For San Antonio Area Family Caregivers of Seniors, Children/Adults Who Have a Disability, Wounded Warriors
Email News Blast # 99: June, 2014 

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Individuals, organizations, non-profits, and state, regional, and local agencies may submit for consideration your input or information on meetings, educational sessions, or resources for caregivers (of seniors, wounded warriors, or children/adults with a disability).


Please email details and pdf documents promoting the item, with a contact name, email address, phone number to: Sue Ellen Lewis, Editor, Caregiver SOS Signals Newsletter/Email News Blasts:; Voice: 210-637-5116.



Busy Summertime

In addition to vacations, the summer also is busy with events, training, and classes of interest to Family Caregivers, Care Recipients, and staff of agencies and organizations providing resources, services and supports.

You have the opportunity to review and participate in the many items below. Thank you for your interest!

Caregiver SOS June Calendar--Lopez Center

Caregiver SOS at the Alicia Trevino Lopez Senior One Stop; 8353 Culebra Road, San Antonio, TX 78251; 210-558-0178; Caregiver Specialist, Joye McQueen, June Calendar

Caregiver SOS June Calendar--Northern Hills

Caregiver SOS at Northern Hills, 14100 Nacogdoches, San Antonio, TX 78247, voice: 210-599-4614, Rita Avendano, Caregiver Specialist, June Calendar
Sign Up NOW for June, 2014 TeleConnection Sessions
Features Important Topics, Including: 
    • Relaxation: Importance and Techniques
    • Coping with Stress     
These hour-long phone-based sessions are provided courtesy of WellMed Charitable Foundation, and are designed to connect family caregivers to experts with helpful information and other caregivers, with needed emotional, educational and social support.

The sessions can be accessed from anywhere via your phone: no need to get dressed up, find transportation, or get a sitter.  

Register for any TeleLearning Session by phone: (210) 871-7SOS (7767) or 1 (866) 390-6491 (toll-free); Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Thursday, June 19, 12 Noon 
"Relaxation: Importance and Techniques" with Evalyn Greb, LCSW 
Evalyn Greb
Do you get to the end of the day feeling like you have been completely drained of all energy and are unhappy with yourself?  This session will discuss the need for relaxation in your daily routine and some proven techniques to lower your stress.  You will hear other caregivers share the ways they have learned to relax.
This telelearning session is open to all at no charge.
Wednesday, June 25 at 11 a.m.      
"Coping with Stress" with Sharon Lewis, RN, PhD, FAAN
Dr. Sharon Lewis edited
Dr. Lewis is a recognized expert on caregiving issues and is the developer of the Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers.
This session will explore specific coping strategies in relation to addressing caregiver stress.  Participants will reflect on how they respond to stress and how they can develop appropriate coping strategies for their caregiving situation.
This telelearning session is open to all at no charge. Registration
Volunteer for Senior Medicare Patrol Training June 17

Managing ADD, ADHD, OCD, & Autism Naturally-June 19
Area Agencies on Aging, Medicare Training June 20
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon June 20

Christian Senior Services Senior Compantion Program  

Celebrates 40th Anniversary 


The Senior Companion Program from Christian Senior Services has much to celebrate! On June 20th, we will be having our annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon honoring all of our older adult volunteers serving homebound, disabled seniors in the community.  


We are excited to welcome guest musician, Clifton Jansky, 2005 Christian Country Music Awards, 2004 Entertainer of the Year, and Doug Whitaker, trick roper from the Rio Cibolo Ranch!


In addition, 2014 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Senior Companion Program, a nationwide outreach operated by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that helps more than 5 million Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service.  



Alzheimer's Association Events June 21 and 25

Alz. Assn Logo wide
On a Mission

Watch out for the Alzheimer's Association at upcoming Missions Baseball  Games!  We've partnered again with the Missions to help us raise concern and awareness about Alzheimer's disease and related Dementias.  Please call the Alzheimer's Association for more information #210-822-6449.

Healthy Eating and Avoiding Dehydration June 23, 24

Flyer for printing/posting
Acute Care Carve-In Training June 26

Healthcare Fraud Prevention Summit, July 11
AAIDD Convention July 22-25

Helping Elders Age in Place Conference July 24-25
ADA Celebration July 26
Diabetic Neuropathy Webinar July 27 on 50PlusPrime

 Medication Management August 1 and 8
Golf Tournament Benefits Wounded Heroes August 18

Preview August 29; Training Begins September 2

Volunteers Needed for New Intergenerational Program,

CATCH Healthy Habits  


OASIS is a national organization that promotes successful aging through a three-fold approach: lifelong learning, healthy living and social engagement.  Founded in 1982 and based in St. Louis, the non-profit organization is now active in 43 cities across 25 states and serves more than 59,000 individuals over age 50 each year.


CATCH Healthy Habits is a new program with OASIS that is an evidence and outcomes-based intergenerational program that encourages healthy eating and active living. The program combats obesity by engaging adults age 50+ as mentors to teach healthy lifelong habits to kids in grades K-5. Adults in the program benefit in several way s.  


Research shows that volunteers have lower rates of depression and mortality and greater functional ability than those who do not volunteer. As they promote healthy habits for kids and for themselves, they also experience the rewards of meaningful community service.


Volunteers for this program  conduct one hour sessions, one day  a week for up to 8 sessions. Each one-hour session includes a 10 minute healthy snack, 20 minute nutrition lesson, and 30 minutes of physical activity.  


We are recruiting volunteers for the Fall 2014 Training, with the fall program starting September 23. Training is 6 hours and conducted over a two day period.


CATCH Orientation

Introduction to CATCH program, recruitment, and training sign up

Friday, August 29, 10-11 a.m.

Location: Morningside OASIS


Fall Training Dates

Tuesday, September 2, 9-12 p.m.

Wednesday, September 3, 9-12pm

Location: Morningside OASIS

Monique Johnson



To learn more or sign up for training contact: 

Monique Johnson

OASIS CATCH Healthy Habits Coordinator

210-236-5954, ext 211

Powerful Tools for Caregivers September 9-October 14
AARP Texas

AARP Texas is Monitoring Review of the State
Agency that Licenses Nursing Homes

You may have heard about it on the news. The state agency that licenses Texas nursing homes is undergoing a top-to-bottom review by the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.


Texas has more than 1,200 nursing homes across the state and many of these homes provide good, compassionate care to their residents.

But there are some "bad actors," homes with a consistently bad track record, that put the health and safety of our most frail seniors at risk. It's these bad actors that we're focused on. AARP is working to ensure all nursing homes are safe. We hope you'll join us in this fight. 


We're paying close attention to how this review of the state licensing agency develops, and we're ready to chime in at the right moment.

But state officials don't need to just hear from us. They need to hear from you. They need to hear about your experiences with nursing homes--the good ones and the bad ones. 


 Please click through to tell us about your personal experience with nursing homes.


Bob Jackson

CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Senior Behavioral Health Center

Flyer for printing/posting (2 pages)  .Presentation      Mental Health

This Eblast Courtesy of WellMed Charitable Foundation