eNews from the Global Harmonization Initiative
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Dr. h.c. Huub Lelieveld
The Netherlands

Mr. Larry Keener
United States

Dr. Sangsuk Oh

Dr. Gerhard Schleining

Dr. Vishweshwaraiah Prakash

Irena Soljic, MSc.

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Gain an influential voice in consensus with other experts that will have a real impact on reducing world hunger, improving food safety and nutrition, and supporting new technology applications.


Membership is free.

Enroll online today! 



Ms. Julie Larson Bricher
Communications Director

Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin
Ambassador Programme Director

Dr. Susanne Braun
Working Groups Coordinator

Dr. Aleksandra Martinovic
Meetings Coordinator

Mr. Richard Stier
Course Director

Dr. Vishweshwaraiah Prakash
Membership Director

Irena Soljic, MSc.
Assistant General Secretariat

Ms. Nicole Coutrelis
Regulatory Advisor

Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
Legal Advisor - Food

Dr. Sian Astley
Newsletter Editor-in-Chief

Mr. Grigor Badalyan
Newsletter Publisher

Dr. Aine Regan
Social Media Advisor

Mr. Gunter Greil

Join a GHI
Working Group



Ms. Michaela Pichler (Chair) 

ICC, Vienna, Austria 


Dr. Hans Steinhart

EuCheMS Food Chemistry Division, Hamburg, Germany


Dr. Pablo Juliano

CSIRO, Werribee, Australia


Dr. V. Balasubramaniam

The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA


Dr. Pingfan Rao

Fuzhou University and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fujian, China


Dr. Jaap Hanekamp

Roosevelt Academy, Tilburg,  

The Netherlands


Dr. Sian Astley

EuroFIR, Brussels, Belgium


Dr. Maria Tapia

Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela


Dr. Kwang-Ok Kim

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea




Dr. Vladimir Kakurinov


Dr. Pablo Juliano

Enroll as a member of GHI today and see what a difference your scientific expertise can make!  


It's been a very busy first quarter for GHI. Members have been focused on writing, reviewing and rewriting chapters for the second GHI book, Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods, and giving presentations in several countries on global harmonization and science-based regulations. We've also issued our first "Share Sheet," which is a brief document on a topic of interest in the area of global harmonization, which you can download from the link in this issue. Feel free to share it with your colleagues. GHI is continually growing and the number of activities in increasing as well, so many of us have been working behind the scenes to make GHI more efficient. We hope that the results will lead to improvements that you will notice, such as a more frequent delivery of GHI Matters! More about this in the next issue.


It would be great to meet many of you during the various upcoming meetings in which GHI is involved, such as NEEFood 2015 in Brasov, Romania and IFT's Annual Meeting in Chicago, US. We've listed many of these meetings in the Calendar section in this issue, with links to the conference websites. In addition, many of our Ambassadors participate in meetings and offer presentations about GHI. Please do not hesitate to contact GHI Ambassadors for more information about how you can make a difference in global harmonization of food safety regulations!

As always, we encourage you to contribute via email your GHI-related news, calendar listings and resource links for inclusion in upcoming e-newsletters and announcements. On behalf of the GHI Board, I do hope that we will have the opportunity to meet at one of this year's scientific conferences!

Best regards,


Huub Lelieveld

 President, GHI 

GHI Issues New Share Sheet, Harmonisation: Feeding People, Fueling Innovation

One of GHI's priorities is to collect and communicate sound principles of food safety science to influencers and decision makers-from the general public and the press, to politicians, policymakers and regulatory authorities. The aim is to improve understanding and to better inform all stakeholders so that objective scientific concepts, not political expediency or media hype, become the basis of crafting meaningful, harmonized food safety legislation and regulation in all countries.


As the first in GHI's new Share Sheet series, Harmonisation: Feeding People, Fueling Innovation outlines how differences in food safety regulations between countries not only impedes the use of new technologies but also leads to the destruction of food in a world where 1 billion people go hungry. Using Parclesus' Toxicology Principle, "the dose makes the poison," the two-page brief illustrates how poor communication and misperceptions by politicians, policymakers, consumers and other influencers can result in the development of non-science-based and conflicting regulations, globally.


