St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Below: This Sunday at St. Peter's 
Using Our Gifts to 
Further the Kingdom
All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.             
I Chronicles 29:14
The Parable of the Talents baffled me as a young person. I couldn't understand why the master rewarded the servants who took a chance on the money with which they were entrusted.  I thought the third servant who buried it was doing his part in "safeguarding" the talent and felt sorry for him as he was sent away and punished.
As I realized later on, it was not "safeguarding" that the master wanted. He wanted the servants to take the talents they had been entrusted with and use them productively - to be able to give back to the master not only what was his to begin with, but also to increase it.
In applying this to our Stewardship of time, talent and treasure, we are called by God - from whom all things are given - to take the gifts that he has bestowed upon us and use them to further His Kingdom.
Of course, we are all familiar with the stewardship of our treasure - we hear that quite a bit this time of year as direct references and appeals are made in consideration of the budget for the upcoming year. But we are also given time and talent - how do we use these gifts to further God's Kingdom?  In addition to your treasure, how can you share your God-given time and talent to benefit the Kingdom of God?
~ Mary Virginia Woodall,  Director of Ministry Development 

Sunday, Oct. 25
at St. Peter's

8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
8:30 a.m.
Holy Chow Breakfast -
Community Room

9:30 a.m.
Parish Hall Forum: Sex Trafficking in Charlotte - Parish Hall

20s & 30s Formation:
Eliminating Chronic Homelessness
- Tower Room

Adult Forum: Aging as a Spiritual Journey - Parlor
Adult Forum for Parents of Young Children: Preparing a Will and Advance Directives - Town Choir Room
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Children's Atrium
Youth Journey to Adulthood - Youth Suite
10:45 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Coffee Hour - Parish House Lobby

4:30 p.m.
Organ Recital
5:00 p.m.
Sunday Evenings at St. Peter's: Evensong with sung prayers and the Holy Eucharist.

Note: Childcare for infants and toddlers up to age two is now available 7:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in the Infant and Toddler Center, located on the main floor of the Parish House, closest to the worship space.

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eNews from St. Peter's
October 22, 2015 

Give to the Vision: Generous Abundance
Stewardship Campaign Update - October 20: As of the afternoon of Tuesday, October 20, 152 units totaling $449,113 have been received from Mrs. Jeanne Agan, Mr. Jim Amburn, Ms. J. Candace Armstrong, Mr. Robert Atkins, Mr. Michael Baker, Mrs. Robert Bandy, Ms. Adelaide Barringer, The Reverend and Mrs. James Bartos, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bass ... Read moreLearn more about Give to the Vision 2016: Generous Abundance and pledge online today

New This Week

Guest Preacher: On Sunday, October 25, at the 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. liturgies, St. Peter's will host a guest preacher, The Rev. Dr. Daniel Paul Matthews. The Reverend Dr Matthews is Rector Emeritus of Trinity Church, Wall Street, where he served during the events of September 11, 2001... Read more.

Former Assistant Organist Gives Pre-Evensong Recital: Patrick Pope, Organist and Director of Music at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter in Charlotte, will give an extended recital at St. Pete
Dr. Patrick Pope
r's on Sunday, October 25, at 4:30 p.m., immediately before the Evensong service at 5:00 p.m. A native of Statesville, N.C., Dr. Pope was Assistant Organist and Choirmaster at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Charlotte, from 2006-2008, where he also worked with the Choir School at St. Peter's. Recent concert engagements have included performances at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, Charleston, S.C.; National City Christian Church, Washington, D.C.; and Harvard ... Read more.

Endowment Contributions for All Saints Day: If you would like to make a contribution in memory or in honor of someone to be included in the All Saints Day service leaflets on Sunday, November 1... Read more.
Mystical Food for Thought: Add spiritual food for thought to your lunchtime beginning Wednesday, November 4... Read more.
 Hope and Grief Program: A four-week series on Hope and Grief is open to any and all who have experienced loss and seek solace ... Read more

Outreach & Social Justice Meetings: The meeting of the executive committee for Social Justice and Outreach has been rescheduled... Read more.
Greenery Sale: The Choir School at St. Peter's offers wreaths, garlands and Christmas trees... Read more.
 Next Week's Formation Offerings: Topics for Formation (education) on Sunday, November 1, include... Read more.

Episcopal Farmworker Ministry Donations: During the Rogation Day service in the Community Garden, we will be collecting pants and shirts for the farmworkers of Eastern North Carolina... Read more.

In Case You Missed It
Choir School and Opera Carolina in Concert: Halloween weekend, The Choir School and Opera Carolina will present four performances of "Noah's Flood. (Noye's Fludde)" in the nave of St. Peter's. This beloved one-act opera also features instrumentalists from CPCC's Early Music Ensemble and the Charlotte Symphony Youth Orchestra. Concerts are at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, and Friday, October 30. On Saturday, October 31, concerts are at 11:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are ... Read more.

Rogation Day: This celebration offers the opportunity to give thanks for the harvest and ask God's blessings on our Community Garden... Read more.  
 Seeing the Face of God in Each Other: This short course on Saturday, November 14... Read more.
St. Peter's Garden: To prepare for Rogation Day, help will be needed... Read more.
GENESIS Weekend Retreat for 6th - 8th Graders: Designed for middle school youth, this weekend retreat is November 6-8... Read more

Looking Ahead - Mark Your Calendars
  • November 22 & 29, December 6: Parish Advent Fair before and after worship services. Fundraiser is for the 2017 Youth Pilgrimage. 

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

115 West Seventh Street

Charlotte, NC 28202