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American Dental Hygienists' Association
California Dental Hygienists' Association
Mt. Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Officers
Kristy Menage Bernie RDH, BS, RYT
Immediate Past President:
Brittany Negrete, RDH, BA
Lory Laughter, RDH, BS lorylaughter@aol.com
President Elect:
Ways and Means:
Frannie Driscoll, RDH
Vice-President of Administration:
Julie Coan, RDH,BSDH
Vice-President of Education:
Jessica Annereau, RDH
Debbie Phillips, RDH, BA dubus56@aol.com
Nicole Claus RDH
Mt. Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Committees
Marianne Fujimoto, RDH fujirdh@comcast.net
Membership Co-Chair
Julie Coan, RDH, BSDH kahuna172@comcast.net
Corporate Relations:
Marianne Fujimoto, RDH fujirdh@comcast.net
SADHA Liasion:
Jessica Annereau, RDH
Newsletter Editor:
Amanda Bielskis, RDH, BS amandabielskis@astound.net
Patty Martin, RDHAP pzmartin@kiteisland.com
Community Dental Health Chairs:
Bonnie Slatkin, RDH, BS
Employment Services:
President's Message
Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT
It's hard to believe I am more than half way to earning my Master's of Science from UCSF! It has been quite a journey. For any of you considering a MS program, I can't say enough about UCSF. Enrollment is now open for the 2015/2016 class. You can apply at: http://dentistry.ucsf.edu/admissions/ms-in-dental-hygiene
As part of the program we are required to conduct research. My study looks at mandatory continuing competence as a condition for license renewal. The survey was sent to all CA RDH's in CDHA's database on February 13th. If you received this survey email, thank you for taking time to fill it out. This data will help shape future initiatives regarding this possible statute change.
Finally, I can't thank our board enough. With everything going on, they have been very understanding of my 'lack of time' - I truly appreciate their leadership! We invite YOU to consider joining our board. Positions give YOU the opportunity to shape the future of our profession.
All the best and see you at an upcoming meeting! As always, do not hesitate to contact me!
Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT
Mt Diablo Dental Hygiene Society President
2015 UCSF MSDH Class (Yes! That's our Trustee Lory Laughter as well!)
Mt Diablo Dental Hygiene Society Presents
Coming CE Courses
NOTE - MDDHS CE courses now take place at the Hilton Hotel Concord (view map)
"Local Anesthesia Troubleshooting and Update" 4 CE units
Featuring: Lygia Jolley, RDH, BA, CDHA President Elect
When: Saturday, April 18, 2015
~ Registration Breakfast - 7:45 am - 8:30 am
~ Presentation - 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Where: Hilton Hotel, Concord, CA
CDHA President Elect Visit & Officer Elections
To view the course flier and registration form click
"My Patient Has a Dental Implant: Now What?" 2 CE units
Featuring: Ivy Zellmer, RDH & Etienne Lacrampe, DMD
When: Thursday, May 14, 2015
~ Registration, Networking & Heavy Hors D'oeuvres - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
~ Presentation - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where: Hilton Hotel, Concord, CA
To view the course flier and registration form click here
EXCITING NEWS!!! We are now accepting
credit cards for course payment at the registration desk!
We can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Please pre-register for CE courses to hold your spot and we will process payment at the registration desk before the course presentation.
The 11th Annual Napa Dental Experience
March 13, 2015, Friday
A day of continuing education in beautiful Napa Valley. Earn 6 CE Units, enjoy a gourmet lunch, network with your fellow colleagues.

State Assembly woman Susan Bonilla has been a great supporter of the dental hygiene profession in the Legislature. She is now running to represent the 7th Senate District (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties) in a special election on March 17th, 2015.
CDHA members who want to support her can do so by
voting and /or volunteering for her campaign at:
Bonilla for Senate 2015 4425-C Treat Blvd, #139, Concord, CA 94521 Phone: (925) 360-8053
Brian Pepperell, RDH, RDA (CDHA Government Relations Council Member)
CDA Cares Sacramento - Volunteers Needed!!!
Dental and health care professionals are needed for this upcoming CDA Cares event in Sacramento, March 27 and 28th. Click here for more information and on-line registration for volunteers. Give back to the community by sharing your skills and talents with those in need. You are a valued professional with so much to offer.
