Spring Park Quarterly Newsletter
   Quarterly Newsletter
Green Leaf
From Your Mayor
City Hall winter welcomeWarm Winter Wishes to You & Yours!

The city has a project in the works that will replace the old street lights along Shoreline Drive. The street lights are deteriorating and have surpassed their useful life. Street lights are a significant, long term capital investment for any city, so Spring Park is doing our due diligence to select a light that will be functional and light the corridor, as well as be a decorative feature of the streetscape. We are also investigating the energy efficiency and cost savings of switching to LED lights in addition to lowering the height of the light poles. We expect to send out request for proposals this winter and have the new street lights installed this spring.

Park takes great pride in our beautification efforts along County Road 15. We strive to have beautiful seasonal plantings in our boulevard planters, we spray for weeds along the sidewalks, we put up holiday decorations on the light poles and we recently replaced out city entrance signs along County Road 15 at the East and West ends of town. There is always more to do, but we try our best to be good stewards of the tax dollars entrusted to us by our tax payers and make value based decisions for our city.  

As we usher out 2012 and begin 2013, we welcome newly elected resident Shirley Bren to the City Council. We thank outgoing council members, Joanna Widmer and Jackie Stone for their years of dedicated service to Spring Park. Between the two, they have decades of experience that has served our city well.

This winter has blessed the city with bright white fluffy stuff.   Enjoy all the wonderful outdoor winter activities that our Lake Minnetonka area is famous for.   Have a Happy New Year!


Your Mayor~


Sarah Reinhardt
Ice Boats
Ice Skating
From the City DeskGreen Leaf 2
City Council 2013
Mayor Sarah Reinhardt was re-elected to serve another two years. Bruce Williamson was re-elected to serve another four years as council person as well as newly elected Shirley Bren. A vacancy currently exists on the Council due to the untimely death of candidate John Ericson who subsequently won the election on November 6. The existing council has taken applications for the vacancy and plans on reviewing those after it closes on January 4. An applicant can be expected to be appointed at the January 21 meeting.  Council member Gary Hughes was the only term that wasn't up for re-election and he continues his service on the council. 

Thank You

Jackie Stone and Joanna Widmer were recognized at the December 17 council meeting for their many years of service on the Council to the City of Spring Park. Jackie Stone previously served from 2001-2004 and returned in 2011-2012 to fill a vacancy. Previously Stone served on the City's Planning Commission.

Joanna Widmer served consecutive years on the Council from 1999-2012. Both Stone and Widmer served on various internal committees and as the Planning Commission's liaison to the council. Their input was thoughtful and representative of the constituents they served. We wish them a happy retirement and extend our gratitude for their many years of service to the City.

Spring Park City Hall Winter Planning Commission 2013

The Planning Commission is made up of Spring Park residents interested in volunteering their time once a month to hold public hearings and review applications for land use items. The PC then recommends to the council their findings. Recently Spring Park reduced their PC staff from seven members to five members. Those members are Chair Jeff Hoffman, Steve Erickson, Mike Mason, Doug Sippel, and Sarah Struck.  


The PC has put together an aggressive list of items they intend on working on for 2013 including continued upgrades of Spring Park's two parks, outdoor storage, potential tree replacements due to emerald ash borer disease and continued trail enhancement. If you are interested in serving on this important recommending body, please call City Hall for more information.

Winter Trail Emerald Ash Borer
A major culprit in spreading Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and other insect pests is firewood. Larvae and pupae can hide beneath the bark and then escape as adult beetles after being transported many miles. Many of the places where EAB has been found are parks and campgrounds where people carried EAB with them when they brought infested firewood on a picnic or camping trip.


That means the most important thing you can do to protect Minnesota from the threat of EAB is to avoid moving firewood from one place to another. If you do plan on buying firewood it is recommended that you use local firewood from a DNR approved vendor. More information about safe firewood can be found at  www.dnr.state.mn.us/firewood/types.html or call City Hall for more information.