Click here to download the GHI Share Sheet on Harmonisation: Feeding People, Fueling Innovation.



Food Safety Management: A Practical Guide for the Food Industry, edited by GHI member Yasmine Motarjemi and GHI President Huub Lelieveld, has been awarded a 2015 PROSE Awards Honorable Mention for Single Volume Reference/Science from the Association of American Publishers. The volume is the first book to present an integrated, practical approach to the management of food safety throughout the production chain. While many books address specific aspects of food safety, no other book guides the reader through the various risks associated with each sector of the production process and the measures needed to mitigate those risks.

Using practical examples of incidents and their root causes, this book highlights pitfalls in food safety management and provides key insight into the means of avoiding them. Each section addresses its subject in terms of relevance and application to food safety and, where applicable, spoilage. It covers all types of risks (e.g., microbial, chemical, physical) associated with each step of the food chain. The book is a reference for food safety managers in different sectors, from primary producers to processing, transport, retail and distribution, as well as the food services sector. Visit the Elsevier Store page for pricing and ordering details.


GHI General Member Meetings Scheduled for May and July 2015

22 May 2015 | 9:00 - 11:00 am | NEEFood 2015  

Huub Lelieveld
GHI President Huub Lelieveld will lead a GHI General Meeting on May 22 at the 3rd North and Eastern European Congress on Food (NEEFood 2015) in Brasov, Romania. The agenda will include: 
  • Brief introduction to GHI 
  • Mycotoxins and science (with Mark Shamtsyan, co-chair, GHI Mycotoxins Working Group)
  • Toxins and food (Huub Lelieveld)
  • General discussion
The meeting is free and open to all conference participants. The room location will be available onsite at NEEFood, which runs from 22-24 May. For full registration information and program details, please visit the NEEFood 2015 website
12 July 2015 | 12:00 - 2:00 pm | IFT 2015   

Larry Keener
GHI Vice President Larry Keener will lead a GHI General Meeting at the 2015 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Expo, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The meeting will take place on Sunday, 12 July in Room
Hyde Park B at the Hyatt McCormick Place. The agenda will include: 
  • Working Group meetings (various, 12:00 - 12:30 pm)
  • GHI officers and tasks report (Larry Keener)
  • GHI Ambassadors report (Larry Keener)
  • Working Group reports (WG chairs)
  • Training and education (Rick Stier)
  • Publications/books (Larry Keener)
  • Communications (Julie Larson Bricher)
  • GHI-Financials update (Larry Keener)
  • General discussion

This year, GHI is offering its members, and in particular Working Group members, time to meet with each other from 12:00-12:30 pm, to discuss ideas, plan activities, and report at the general GHI membership meeting that immediately follows from 12:30-2:00 pm in the same room. It is hoped that this arrangement will encourage attendance and increase member interaction.  


The meeting is free and open to all IFT conference participants. Please visit the IFT Annual Meeting webpage for more information on the full program and registration.


Order Your Copy of GHI's First Book and Receive a 20% Discount

Based on the principles of GHI, Ensuring Global Food Safety: Exploring Global Harmonization offers a rational and multi-faceted approach to current food safety issues, while arguing that a science-based global regulatory framework will enhance the safety, availability and quality of the food supply worldwide. GHI was specifically established to help build global consensus on the scientific evidence underpinning food safety policymaking. This book provides practical examples in key areas such as microbiology, toxicology and nutrition, as well as discusses possible improvements necessary to sustain the integrity of the global food supply in the 21st century. Get a
20% discount by using Code 98440
Member News & Notes


Dr. Olga        Martin-Belloso
Congratulations to Dr. Olga Mart�n-Belloso, GHI Ambassador to Spain, on becoming a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in 2015. This is a unique professional distinction given to individuals with outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience for their contributions to the food science and technology field.

Dr. Mart�n-Belloso, who is a professor in the Department of Food Technology, University of Lleida, created the research group Novel Technologies for Food Processing 20 years ago to obtain safe, fresh-like, nutritious, and attractive foods through innovative approaches
Dr. Veselmoy Andersen
and technologies in a sustainable way that includes valorization of byproducts.


