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 Vote for Lynn here
 and view the video too. 

Lynn Adams is a Cox Conserves Heroes finalist

Watch Lynn on KTVU Ch. 2 noon news today, Aug. 28, 

Voting ends at 5pm on Sept. 26. 


Quick Links
Monthly Cleanup Schedule
9:00am - 11:00am (Esplanade 4-6pm)
Aug 24th - Mussel Rock & Mazzetti's
Aug 31st - Mazzetti's
Sep 7th   - Rockaway Beach & Mazzetti's
Sep 12th - Esplanade
Sep 14th - Sharp Park & Mazzetti's
**Sep 21st - COASTAL CLEANUP**
Sep 28th - Mussel Rock & Mazzetti's

Habitat Restoration Schedule - 10:00am - 12:pm
Aug 25 - Linda Mar 
Sep 22 - Linda Mar
Upcoming Events
Aug 29th - PBC Happy Hour

Sep 3rd - PBC Meeting
Sep 21st - **COASTAL CLEANUP**

Sep 26th - Young Ocean Stewards Night
Sep 28/29 - Fog Fest 
Dear Earth Hero   


This is a Special Edition enews asking for your vote.  Lynn Adams, our very own PBC President and Earth Hero, is one of three Cox Conserves Heroes finalists.  Thank you for taking the time to share this message with your friends, colleagues and social networks and don't forget to VOTE FOR LYNN.  While at the Cox Conserves Heroes site be sure to view the video.


Pick it up, Pacifica! 



Pacifica Beach Coalition (PBC) President Lynn Adams was nominated for the Cox Conserves Heroes (CCH) Award, and was selected as one of three finalists.  The final awards phase for the $10,000 grand prize consists of an online voting contest from August 28th through Sep 26th.


Please VOTE FOR LYNN here and view the video too.  Funds from this award can be directed toward PBC's Earth Day 2014 activities.  Also, please forward this message to your social networks, and ask your friends and colleagues to vote for Lynn.


Lynn rallied 8500 volunteers for Earth Day this year to remove 15,000 pounds of trash, recycle, green waste from Pacifica's environment.  Her work has made our city (and beaches) cleaner, improved the habitat, engaged our citizens and businesses, and united us to protect the ocean  Lynn deserves to be the Cox Conserves Hero!   
 Watch the KTVU 2  noon news on Wednesday, August 28th for more details and VOTE for LYNN here Lynn ED
   Lynn and Jackie


Click here to read about Lynn in Christa Bigue's August 27th Patch article, "Why Pacifica Should Vote for Lynn Adams."
Also, be sure to pick up our local paper, the Pacifica Tribune, to read Jean Bartlett's article about Lynn.  It's in the local news section on page 3A and is titled, "Eco-friendly hero award gives Pacificans a chance to vote for the home team" or click here for a link to the article.

Thank you for getting the message out to vote for me for the Cox Conserves Heroes award.  I think it is an amazing opportunity to share our work with everyone. 

Mark your calendar and join our weekly beach cleanups. If not you? Who? If not now? When??? Look for more PBC news in your inbox in the coming weeks. Thank you for all you do!  

Lynn Adams
Pacifica Beach Coalition, President