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Best of the Sales Training Connection


Fall 2012
If you are a subscriber who might have missed a popular post, or if you haven't had a chance to visit the Sales Training Connection, we thought we would bring to you the Best of the Sales Training Connection.
In this issue you will find our most popular blogs - about selling and sales training - posted during the Fall 2012.
We hope you find them interesting - feel free to share them with your colleagues.
Janet Spirer and Richard Ruff
Sales Training Connection

In this issue
Ignore the buyer - a costly mistake!
Sales training reinforcement ... it's time to face the truth
Team selling - it's more than two people in the same room
Thought bubbles can derail sales strategy - beware!
Understanding the impact of pricing on profit
Four sales books you might have missed
Sales Training  
Seeking sales advice in a 140 character world


Twitter, texts, emails, plus a slew of the other vehicles allow sales people to respond to others quickly. While quick response time is appreciated, the thoughtfulness of what's included in the messages is often superficial or even off the mark. Continue


Sales training reinforcement - it's time to face the truth


Let's round up two representatives of everyone engaged in sales training - sales training vendors, VP's of Sales, front-line sales managers, sales reps etc. The reason for the round up is we want to do a comprehensive opinion survey about the status of sales training. In general there will be substantial disagreement on a lot of the survey items due to diversity of the groups involved. Continue


Team selling - it's more than two people in the same room


Here's a typical team selling situation: one sales person has the relationship with the customer and the other person has the subject matter or technical expertise needed for the meeting. The classic trap in situations like these is not having a team at the meeting. Instead, it's two people who happen to be in the same room at the same time. Continue 


Sales Coaching 
Thought bubbles can derail sales strategy - beware!


Selling in major accounts requires thinking and acting strategically. While traveling recently, I read an article by Holly Green in Executive Travel Magazine that introduce an interesting way of understanding an idea that poses a threat to that process - thought bubbles. Continue 


Understanding the impact of pricing on profit


In a recent Harvard Business Review post Rafi Mohammed reported on an interesting McKinsey study on the relationship between price increases and profits.  Just to build a bit of suspense mentally answer the following question - "How must would a 1% price increase boost your profits?" Continue 


Four new sales books you might have missed
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 Sales Momentum, LLC  |  Effective sales training affordably priced

9280 E. Thompson Peak Parkway - Suite 36, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
480-513-0900  |  [email protected]

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