Members of Troop 4 at Cedarlands during their Spring trip.


Greetings fellow Scouters,

As we near the end of a great Scouting year and get ready for an exciting summer of camping and unit activities, we want to bring you up to speed on a developing opportunity for the Revolutionary Trails (RTC) Council. Working with the Otschodela Council (OC), we began a comprehensive and detailed feasibility study to examine the possible consolidation of our two Councils into one. On two previous occasions the Councils conducted similar feasibility studies and concluded that the timing was not right. Given the current landscape of Scouting and the unique situations of OC and RTC it was decided that now was the time to give the matter further consideration. We would like to share the genesis of this idea, how the feasibility study is being conducted and planned next steps. Although the schedule is fast and the movement is significant we are still looking for input.  


How did this idea come about?

Both Councils are in a unique position. Last December, following a comprehensive year-long evaluation process, the RTC Executive Board voted overwhelmingly in favor of selling two of its three Scout camps to ensure a sustainable camping program at Camp Kingsley for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. The OC long-time Scout Executive is retiring this summer after a remarkable tenure of service. Additionally, the OC has begun a $2.1 Million capital campaign to further develop its excellent scout camp - Henderson Scout Reservation. These actions have left both Councils looking to maximize efficiency, to get more youth to camp and to develop exciting new programming for the youth they serve.

At the Area 3 Sustainability Conference, representatives from the OC heard about the RTC camp sale decision and approached them about sending RTC Scouts to Henderson. With declining membership nationally, both councils were looking for ways to boost attendance at their respective camps. Given the difficult RTC decision to sell two camps and retain as many youth as possible at their remaining Camp Kingsley, the RTC declined the offer. However, this discussion set in motion further dialogue leading to the suggestion of a new and combined Council. By consolidating two strong councils, both would be able to retain youth at their camps while leveraging the significant financial resources of both Councils for new programming.


The Feasibility Study Process

To analyze this consolidation, there are MANY issues that need to be explored. Both Councils spent the last month looking at the challenges and opportunities. The National BSA office was contacted and provided comprehensive guidelines and resources for use in the study. As part of the study, representatives from both Councils formed five committees to look at  the feasibility and practicality of this consolidation. The number one consideration - will this consolidation provide a better Scouting experience for our youth?  The committees are working independently of each other, and are represented on a weekly conference call to provide status updates to the entire group. The five committees are: Camping, Governance/Administration, Commissioners, Finance and Communications/Marketing. Each Committee operates from a task list of items provided by the National office. These comprehensive task lists ensure that every facet of a proposed consolidation is looked at in detail prior to moving forward.


Summer camp is the catalyst for this discussion. With enrollment down, the Councils need to offer an exciting camp opportunity for Council Scouts. The initial idea is to have Boy Scouts attend Henderson Scout Reservation (currently the subject of a $2.1 Million capital improvement campaign), while Camp Kingsley could continue to be utilized as a Cub Scout camp as well as a Specialty Camp for the many new program features that the RTC has envisioned offering in the future. This would enable us to leverage the unique features and advantages of each property, and could dramatically increase attendance at both camps to allow for a great Scouting experience.


Next Steps

The leadership of both Councils have met with their Board or Executive Committee and voted unanimously to conduct the feasibility study. Both Councils are 100% behind this exploratory process and understand that this is the first step in future discussions. Each of the five committees will present their findings to the entire workgroup. At that point, it will be determined whether or not we continue to pursue the initiative. More information is needed before final recommendations can be made.  As the committees follow the guidelines provided by National, we can be certain that the decisions reached will be well researched and thought out. In anticipation of the work group progress the Revolutionary Trails  Council will be conducting a meeting to provide information to our Scouts, Scouters, Chartered partners and interested community members.  This meeting will take place as part of the Annual Program Launch scheduled for June 25, 6:30 - 9:00pm at the Westmoreland Central School. Additional meetings will be scheduled based on level of interest.


Final Thought

There will be those who see this discussion as strangely coincidental given the decision by the RTC to sell two camps; some will say that "this was the plan all along". Nothing could be further from the truth. This is simply an opportunity that arose out of a discussion between the two Councils on how to create a better Scouting experience for youth. If the feasibility study recommends a positive result, then the potential benefit to our Scouts will far outweigh the possible poor timing of this initiative.  


Mergers and acquisitions often happen when a distressed entity is absorbed by a more successful one; however, that is not the case here. Both Councils are financially healthy with strong endowments. A consolidation may allow for greater cost efficiency, shared best practices and a more robust experience for our Scouters.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Steve McEwan ( at the Revolutionary Trails Council or Tom Wright ( at the Otschodela Council.


Yours in Scouting,


William Kline, Revolutionary Trails Council President                  


Rick Bamberger, Otschodela Council President

Program KickoffPK 
Get ready for the 2015-16 program year by attending the Council Program Launch! This year, the event will be held on Thursday, June 25th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Westmoreland Elementary SchoolFrom 6:30-7:15 p.m., you will have the opportunity to visit the program displays while enjoying a light cracker-barrel. Following the cracker-barrel, there will be presentations made by the program committee volunteers and the Council staff. To RSVP, click here to email Tom Labayewski, or call the Scout Service Center at 315-735-4437.

2016 Camping 

Training Opportunities
Advancement/Trail to Eagle ProcessHealth and Safety
Popcorn UpdatesYear-Round Program Activities
Jamboree 2017
2015-16 Program Calendar
Council Consolidation
Philmont 2016


Quality program only comes with planning. 
Let us help you get ready to plan your best program year ever on June 25th.

Cub_FamilyCancelled: Cub Scout 

Summer Family Camp

Unfortunately, we will be cancelling Cub Scout Summer Family camp that was to be held June 13-14 at Camp Kingsley. If you have any questions, please click here to email Cory Jenner.

Calling all Units! As we did last year, we will be conducting a shooting sports clinic and overnight at the site of the tournament, the Clinton Fish and Game Club, in Clinton, NY. All interested Scouts over the age of 12 can participate. We will provide the clinic, the overnight camping, a Sporting Clays T-Shirt, breakfast the next morning and lunch after the shoot. We only ask that the Scouts volunteer a few hours of their time to help out during the Tournament. We had excellent participation last year and hope that 2015 will be just as good!


The cost to the Scout/Troop? NOTHING! Absolutely Free!


Please sign up early as space is very, very limited and is on a first come, first served basis. The deadline for sign up is July 11, 2015. For more information and for registration, email Siobhan Woods.
PolandScout Alum Elected to School Board
When Tristan Abend turned 18, he began looking for something to celebrate that important milestone in his life. Many new opportunities are open to 18-year-olds, but Tristan decided on a path not traveled by many recent high-school graduates: He decided to make a difference in his community by running for the Poland Central School Board. On May 29, 2015, he won his first election while almost unseating the incumbent Board President. 


Tristan, a long-time Scout from Troop 20 in Poland, NY and Camp Russell staff member, is a living example of the importance of Scouting in the world today. It is not often that today's youth choose to become so actively involved their local communities and in working to improve the education of our society's youth.


Please join us in wishing Tristan good luck on his endeavors!

We're extending the deadline to sign up for Cub Scout Day Camp! You can register your Cub Scout through Wednesday, June 25! This year, activities will include archery, BB guns, k-9 dogs search and rescue teams and many other Cub Scout Investigations! To register, email RJ Wiechecki, or give him a call with any questions on his cell phone at 484-213-2289.



Cub Scout Day Camp Sessions

Session 1: July 13-16, Munnsville American Legion

Session 2: July 20-23, Deerfield Fire Hall

Session 3: July 27-30, Herkimer Fish and Game Club

Fall_RecruitmentCub Scout Fall Recruitment Ideas


Display Cases and Bulletin Boards


Materials: Pack calendar with contact names and telephone numbers, photographs, awards, pinewood derby cars, ribbons and any other exciting visuals.


Timing:  Promotion of Cub Scouting at the beginning of the school year is very important. This is the time of year when most families decide to join new activities. If possible the display should be maintained year-round and changed monthly.


Steps: Seek permission from the library, school, church, recreation center or other organization to use the display case. Many schools have such cases near the entrance doors. Have a person from your pack responsible for setting up the display and changing it once a month during the year.  


Each month should have a monthly theme with catch phrases to attract attention. The display items should go along with the monthly theme. The display should be fun and informative and create a sense of excitement about the Scouting program. If access to display case all year round is not possible, using it in the beginning of the school year would be the best time.

Send Us Your Scouting NewsSend_News
Have a great story, fun event or important news for ScoutWire? We would love to hear from you! Send us your news by emailing Siobhan, or calling the Scout Service Center at 315-735-4437.