Dr Veslem�y Andersen, formerly a microbiologist with the National Institute of Public Health in Oslo, Norway, has been appointed GHI Ambassador to Norway.

Dr. Roland Poms, who represented ICC on the GHI Supervisory Board and served as its chair, has accepted a position as Secretary General of the MoniQA Association. It is with pleasure that we have found Roland's successor in ICC, Ms. Michaela Pichler, who has been named the new Secretary General of ICC

Ms. Michaela Pichler

Headquarters and will also take over Roland's role in GHI. Michaela has a degree in Economics from the University of Economics in Vienna and has worked more than 15 years in the Austrian agricultural administration where during the last 10 years she was responsible for the implementation of various international projects mainly in the context of the EU enlargement. We thank Roland for his dedicated support of GHI during the past eight years and we thank Michaela for her willingness to take over his role.


Reading Corner

April 2015, 240 pages, Woodhead Publishing

Food contact materials such as packaging, storage containers and processing surfaces can pose a substantial hazard to both food manufacturer and consumer due to the migration of chemicals or other substances from the material to the food. Global Legislation for Food Contact Materials reviews the main materials used for food contact in terms of the global legislation in place to ensure their safe and effective use. Chapter 5, Global legislation for regenerated cellulose materials in contact with food, is authored by GHI Ambassador to Argentina Alejandro Ariosti.

This book provides an overview of food contact legislation issues such as chemical migration and compliance testing. Offering a comprehensive introduction to global legislation for food contact materials, this section also includes expert analysis of future trends in global food packaging regulation. It looks in detail at the legislation for specific food contact materials and their advantages, hazards and use in industry, covering a broad area of global legislation, including plastic, regenerated cellulose, active and intelligent packaging materials in contact with food.

Order information
from the Elsevier Store. 

GHI Ambassador Snapshots


The GHI Ambassador Programme is designed to empower selected GHI members to invite scientists in their countries or regions to join GHI, foster new opportunities for information sharing, identify specialists to comment on consensus documents and serve as front-line representatives for GHI. In this issue of GHI Matters, we feature an update from the GHI Ambassador to Bulgaria.


Prof. Angel Angelov

Head, Centre for Food Quality and Safety Education, Department of Biotechnology, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Prof. Angel Angelov

I was appointed as the GHI ambassador for Bulgaria in 2014, but my first introduction to the activities of the GHI was in 2013, at the fourth MoniQA International Conference in Budapest. I was a participant at the meeting of the MoniQA Mycotoxins Working Group, and attended the section organized by the GHI, where discussions were focused on harmonization of methods for mycotoxin analysis. Meeting with colleagues from GHI and exchanging ideas for future activities provoked my interest and later, I started to follow the activities of GHI in this newsletter, GHI Matters. In 2014, a meeting with several GHI ambassadors from other countries and with GHI President Huub Lelieveld at the 7th CEFood Congress brought about the idea to join GHI as an ambassador.


My willingness to join GHI is based on many years of professional experience and participation in numerous scientific forums, councils and commissions, at regional and national levels, where I have the opportunity to communicate information about food safety to various stakeholders in Bulgaria.


An important activity related to food safety in Bulgaria is teaching at the Centre for Food Quality and Safety at the University of Food Technologies, in Plovdiv. The Centre offers the only food safety program in Bulgaria, developed for master's degree students. The curriculum was developed with the support of colleagues from other European universities and attracts many students, most of which are employees in food companies. The Centre also offers regular workshops and seminars in the field of food quality and safety for a variety of stakeholders. The latest training course was held jointly with the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency in February 2015. Topics included food security, microbiological and chemical hazards, modern analytical methods and new legislation related to food labeling with focus on European Union Regulation 1169/2011. Fifty-two participants attended the course from different branches of the food industry, universities and control laboratories. Another course will be organized in the autumn of 2015, covering food analysis and calculation of nutritional values.  

