Volume 32,  Issue 2                                                                                                                                                               April 2015 
In This Issue
Quick Links


Get general meeting and C.E. registration ONLINE!
American Dental Hygienists' Association
California Dental Hygienists' Association

Mt. Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Officers


Kristy Menage Bernie RDH, BS, RYT     

Immediate Past President:

Brittany Negrete, RDH, BA  




Lory Laughter, RDH, BS       lorylaughter@aol.com


President Elect:



Ways and Means:

Frannie Driscoll, RDH


Vice-President of Administration:

Julie Coan, RDH,BSDH     



Vice-President of Education:

Jessica Annereau, RDH




Debbie Phillips, RDH, BA      dubus56@aol.com



Nicole Claus RDH



Mt. Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Committees



Marianne Fujimoto, RDH     fujirdh@comcast.net


Membership Co-Chair

Julie Coan, RDH, BSDH      kahuna172@comcast.net


Corporate Relations:

Marianne Fujimoto, RDH     fujirdh@comcast.net


SADHA Liasion:

Jessica Annereau, RDH



Newsletter Editor:

Amanda Bielskis, RDH, BS   amandabielskis@astound.net



Patty Martin, RDHAP pzmartin@kiteisland.com


Community Dental Health Chairs:

Bonnie Slatkin, RDH, BS



Employment Services:



President's Message   
Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT
Your Vote Counts!
May represents an important opportunity for dental hygiene and our District in particular. There is a run off election between Susan Bonilla (D) and Steve Glazer (D) for the State Senate. At the last CDHA Board of Trustees meeting, CDHA officially endorsed Susan Bonilla. Assemblymember Bonilla is the Chair of the Committee which recently forwarded AB 502, important legislation relating to the RDHAP.


This race is tight and more than ever, dental hygiene can impact the outcome! Send in your vote-by-mail application (these were sent out the 2nd week in April) or be sure to get to your polling location and issue your vote on May 19th! And don't forget to ask your family and friends to do the same.


UPDATE AB 502: Authored by Assemblyman Chau and sponsored by the CDHA will assure that RDHAP's continue to serve their patients, providing safe and effective preventive and periodontal care services for those patients unable to obtain care in a traditional dental office setting. 


AB 502 was heard in the Assembly Business and Professions Committee on Tuesday April 14, 2015 and was approved to move on to be approved by the Assembly Health Committee by a 10-4 vote (Bonilla - AYE!). Visit www.cdha.org to track the bill and/or follow specifics relating to where you and your family and friends can send letters of support.


It's a busy time for our profession! Thank you for ALL you do to assure continued success and advancement of the art & science of dental hygiene.

Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT

Mt Diablo Dental Hygiene Society President  





Save the Date!!
Our Annual Miles for Smiles 3K/5K Run/Walk 
will be held  Saturday, September 12

Please join us in raising funds for two deserving local charities,
The Monument Crisis Center and Shelter, Inc. 
The Registration Form is here

(If you are interested in helping plan this event and/or volunteering please contact Mariann Fujimoto at fujirdh@comcast.net)
marathon-runners.jpg milesLOGO

Mt Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Presents

Coming CE Courses


NOTE - MDDHS CE courses now take place at the Hilton Hotel Concord (view map)

"My Patient Has a Dental Implant: Now What?"  
2 CE units 

Featuring: Ivy Zellmer, RDH & Etienne Lacrampe, DMD
When: Thursday, May 14, 2015 
~ Registration, Networking & Heavy Hors D'oeuvres - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
~ Presentation  - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm 
Where:  Hilton Hotel, Concord, CA 

To view the course flier and registration form click here
EXCITING NEWS!!! We are now accepting 
credit cards for course payment at the registration desk! 
We can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Please pre-register for CE courses to hold your spot and we will process payment at the registration desk before the course presentation.
Some photos from MtDDHS CE courses so far this year.....

CDHA Board of Trustees Meeting Summary
"What does CDHA mean to our stakeholders?"

The CDHA Board of Trustees met in March in Los Angeles, CA.  To view a detailed summary of numerous issues discussed and activities from that meeting, click  here.

Thank you to our Board for your continued commitment and dedication.
MDDHS Trustee's Report

Election of 2015-2016 offices was held on April 18, 2015 at the CE event. The following were elected to serve for the 2015 -2016 term starting July 1, 2015

President Elect - Nicole Claus
Treasurer - Debbie Phillips
VP of Education - Jessica Annereau
VP of Administration -Brian Peppered
Trustee - Lory Laughter

CDHA delegates who will serve at the 2015 House of Delegates May 29-31, 2015

Frannie Driscoll

Marianne Fujimoto
Debbie Phillips  
Nicole Claus
Brian Pepperell
JoAnn Galliano
Amanda Bielskis
Patty Martin

The delegate caucus for MDDHS will be held on May 21, at Mary's Pizza shack 2246 Oak Grove Rd, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 at 7:30PM. Every member of MDDHS is invited to attend and have a voice in how our component votes at HOD. This is your association! Join us and be part of the voice for Dental Hygiene.

Lory Laughter RDH, BS
MDDHS Trustee
From our Student Mentor.............
Hello students! 

Congratulations to the seniors for taking their National Board examination. I am sure that you all did great! Keep on focusing on getting your requirements and before you know it the school year will be over and you will be gearing up for one of the last hurdles (State examination).

We hope that the juniors are continuing to enjoy clinic and are honing your skills. As all RDH's will probably tell you and I'm sure you remember from your 120 class is that the role of a RDH is multifaceted. Keep up the hard hard work!

Looking forward to hearing about the experiences of our junior students attending the House of Delegates meeting in southern California at the end of May. Congratulations to Katina Feil for being chosen as the alternate delegate for ADHA District XI.

Keep up the hard work students! I mean future colleagues :)

Jessica Annereau, RDH
Student Liaison MDDHS

DVC Class of 2015
DVC Class of 2016

ADHA's Center for Life Long Learning
2015 Annual Session
Develop your skills at 30 CE courses offered
Empower your career & connect with other colleagues in dental hygiene.

June 17-23, 2015, Nashville, TN 


 Visit the DHCC web site! Click on links below for the latest announcements:



Join the DHCC mailing list    


          DHCC Website                                       



CalHyPAC is the California Dental Hygienists' Association's Political Action Committee, a separate entity from the CDHA. The PAC establishes relationships with California legislators who believe that dental hygienists are an important and essential part of the health care system. We support candidates for the California legislature who believe in our interests, concerns, and goals.  When CDHA introduces legislation, we need a supportive legislator who will sponsor the bill for us.CalHyPAC is an essential part of CDHA's government affairs program.

Visit the CalHyPac website and a link to their newsletter here.