MDDHS Trustee's Report
Voting this year will be done electronically. Nominations must be emailed to Lory Laughter (lorylaughter@aol.com) no later than March 5. A link for electronic voting will be sent after nominations are received and confirmed. This process will open voting to more members and also allow us to meet CDHA deadlines for delegate registration.
MDDHS Offices open for nomination include:
President Elect
VP of Education
VP of Administration
CDHA Delegate
Delegates will serve at the 2015 CDHA House of Delegates being held May 29 -31 at Harrah's Rincon SoCal Resort. Please send your nominations or let Lory know of your desire to run for office by the March 5 deadline.
Thank you
Lory Laughter RDH, BS MDDHS Trustee
ADHA's Center for Life Long Learning
2015 Annual Session
Develop your skills at 30 CE courses offered
Empower your career & connect with other colleagues in dental hygiene.
June 17-23, 2015, Nashville, TN
Update on the legislative action:
1. SB 1245 DHCC Sunset extended 2019
2. Working to remove jurisdiction of DHCC from the Dental board
3. CDHA is planning a legislative bill that would change several RDH duties from direct supervision to general supervision. They are currently seeking a legislator to sponsor the bill. The bill proposes allowing general supervision for duties a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) currently performs under direct supervision (local anesthesia, nitrous oxide-oxygen analgesia and soft tissue curettage) & under general supervision dispense, administer & prescribe topical fluoride & anti microbial agents. General supervision allows the dentist to determine the level of supervision needed on an individual basis. General supervision also allows full utilization of the RDH scope of practice within the standing orders of the dentist.
After a number is assigned to the bill it would be beneficial to have a letter in support of general supervision from dentists. We will keep you updated on this issue and the need for letters.
From our Student Mentor.............

Any of you dental hygiene students need some extra money??? Would a $1,000 scholarship be helpful? Check out the 2015 Cora Ueland Scholarship for dental hygiene students here.
Juniors: Hello to all! One semester down and riding well into the second....yea! I hope that everyone is enjoying and surviving the DH program.
Looking ahead: May 29-31 will be the CDHA House of Delegates meeting in Southern California at Harrah's Rincon SoCal Resort. Your 2014-2015 CDHA Student Relations Council Members will be participating and learning all about how CDHA works.
Seniors: Good luck with your National exams!! I am confident you all are ready and have studied hard. DVC prepares their students well for both Nationals and State Boards. You're in good hands. House of Delegates is right around the corner. If there are any seniors who would like to attend (we would love it!) please contact me so that I can provide information on how to make it happen. Both: I hope that everyone will be attending the 2015 Northern California CDHA Annual Student Regional Conferences held Saturday, Feb 28 at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Concord, CA. It is a great event to learn more about how CDHA works and what they do to promote and strengthen your future profession. There will be interesting exhibits, vendors, and great prizes! To view more information about the event click here. It's an excellent way to socialize and meet students from other schools.
Please see the flyers (links above) for the CE classes in May and April. Great topics - local anesthesia review and tips & implant care and maintenance.
As always, take some time to visit all the websites and stay connected....MDDHS, CDHA, ADHA, DHCC, CDA, and ADA. Hope to see all of you at the May or April CE classes!
Jessica Annereau,RDH
MDDHS Student Liason
MDDHS Vice President of Education
DVC Class of 2015
 | DVC Class of 2016 |
Save the Date!!
Our Annual Miles for Smiles Run/Walk will be held
Saturday, September 12
Please join us in raising funds for two deserving local charities. More information coming soon....
If you are interested in helping plan this event and/or
Visit the DHCC web site! Click on links below for the latest announcements:
Join the DHCC mailing list
DHCC Website
CalHyPAC is the California Dental Hygienists' Association's Political Action Committee, a separate entity from the CDHA. The PAC establishes relationships with California legislators who believe that dental hygienists are an important and essential part of the health care system. We support candidates for the California legislature who believe in our interests, concerns, and goals. When CDHA introduces legislation, we need a supportive legislator who will sponsor the bill for us.CalHyPAC is an essential part of CDHA's government affairs program.
Visit the CalHyPac website and a link to their newsletter here.