GAIS - News That Matters (NTM)
MAY 2015
8: Grade 8 German AP         Exam
    Tintenfische Breakfast
14: Grade 8 Graduation
15: Parade
      Final Day of School           (minimum day)
16: Campus Move
18-22: IMS (5-7) Camps
18-23: Grade 8 Trip to           Washington, DC

Dear GAIS Community,

Phase One of our campus move was very successful and despite the logistics involved in operating two campuses, we're very excited to be here and cannot wait for Phase Two. On that note, If you would like to help us on May 15th (packing) and the week of May 18-22 (unpacking), please sign up here. Of course, the campus move is only a part of all that's going on GAIS. Keep reading to find out more.

Please see below for Week Thirty Five's News that Matters:


1. Next Week's Schedule

School Calendar  

As next week is the final week of the school year and our last week on the O'Connor campus, Friday May 15th will be a minimum day. 


Please note: Hort will NOT be available next Friday. We ask that you please pick your child up promptly at 12 noon to allow teachers and Hort staff to pack.




2. End of Year Parade


Once again, as next week is the final week of the school year and our last week on the O'Connor campus, the GPA is hosting a parade to the new campus followed by some fun festivities. 


The parade - featuring a police escort - will start at the O'Connor campus at 11am. All students and parents are welcome to attend. Because parking spots will be in short supply, we encourage parents to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the parade. The parade will proceed down O'Connor, turn left onto Pope and finish in the park at the far end of the Menlo Oaks campus. Parent support with chaperoning the parade will be most appreciated.

Once at the park, students will be treated to popsicles, face painting and games. Food from Cafe Zöe will be available for purchase. Otherwise, we encourage you to bring a picnic lunch, blanket to sit on, and sunscreen. Please note: there will be no bathrooms available at the park. 

As this day is a minimum day, festivities, the school day and the school year will conclude at 12 noon sharp at Menlo Oaks to allow for teachers to pack prior to Saturday's Phase Two move. For those parents who have volunteered to help teachers pack, we ask that you be back at the O'Connor campus by 12 noon to start supporting teachers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact GPA President Gillian Claus at


We look forward to seeing you at the parade!


3. 2015-16 School Forms Reminder


If you have re-enrolled for the 2015-16 school year, you should have already received an email with detailed instructions for completing and submitting all necessary school forms for the 2015-16 school year. 


The deadline to complete these DocuSign forms is next Monday, May 11th. 



Thank you in advance for completing these forms in a timely manner. 


4. Yearbook Reminder 


If you would like to order a 2014-15 yearbook, you may do so by clicking here:  http://gaisyearbook.picaboo.comThe yearbook will be shipped to you directly (shipping charges will apply).


The cost of a hardbound yearbook is $70. You can also order an electronic copy at no cost.



5. Extracurricular Courses Conclude This Week


This Friday, May 8th, is the final day of Extracurricular Courses for the year. Please plan accordingly for next week, the final week of school.






6. Library Schedule and Summer Loan Policy


Due to the campus move, the Library will close for the year this Friday, May 8th, at 12 noon. So, if you would like to borrow books for the summer (summer reading lists have been posted in the Downloads section of our website), you will need to do so by Friday. See below for additional information regarding our summer loan policy. 


Similarly, if you have any library books on loan that are not needed for class work (see below), please return them as soon as possible.


We are aware that some books will still be needed for classwork during the last week of school. PLEASE return those books by the end of the school day on Thursday May 14th. Please note: this deadline applies ONLY to those books needed for class. There will be a return box in the Library to make book returns fast and easy.


Once again, this is the last week to borrow books for the summer break. There is no limit to the number of books you can check out, however as in previous years, we ask that parents confirm sign off on the list books they are borrowing. If  you are unable to come to the library with your child, your child can select books and bring the list home to have you sign. In the event of a lost book, there will be a lost book replacement fee of $15 or the value of the book, whichever is higher. 


Please don't hesitate to contact Uli or Sybille at if you have any questions.



7. 2015-16 Supply Lists


Student supply lists for the 2015-16 school year have been updated and posted in the Downloads section of the website. 




8. Important Reminders 
  • Summer Reading Lists

The Elementary and Middle School summer reading lists have been posted in the Downloads section of the website. Happy Summer Reading!

  • Summer Camp Out
Attention campers: the very popular GAIS Campout is scheduled for August 22nd-23rd at beautiful Huddart Park in Woodside. 

This is a very fun event that is a great way to finish the summer and kick off the new school year. Take advantage of this opportunity to reunite with old friends and make some new ones. Believe it or not, you only need to bring your camping gear, as food, drink and entertainment are provided! Camping without the prep work? What could be better?! 

To sign up, please send an email to Susi in the Front Office at The cost is $175 per family. 

If you have any questions about the Camp Out or would like to help out, please contact Simone Harms, our new volunteer Campout Coordinator, at or (408) 412-2263.
  • Smile! Shopping on Amazon Raises Money for GAIS

Did you know that you can shop on Amazon AND financially support GAIS at the same time? It's true! Amazon Smile is a great and pain free fundraising tool. How does it work? It's pretty simple:

  1. Go to: and sign-in with your amazon account information
  2. Pick the option to choose charitable organization and type in: "German-American International School" (we are the first one that shows up)

That's it! This is a one-time setting and from now on, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to GAIS. Thank you for your support!

  •  Playground Use After School

Please remember that the Vorschule playground after school is reserved for our Hort program. While we welcome - and enjoy seeing - parents and children talking and playing after school, we ask that children not in Hort use the play area behind the yellow line that separates the Vorschule playground from the larger playground, which include the picnic benches, second play yard and grass fields. This will enable Hort 

teachers to focus on monitoring students just enrolled in Hort.