My activities as a GHI ambassador will involve a range of stakeholders - including students, researchers, representatives of the business, legislators and control authorities, and branch organizations - and information from GHI will be distributed widely as a result. I believe many stakeholders from Bulgaria will be interested in GHI's Working Groups and other activities.




Prof. Vladimir Kakurinov

Professor and Veterinary Faculty at St. Kliment Ohridski University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Prof. Vladimir Kakurinov

In 2012, I was appointed GHI Ambassador to Macedonia. I am the Executive Director of Consulting and Training Centre - KEY, and a member of numerous international and domestic organizations. My primary task has been to raise awareness of GHI as an organization as well as its scope not only in Macedonia, but also across the region.


In September 2013, KEY organized the international conference Food Quality and Safety and Hygienic Engineering and Design conference in Skopje, Macedonia. More than 150 companies, academics, agencies, directorates, and municipality representatives from 15 countries were present. With this in mind, we organized special session about the Global

Huub Lelieveld and Susanne Brown at GHI at Food Quality and Safety and Hygienic Engineering and Design' in Skopje, September 2013.

Harmonization Initiative to which all

delegates were invited. Speakers included Huub Lelieveld, GHI President and Susanne Braun, GHI Working Groups Coordinator, and the audience heard about GHI goals, its work, and future activities in the field of harmonization of legislation on food safety and security worldwide. Attendees were invited to join GHI and its working groups. After both presentations, a lively discussion took place, one of which focused on the involvement of young people in food safety training that could be organized by GHI.


In May 2014, KEY organized the 7th Central European Congress Food Chain Integration, a multidisciplinary forum for all fields in food science and technology, from primary food producers to consumers. Approximately 300 participants from 38 countries exchanged experiences, new developments and innovations through 86 presentations, 143 posters and 101 full papers. International organizations, such as EFFoST, EHEDG,

GHI Ambassadors meeting at CEFood in 2014.
EuCheMS, and IIR, were present. GHI President Huub Lelieveld, gave a presentation 'GHI: Role in food laws', and introduced the audience to GHI activities. The abstract from his talk, which was published in the Book of Abstracts and CAB Abstracts database, is available to a broader audience. We also hosted a GHI meeting at which participants discussed current activities, GHI Ambassadors activities and GHI tasks for the next period.


We would also like to inform all GHI members that KEY is organizing the Hygienic Design Festival 2015 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia at Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality on 27-29th May 2015 (please see the link below).


At the same time, the Hygienic Engineering and Design and Food Quality and Safety meeting will also take place. This is an opportunity not only for GHI to present its activities, but also for GHI members to share their research in the fields of hygienic engineering and design, and in food quality and safety.  


Editor's note: For more information about becoming a GHI Ambassador, please email Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin, GHI Ambassador Programme Director.

Conferences & Meetings  

GHI regularly makes presentations and holds general and working group meetings in conjunction with scientific and food industry conferences around the globe.

Please check
our website for details, or contact the GHI Meetings Coordinator, Aleksandra Martinovic, via email to submit listings.

22 -24 MAY 2015
Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania 

The 2015 NEEFood Congress

offers the opportunity to combine the beauty and hospitality of the historic city of Brasov with some of the outstanding work done on important topics in food science and technology and the chance to make valuable contacts among food researchers from all around the world. GHI is a supporting organization of this congress. Please visit the NEEFood 2015 website for details... 



27-29th May 2015

Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia


Co-organized by the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG) Macedonia Regional Section in cooperation with EHEDG International, this event is dedicated to contact between food equipment manufacturers and food producers, and is a unique opportunity for equipment manufacturers to exhibit and promote products and services to producers from all around the world. The Festival is open to food equipment manufacturers and food producing companies as well as other experts, researchers from the relevant industries and research institutions. For details, visit the Hygienic Design Festival website...

11 - 14 JULY 2015
McCormick Place South, Chicago, IL US 
Get a first-hand look at the latest trends, the newest products, and the most recent innovations driving food science, and meet the people leading these advances - more than 23,000 top food science and technology professionals from more than 90 countries, representing the most prominent organizations in the global food sector. Visit the IFT Annual Meeting website for more... 

