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GAIS - News That Matters (NTM)
Winterfest 2012



Second Harvest Food Bank

December 2012
4th: Parent & Student Survey
13th: Board Meeting
20th: Minimum Day
20th: Holiday Toast
21st - 6th Jan: Holiday Break
January 2013
8th: Information Evening
14th: Application Deadline IMS (only for new students)

German-American International School MM/DD/YY
Dear GAIS Community,
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Our Winterfest 2012 was a great success! Despite the rainy weather, there were lots of visitors taking the opportunity to enjoy our International Holiday Bazaar, the various music performances, the many market stands offering delicious food and drinks, trying out their luck at the raffle or jar game, seeing and meeting GAIS teachers, staff and parents all alike... 
A BIG THANK YOU from our part goes to Dagmar Stullich, Amy Nathan, Alejandra Contreras and all the many helpers & volunteers who supported us in planning and setting up this wonderful event - without all of them the Winterfest would not have been such an unforgettable happening!
Please find more important information in this week's NTM about:
  • Winterfest 2012 - information and news
  • Parent Survey 2012
  • Head Lice - Important!
  • Desperately looking for Host Families - starting in February 2013
  • News from the Kid Chow - Team
  • GAIS Stammtisch - December 6, 2012 & December 20, 2012
  • GAIS Food Drive - November 13 - December 13, 2012




1. Winterfest 2012 - information and news


Happy Holidays 2012

"I would like to thank all volunteers, IMS students and co-workers who volunteered at the Winterfest and followed my lead. Despite the rainy weather the Winterfest was a huge success. Without volunteers like you, helping me with the set-up, decorating the campus, brewing cans of coffee and warming up hot cider, selling drinks, popcorn and raffle tickets for the entire event, and stepped in to clean up, an event like this would not be possible. A big "Thank You" to all of you!" Dagmar Stullich

Lost & Found Winterfest 2012: We have found four books which were obviously purchased at the Winterfest and left behind. If you miss those books please pick them up at the office. 


Volunteer Hours Winterfest 2012:
This is also a friendly reminder that all volunteers in every committee have to track their hours and have the Volunteering Time Sheet signed by the Head of the Committee. Every volunteer is responsible to get the mandatory hours done by June 20, 2013. The Volunteer Time Sheet can be found in the downloads section on our website. If you have any concerns or questions please contact Dagmar Stullich at


Pictures Winterfest 2012:

We have uploaded pictures to the Event Media Galleries - click here.



2. Parent Survey 2012


Survey Icon

As already announced in our last NTM - News That Matters, we are conducting a 'Parent Survey' in order to collect valuable data to enhance our quality development and assurance at GAIS. Please click on the link below to get access to the survey. You will need a password to access the survey site.


Link to Parent Survey 2012



3. Head Lice - Important!



Please check your child/children for head lice as we had another reported case at school. We kindly ask ALL PARENTS to check their child/children and to immediately notify us, if any lice or nits have been found! Thank you for your collaboration. Please also refer to our GAIS Handbook (page 43) in our  Downloads Section.



4. 'Desperately' Looking for Host Families 

Host Family We could still not find Host Families for our future GAIS Interns. Please help us in offering them a place to stay from February 2013 until June 2013. If you would like to offer your help or know someone else please write an email to Susi Lindley at  



5. News from the KidChow-Team


kidchowKid Chow, our lunch provider, has some important news for their customers: "Now that fall is officially upon us, it's time to for a menu change!  We have posted our Nov-Jan menu online at  Check out some of our yummy new items, many of which are based on your kids' feedback during our fall campus visits. We have also been chatting with hundreds of kids on the school campuses we serve, sharing photos of our new food items to make them aware of Kid Chow's menu variety and changes.  They have been extraordinarily positive, and based on their comments, we encourage you to get them involved in selecting their lunches, whether they order by themselves or circle a printed menu, as they are more likely to enjoy their lunch when they are involved in the process. As you settle into the busy holiday season we hope you enjoy the convenience of Kid Chow's lunch program. We would be delighted to serve your kids and take lunch prep off your plate!" Team KidChow






6. GAIS Stammtisch - December 6 & December 20, 2012


Stammtisch This is a friendly reminder that the next GAIS Stammtisch of the current school year takes place on Thursday, December 6, 2012, 7:00 pm at Gourmethaus Staudt in Redwood City.
There will also be a "Year End - Stammtisch" on December 20, 2012, taking place. More infos will follow.



7. GAIS Food Drive - November 13 - December 13, 2012


Second Harvest Food Bank

IMS student Ian Lindley was able to collect a lot of goods already which will be used to support the Second Harvest Food Bank ( Donations of non-perishable food items can still be placed into the bins located in front of the school until December 13, 2012.




8. Media Galleries

Photo Gallery
To access the galleries please go to If you upload pictures please use only high-resolution and labeled pictures. Thank you.
Newest entry: WINTERFEST 2012

9. GAIS Website & Downloads Section

To access our Downloads Section please go to



10. More GAIS Information and News 
For more information please go to our website:

Yours sincerely,


Roman Bruegger
Roman Bruegger
Communications Manager
German American International School 
275 Elliott Drive 
Menlo Park, CA, 94025
Phone: +1 650 324 8617