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Our February Cleanse


 As the countdown to opening registration is getting shorter, we knew we'd need to rejuvenate our energy to finalize all the details.  Regan suggested a week-long cleanse to give our immune systems a little jolt and help us feel better prepared to tackle all the "odds and ends" that make the festival come to life.   


With only 2 days remaining, we thought we'd share some of our our experiences eating a whole food diet.


Terri - I'm so glad we did this!  I have always considered myself a pretty 'clean eater', but this cleanse has been an eye opener.  I have a much better appreciation for foods that energize me as well as those that slow me down- I was eating too much sugar!!


Justine - This is the third time I have "cleansed" and the only time I have made it through without cheating!  Being part of a group and organizing a food swap was immensely helpful.  It has been a great experience and really helps you rethink the foods you put into your body.  Get a good support group and try it!


Dana - Over the years, I've gradually and unintentionally increased my coffee to consumption to about 4-5 cups of a day. Now I know caffeine withdrawal is not to be taken lightly. This has been hands-down the hardest part for me.  I highly recommend going through a cleanse with a buddy, or four! There is that additional accountability when you are all in it together. 


Kelly - I have learned to use food as a fuel for my body.  This cleanse has opened my eyes to the direct connection between food and not only your body but your mind as well.  Your body is a temple and everything single thing you put into it has a direct response.


Regan - It is a love hate relationship.  I definitely didn't realize how many goldfish and grilled cheese sandwich crusts I pop in my mouth.  It has made me more aware of everything that I put in my body and what I can do without.  I love how I feel when I wake up in the morning and my kids love to share my "green monster" smoothie.  If they only knew what was in it! 

Health & Wellness Lecture Series Returns

We are putting the finishing touches on our 2014 MYF schedule and can't wait to share all the exciting new workshops and classes with you.  Our popular Health and Wellness Lecture Series presented by Idexx Laboratories will return covering relevant new topics related to healthy living.  Just like last year, you receive admittance to one lecture from our series with your festival pass at no extra charge.   You can attend a guided meditation or complementary lecture on fascinating topics ranging from the IDexx neuroscience of yoga to the benefits of breathwork to creating a sacred space in your home.   


Studio Partner Feature: PRACTICE

PRACTICE, located just off of Portland's Monument Square, offers the convenience of downtown yoga classes for all who want to step away from the continuous inputs of daily life to tune-in and recharge. Classes are taught by senior yoga teachers and are small with individual attention tailored to participants' capabilities and experience.  PRACTICE offers a soothing refuge in the middle of the city.


Why do you want to be a part of MYF?
I have been teaching yoga in Maine for 10 years, and celebrate the diversity and growth of yoga for all!! Love the energy around the Maine yoga community. 


Only 1 Day Left!


Final day to sign-up for our Valentine giveaway - dinner for two  at Eve's at the Garden in the charming Portland Harbor Hotel.


 ENTER TODAY and If you get 2 friends to sign up, you'll be entered for a chance to win a 3-workshop pass to MYF!

bangor lee  IDexx

104.7maine mag.jade PHH 