15 - 17 SEPTEMBER 2015
Stadthalle Erding, Munich, Germany

GHI is a supporting organization for this conference, which provides a platform for delegates from industry and academia to discuss and develop new concepts and technologies required to advance the development of new packaging materials, explore technologies for food applications, and examine the influence of packaging materials on shelf life and food safety. The conference will also focus on food package sustainability, including bio-based packaging materials such as edible films which are the focus of new research. For details, please visit the conference website...

16 - 18 SEPTEMBER 2015
Porto, Portugal

GHI is a supporting organization for the 5th MoniQA International Conference "Food and Health - Risks and Benefits" on "Innovative Technologies for Food Quality and Safety Management." This time technological and analytical challenges in assuring food safety and quality will meet risk assessment, health concerns, consumer preferences, and clinical implications. Unique insights in the global scope of these matters by renowned speakers, invited papers and most recent advances in science and technology generated by next-generation leading scientists will make up an exciting program. Visit the MoniQA International Conference website for details...

10 - 12 NOVEMBER 2015
Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece

This important scientific event brings together experts from multidisciplinary food related fields to: inspire a cross fertilization of new knowledge, ideas and applications; to promote networking and collaboration; to enhance academia and industry synergism in the quest for sustainable innovations for the global economy and society; and to share with you the hospitality of Athens, the birthplace of congresses. Traditionally, GHI holds meetings at this congress; details to follow. Visit the EFFoST website for details...

12 - 13 NOVEMBER 2015
Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece

The International Nonthermal Processing (NPD) Workshop

provides a global meeting point and forum for experts in the field of nonthermal processing of food, from academia and research, food professionals, equipment manufacturers and students. The objective of the workshop is to exchange state-of-the-art knowledge about developments in nonthermal processing technology research and applications to enhance progress in the field. Co-sponsored by IFT, IFT Non-thermal Processing Division and EFFoST. Please visit the 2015 NPD Workshop website for details... 


Articles of Interest

Plants that possess anti-diabetic properties is the subject of a new peer-reviewed article published in the May 2015 issue of the South African Journal of Botany. "Costus speciosus and Coccinia grandis: Traditional medicinal remedies for diabetes," by Dr. Viduranga Waisundara, GHI Ambassador to Sri Lanka, et. al, discusses diabetes mellitus, a major illness that is implicated in numerous other clinical conditions. Herbal medicines have been a popular form of therapy for this disease, and are now being engaged together with the usual pharmaceutical agents. Plants can synthesize phytochemicals with medicinal value, especially in developing countries where resources are meager. This review discusses the morphology of Costus speciosus and Coccinia grandis, uses of these plants in medicinal practices, traditional methods of administration, and the bioactive compounds that have been identified as possessing anti-diabetic properties. Read the abstract here...

Dr. Lucia Anelich, GHI Ambassador to South Africa, and Gerald G. Moy, GHI member, both independent food safety consultants, prepared a scientific information bulletin for the International Union of Food Science and Technology on important aspects of Ebola virus for the food science and technology community. An article summarizing this bulletin was published in Food Safety Magazine in February 2015. Read it here...    


The ISEKI-Food Association, an independent European non-profit organization established in 2005 by universities, research institutes, companies and associations with an interest in food, from all over the world, is making its newsletter available to GHI members. To find out more about the association's mission and initiatives, and to sign up for the ISEKI newsletter, please visit the IFA website...


Participate in GHI

Join Us for Monthly GHI Teleconferences
For more information about how you can participate, please contact GHI Secretariat
Irena Soljic.

Founded in 2004 as a joint activity of the US-based Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) International Division and the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) is a network of scientific organizations and individual scientists working together to promote harmonization of global food safety regulations and legislation. For more information, please visit our website at www.globalharmonization.net.

GHI has legal non-profit entity status and its charter and constitution are registered in Vienna, Austria as the GHI-Association (ZVR453446383).


GHI is an initiative of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), which is the European part of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) and the International Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). GHI is supported by many other scientific organizations and receives support from the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG).