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Pacifica Beach Coalition e-News, November 2014
Call Out For All Ocean Heroes & Lovers.
Join Pacifica Beach Coalition!
Do you love the Ocean and want to do more to help it? 
Perhaps becoming a Pacifica Beach Coalition member is right for you! 
We are a diverse group of people who cares passionately about the environment and work together to educate, inspire and enlist people to preserve the ocean, coastal habitat and wildlife. We seek to end litter, through advocacy, education, community building, and citizen action. We welcome your help and skills whatever they may be. There are opportunities to be a neighborhood advocate, beach site captain, education liaison, writer, recorder, scrapbooker, outreach and media contributor, grant writer, educator, supporting cast member, and more.
Find out more by sending us an email or calling us at 650-355-1668. Thank you!
Coastal Cleanup Day: THANK YOU!

We know Coastal Cleanup Day was almost 2 months ago, but we can never thank you enough for coming and helping us in the quest to ending litter. PBC's site captains and every single one of our crew members had a great time and we hope you did too. Hopefully, we will see you again next year (if not earlier!).

FogFest was Fun!
Our Human Snowy Plovers & Litter Crew Caught People's Attention.
Thanks to so many of you for visiting our booth and voting for your ED 2015 Slogan
Many of us walked in the parade as snowy plovers and some of us picked up trash  along the parade route. We had a booth that attracted a lot of interest, including an opportunity to choose the slogan for next year's Earth Hero. The slogan chosen was "Bee the Change... Bee an Earth Hero". It was a very successful weekend with a great PBC booth and fabulous parade!
The World is NOT Your Ashtray.
Status of the Cigarette Butt Campaign.
The Cigarette Butt Committee & PBC continues work on the tobacco litter reduction campaign. Around the mid-summer solstice we received a Keep America Beautiful grant and installed two filter receptacles at Mussel Rock Car Park.  In addition we've been working with a local businessman to create our very own receptacle that can stand up to our coastal weather. 

Based on a distressing sum total of 18588 cigarettes picked up and counted during  
Coastal Cleanup Day from Half Moon Bay to Pacifica and up to Mussel Rock, our campaign is even more motivated to put up more receptacles and informative signage to get people to use the containers!
Did you know?  

-Cigarette filters are made of plastic and contain 165 toxic chemicals

-4.95 trillion cigarette filters are disposed of in our environment annually
-Litter cleanup costs the US over $11 billion annually 
-Cigarette filters leach toxins when wet, posting a threat to marine & wildlife. 
-Cigarette filters, called the gateway litter, are the most frequently littered item.

October Litter in Numbers
And together we collected 3377 cigarette butts!
With the help of 168 volunteers during the month of October, we picked up over 3377 cigarette butts (not everyone counts), 604lbs of trash and 142lbs of recycling. From cleanups organized via the Adopt-A-Beach program to individual cleanups, we love the dedication of our volunteers and their love for the Ocean and wildlife.
Earth Day 2015- Save The Date
Mark your calendar and line up your team, family, or business for April 18th.
April 18, 2015, will be a Saturday in Spring when the Pacifica Beach Coalition will roll out a day of fun, cleanups, and celebrations as we go out to lead hundreds of volunteers from local and not-so-local schools, churches, 4-H clubs, boy scouts, girl scouts, supported by City of Pacifica, NCCWD, Safeway, Recology, and many other businesses. The Earth Day Hero has been chosen; and this year we will honor a hard-working but threatened insect, the Bee, so let's save the date, volunteer, and remember this new slogan: Bee the Change, Bee an Earth Hero!
Next Social Hour
New Volunteers Welcome!
Would you like to meet Beach Lovers like you and talk about the ocean? Come join us and enjoy new friends. Bring the weirdest or funniest piece of litter you found at your last cleanup and possibly win a prize.
When: Thursday November 20th at 6:00 PM
Where: American Sushi Restaurant, Fairmont      Shopping Center

Upcoming Beach Cleanups
Mark your calendars for our weekly cleanups
Mussel Rock, Daly City -  Helen will be your Site Captain
   When: Saturday, Nov. 22nd from 9 to 11am
   Where: Mussel Rock car park and beach. Meet in the   parking lot at the end of Westline Drive.

Rockaway Beach -  Tom will be your Site Captain
   When: Saturday Dec. 6th from 9 to 11am
   Where: Rockaway beach & meet in the North parking lot
Site Captain
Would like to help as a site captain? Yes! Contact us today and we will train & support you.
Contact us
Tobacco Litter
Cigarette butts continue to be the #1 item polluting our coastline. Over 66,000 have been counted at our cleanups this year.
Learn More
The PBC is an All-Volunteer organization. Make a Tax deductible contribution today!
Donate Now
If You Like Clean Beaches, Like Us on Facebook!
Volunteers and Members of Pacifica Beach Coalition love clean beaches and we think that it is important to spread the word and increase awareness. Therefore, we created a Facebook Page in order to show the World all the great things we have been doing and will keep on doing! We also wanted to be closer to you and give you a better opportunity to connect with us. So, if you like us, love clean beaches and want to make this World a better place, don't be afraid, show your love and like us on Facebook. This would mean a lot to us! 

Like us on Facebook          Follow us on Twitter

Mark your calendar and join our weekly beach cleanups. If not you, who? If not now, when??? Look for more PBC news in your inbox throughout the year. Thank you for all you do  to protect our environment!
Lynn Adams
Pacifica Beach Coalition, President
2013 Cox Conserves Hero - Bay Area Award winner