An Impressive Caregiver SOS Participant Shares Her Story 
Email News Blast # 89

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Individuals, organizations, non-profits, and state, regional, and local agencies may submit for consideration your input or information on meetings, educational sessions, or resources for caregivers (of seniors, wounded warriors, or children/adults with a disability).


Please email details and pdf documents promoting the item, with a contact name, email address, phone number to: Sue Ellen Lewis, Editor, Caregiver SOS Signals Newsletter/Email News Blasts:; Voice: 210-637-5116.


Maria Jasso's Story

Maria Jasso is a feisty, active Family Caregiver in the San Antonio area. She credits the Caregiver SOS program with enabling her to provide compassionate care for both parents who have Alzheimer's disease--while dealing with a disability herself.  

Her story was featured on Tony Fama's new TV series which covers Senior issues, 50PlusPrime. The show airs on Sundays at 6:30 a.m., Channel 4, WOAI-TV, San Antonio, TX. Watch the 1.22 minute video by clicking below:
50 Plus Prime 8 - Maria Jasso (Season 1 2013).. 


Caregiver SOS is the signature program of the non-profit WellMed Charitable Foundation, headquartered in San Antonio, TX. Maria related that she participated in at least three classes, which taught her how to deal with uncomfortable situations. In addition, she is active in various Caregiver SOS Support Groups, and highly recommends the multi-faceted program.  


You can be the "agent of change" by donating a minimum of $10 online (or more!). Starting at midnight on May 6, you can make your donation at the Caregiver SOS landing page at:




Your donations will help us to continue the effective Caregiver SOS programs which assisted Maria Jasso, as well as making us eligible for prize money and matching dollar opportunities. All donations are tax deductible.


Throughout May 6th, we will post updates to our Caregiver SOS Facebook page, so you can see in real time prizes and incentives we can earn. Just like us at


This Eblast Courtesy of WellMed Charitable Foundation