19-20 November 2015
Conference Hall, Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
 Food is the primary source of energy and most essential building block of the human body and mind. Food is a very complex matter, which in order to be fully understood, must be revealed scientifically through an interdisciplinary approach, not compartmentalized in narrow scientific fields. This is the main goal of NUTRICON 2015 Conference: To bring together the scientific work of medical doctors, nutritionists, food technologists and engineers to gain comprehensive insight and understanding of today's food quality, safety, health and nutrition issues.
NUTRICON 2015: Conference in Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition will feature oral and poster presentations by international and domestic scientists and experts, as well as discussion on scientific and review papers in related fields. Interested authors and lecturers can write their abstracts/posters/papers and oral presentations in the following areas and topics, including:
- Food ingredients, structure, additives, supplements
- Food production, engineering, processing and sustainability
- Food analysis, microbiology, chemistry, sensory
- Nutritional physiology
- Clinical health and nutrition
- Health and nutritional epidemiology
- Oral/dental health and nutrition
- Food labeling and nutritional health claims
- Nutrition guidelines, regulations and legislation harmonization
- Microbiological, chemical and physical hazards
- Education and training
- and more!
Please visit the Call for Papers web page for a detailed list of topics, full abstract submission guidelines and an online submission form.
Conference participants have the opportunity to join our special Brokerage Event, which is a series of exclusive scheduled face-to-face meetings between academia/research institutions and food producers and equipment manufacturers. Through this event, scientific research institutions and company representatives can promote and establish academia-industry partnerships and create new consortia for application to EU programs such as HORIZON 2010, Erasmus, and Leonardo da Vinci. Find out more...
The NUTRICON 2015 Exhibition is dedicated to specialized companies, institutions, NGOs, and related vendors, who are invited to present their latest products and services in the exhibition space. This is an excellent and unique opportunity for all interested parties to attract new customers, reaffirm long-term customer relationships and present innovative products, equipment, materials, work, and services related to the food area. Get more details about exhibitor benefits and packages...
The Conference Hall within the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle is the NUTRICON 2015 venue. This is a national museum of the Republic of Macedonia located in the center of the capital city of Skopje in Macedonia. This stunning venue is located between the Museum of Archaeology, the Holocaust Museum of Macedonia, the Stone Bridge and the Vardar River, and across the bridge is the city's main square.The conference will provide participants with an unforgettable scientific experience, as well as an exciting social program. Click here to find out more about the venue and hotel accommodations...
Don't miss the opportunity to participate and benefit from the NUTRICON 2015 as a major business, networking and knowledge platform in 2015. Attendees who register by 1 November will receive the reduced early registration rate, and all GHI members will receive a discount of 50 Euros when registering. Register today...