI bill for solar training? 

Join us for two seminars in April and find out!

4/9 SolarCity has grown to become America's largest solar provider with more than 6,000 employees. They're looking for SITN-trained workers! Learn where they provide service, employment opportunities, operations, and military recruitment efforts.

4/14 How can veterans use the GI bill for solar training for VA-approved programs at educational institutions? Find out what's involved in becoming a VA-approved institution.  REGISTER
About IREC
The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) is a non-profit organization that believes clean energy is critical to achieving a sustainable and economically strong future. To pave this clean energy path, IREC works to expand consumer access to clean energy; generates information and objective analysis grounded in best practices and standards; and leads programs to build a quality clean energy workforce, including a unique credentialing program for renewable energy and energy efficiency training providers and instructors. Since 1982, IREC's programs and policies have benefitted energy consumers, policymakers, utilities and the clean energy industry. As of July 2013, IREC is an accredited American National Standards Developer. 

The Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Inc. (IREC) does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process that is referred to or linked to in this newsletter. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply IREC's endorsement or recommendation.