Program Manager Position Open With
Caregiver SOS/Harlingen Senior Center Staff Change

Special Email News Blast # 108 

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Please email details and pdf documents promoting the item, with a contact name, email address, phone number to: Sue Ellen Lewis, Editor, Caregiver SOS Signals Newsletter/Email News Blasts:; Voice: 210-637-5116.


Position Open at Harlingen (TX) Senior Center

A change in Caregiver SOS Program Managers has been announced by Carol Zernial, Executive Director of the WellMed Charitable Foundation (WCF).

Gloria Miranda, current Harlingen Program Manager - Caregiver SOS and Senior Center Operations, will transfer to San Antonio effective September 2, taking a similar position there. "We thank Gloria for her work to initiate and build the program in Harlingen," stated Debbie Billa, who supervises the Caregiver SOS staff.

"WCF is now recruiting qualified professionals to apply for this important Harlingen position," she added. "The Program Manager manages the Senior Center as well as implementing the Caregiver SOS program, which supports and educates Family Caregivers."

If you are interested in applying, please review the job description at the link below. You can also apply there online. "Our goal is to fill the position and bring the new Program Manager on board by mid-September," Billa explained.

Link to job description:  Program Manager - Caregiver and Senior Center Operations - Harlingen, TX.

Photos of Activities for Family Caregivers and Seniors

This Eblast Courtesy of WellMed Charitable Foundation