Pacifica Beach Coalition  Logo  Snowy Plover

Quick Links
Monthly Cleanup Schedule
9:00am - 11:00am (Esplanade 4-6pm)
Feb  2nd - Rockaway
Feb  9th - Sharp Park
Feb 14th - Esplanade (4-6pm)
Feb 16th - Linda Mar
Feb 23rd - Mussel Rock
Mar 2nd - Rockaway 

Habitat Restoration Schedule - 10:00am - 12:pm
Feb 24th - Linda Mar
Mar 24th - Linda Mar
Upcoming Events

Feb 5th - PBC Mtg/Earth Day Stakeholder Mtg
Feb 22nd - Surf Movie  
   6pm & 8:30pm showing

Mar 5th - PBC Mtg/Earthday Stakeholder Mtg
Mar 22nd - Shark Movie
   7pm at Library

Apr 2nd - PBC Meeting

Apr 20th - Earth Day

May 7th - PBC Meeting

June 4th - PBC Meeting

Jul 9th - PBC Meeting

Aug 6th - PBC Meeting

Sep 3rd - PBC Meeting

Sep 21st Coastal Cleanup    

Sep 28/29 - Fog Fest 

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New Petition by Sea Turtle Restoration Project!

Expand Marine Sanctuaries to Block Offshore Oil
"California's National Marine Sanctuaries preserve one of the world's most productive marine ecosystems from the devastating impacts of the oil and gas industry. The Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary boundaries are now up for review, and your help is needed today to support this historic chance to expand their reaches northward and safeguard offshore habitats for future generations."
Take action now to expand California's National Marine Sanctuaries!
Pacifica Mammoth on PCT
Pacifica Mammoth on PCT
Dear Earth Hero   
National Day of Service, Surf Movie, Earth Day, Tsunami Debris cleanups and weekly cleanups: So much is happening and your help truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support. Read on to find out more information on what is happening and how you can continue to help the ocean and its inhabitants! 
Earth Day Planning Meeting
Earth Day Planning Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 7:00pm
Pacifica Library (104 Hilton Way)
Calling community members and group leaders, business owners, civic leaders and anyone interested in helping to make this year's Earth Day event the best ever! This is an opportunity to get the inside scoop on this year's Earth Day event and to meet/collaborate with other leaders and the PBC organizational team. We hope to see you there!
Annual Surf Movie/Earth Day Fundraiser
Annual Surf Movie/Earth Day Fundraiser
February 22nd, 2 Shows 6:00pm & 8:30pm 
Mildred Owen Concert Hall
2013 Surf Movie Poster
 The Pacifica Beach Coalition invites you to our Annual Surf Movie Earth Day Fundraiser on Friday, February 22nd. 


Tickets are available at Sonlight Surfshop, Cafe Pacifica or at:


Please pass along the invite to your groups and friends! 
National Day of Service
Pacifica Beach Coalition Teams up with National Day of Service
Thank you volunteers for giving back on Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama's National Day of Service! With the help of 200 volunteers, we removed 212 pounds of trash and 10 pounds of recyclables (3 bags) from Linda Mar State Beach and the surrounding parking lots. We also planted over 1000 dune plants on the north end of the beach and removed several tons of ice plant from a 900 sq. ft. area that we can plant next year. Never before has so much been done by volunteers at Linda Mar State Beach in one day!
Thank you for your help. We couldn't have done it without you! Please click on the link for more pictures and the full story on Pacifica Patch.
Weekly Cleanup Schedule
Invitation to Join Weekly Cleanup Continued...

This new year will bring even more floating debris on our beaches, as a result of the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami, which released about 5 million tons of debris into the Pacific Ocean. For this reason, we applied for grant money to help our cleanup efforts. 

We will be searching Pacifica & Daly City beaches for anything that hails from Japan, and filling out forms to submit to  

There is good news! Daly City Council has banned Styrofoam food containers from restaurants, as well as outdoor smoking in car parks. Furthermore, Pacifica will ban stores from providing plastic bags for Earth Day, April 2013. Eventually, we should expect to see less cigarette butts, Styrofoam food containers and plastic bags. Pacifica's fireworks task force is also working on changes to where fireworks may be lit.

Please come and support our weekly cleanups. You can bring some friends and family to help or meet new friends as you make a difference in 2013. Check out our Website for more information at We can provide some gloves, buckets and tools, but you can help us become more sustainable by bringing your own gloves and tools.   

We look forward to seeing you at our weekly beach cleanups and at our SURF MOVIE benefit screening on Friday, FEBRUARY 22nd as well as at EARTH DAY on Saturday, APRIL 20th.  Every day is Earth Day and every sustainable action you take makes a difference. Look for more PBC news in your inbox in the coming weeks. Thank you for all you do!  

Lynn Adams
Pacifica Beach Coalition, President