2013 Spring Park Tax Levy

The City Council has set the 2013 tax levy at $950,000, which is a 0% increase over the 2012 levy. At the December 3 Truth and Taxation meeting, Mayor Reinhardt stated that the tax levy has remained flat or been slightly reduced over the past several years. Council member Williamson added that the City remains in good fiscal shape.   
From the Utility DepartmentGreen Leaf 2

Seasonal Weight Restrictions    

Weight restrictions help to protect the roads and take effect during the "spring thaw season" usually from early March through mid-May, dependent upon the weather. Spring Park generally follows the Seasonal Load Limits established by the State of Minnesota, but for further information, check Spring Park's website at www.ci.spring-park.mn.us or call City Hall at 952-471-9051 to verify road restrictions for Spring Park.



Yard Waste & Leaf Drop-off

City of Spring Park residents can resume bringing grass clippings, milfoil, and leaves to the compost site located at 4275 Creekview Circle in Minnetrista, beginning on April 1, 2013 (call to make sure they're open). This is a free service if you show your drivers' license. Additional services are available for a fee.  


Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Call (952) 446-1056 for more info.

FiretruckFrom the Fire Department

Please Keep Hydrants Accessible~
Help Us Serve You Better! 

It normally takes a firefighter less than a minute to connect a large fire hose to a fire hydrant. If a fire hydrant is buried under a pile of snow, the time involved will likely double or even triple. You can volunteer and help by clearing the snow from around fire hydrants in your neighborhood. This will help firefighters provide you with faster and better service!


The Mound Fire department asks that you please take time to clear fire hydrants in your neighborhood of snow and keep them accessible throughout the winter. This will help us be much more efficient and timely in the event of an emergency! If you are unable to clear the snow from a fire hydrant in your neighborhood, please call Vicki Weber at the Mound Fire Department administrative office (952) 472-3555 and we will help clear the snow from the hydrant.   

Thank you for your assistance!   

Chief Greg Pederson

From the MN Dept of Public SafetyGreen Leaf 2

Stay Safe While on the Road in the Winter       

  • Avoid unnecessary travel if conditions are too poor.
  • Buckle up, and make sure child restraints are secured tightly. It is recommended to use bulky clothes and blankets on top of the child restraint harness, not beneath, to ensure harness restraints fit properly.
  • Drive at safe speeds according to road conditions, and provide for plenty of travel time.
  • Increase safe stopping distance between vehicles.
  • Use extra precautions when driving around snowplows by keeping at least five car-lengths behind plows.
  • If skidding, remain calm, ease foot off the gas, and turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go.
  • If vehicle has an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply a steady firm pressure to the brake pedal. Never pump ABS brakes.
  • Clear snow and ice from vehicle windows, hood, headlights, brake lights and directional signals.
  • Headlights must be turned on when it is snowing or sleeting.
  • Do not use cruise control on snow/icy/wet roads.
  • Equip vehicles with a scraper/brush, small shovel, jumper cables, tow chain, and a bag of sand or cat litter for tire traction. Blanket(s), heavy boots, warm clothing and flashlights are also important, as are storing high-energy foods such as chocolate or energy bars.
  • Be sure cell phones are charged for long trips, and inform family of destination plans and schedule.
  • If stranded, stay in the vehicle.
  • Parents of teen drivers should make sure new motorists experience snow and ice driving in a safe environment, such as an empty parking lot.

For weather-related road condition information, call 5-1-1 or visit  www.511mn.org.


Snowing on the boat lifts

Community Awareness Meeting "Heroin in Our Community"

This follow-up to the "Heroin in Our Community" meeting that was held in November will focus on the opportunity to ask questions of the experts in smaller groups. Law enforcement, drug task force members, treatment, and recovery professionals will all be on hand to answer questions.

Thursday, Feb 21 from 6:30 - 8:00 at the Gillespie Center in Mound.   

Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) ~

Winter General Rules

  • Access: You must enter the Lake at a public access (see map to the left) or from your own property, unless you have written permission from another property owner to use their property.
  • Barriers Around Thin Ice or Open Water: The Sheriff's Water Patrol may, when deemed necessary, place markers, signs, barriers, fences, etc., around or near thin ice or open water. It is unlawful to disobey such signs, drive or walk in the forbidden area, or move, remove, deface, or damage such signs.
  • De-icing: A license to use underwater bubblers to open water around permanent docks is permitted in special circumstances by the LMCD. These sites will be lit and identified with thin ice signs and fencing. You are advised to stay away from these areas.
  • Water Skipping: The skipping of motorized vehicles over open water is prohibited.
  • Pieces of Ice: Pieces of ice cut from the Lake may not be left on the surface, but must be put back in the hole or slid under the ice.
  • Special Events: Permits are required by the LMCD and the Sheriff's Water Patrol for most types of special events on Lake Minnetonka. Currently, the LMCD has delegated its winter special event permitting authority for most activities to the Sheriff's Water Patrol. For questions on whether your activity requires a special event permit, you are encouraged to contact the Sheriff's Water Patrol.
  • Operating a Motorized Vehicle While Under the Influence: No person shall operate or be in physical control of any motorized vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a hazardous substance. Any officer who has probable cause to believe that the operator of the motorized vehicle is under the influence may request the operator to submit to chemical testing. By law, the operator of the motorized vehicle is required to submit to chemical testing.
  • State Statutes: In addition to local ordinances, state statutes and rules also apply on the Lake.
  • Definition: Motorized vehicles are all vehicles with internal combustion engines including, but not limited to, autos, trucks, motor homes, snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles (ATV), motorcycles, and dirt bikes.
  • Operation: To operate on the Lake ice (surface), a motorized vehicle must have current registration, be equipped with specific safety equipment, and be muffled, all of which are described herein.
  • Registration: Motor vehicles must display current and correct registration.
  • Shorezone: The shorezone is that area of the ice on the Lake within 150 feet of the shoreline (including channel areas). The shorezone is reserved for non-motorized activities including, but not limited to, walking, skating, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and fishing. Motorized vehicles must stay clear of the shorezone and comply with speed restrictions, which are contained herein.
  • Speed Limits: Maximum speed limits for motorized vehicles on Lake Minnetonka are as follows: 25 miles per hour within the shorezone (*); channel; all of Black, Emerald, and Seton Lakes; or within 150 feet from persons fishing, a fish house, pedestrian, skier, skater, skating rink, property, or people 30 miles per hour outside of shorezone during nighttime hours (except snowmobiles, as defined by Minnesota Statutes, 50 miles per hour) 50 miles per hour outside of shorezone during daytime hours (*) A person operating a motorized vehicle within the shorezone may traverse within, provided they take the shortest, most direct route to leave shorezone.

City Ordinance Sec. 38-186 ~ Operation of Snowmobiles

It shall be unlawful to drive or operate a snowmobile:

  • Without a permanent state registration number affixed and maintained in a clear, legible manner.
  • Within 100 feet of any fisherman, pedestrian, skating rink, sliding area, or in any area conflicting with or endangering other persons engaged in lawful pursuits, or personal property.
  • On private property of another without permission of the property owner.
  • At a rate of speed not reasonable and prudent under existing conditions.
  • In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the person or property of another or cause injury or damage.
  • While under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs or narcotics which induce symptoms of intoxication, excitement, confusion, or in any manner change, distort or disturb balance, coordination, or the audio, visual, or mental processes.
  • Without lighted headlights and taillights when required for public safety.
  • In any tree nursery or planting in a manner which damages or destroys growing stock.
  • In a manner so as to create loud or unusual noises, thereby annoying or vexing the peace, quiet and repose of the public.
  •  On the surfaced right-of-way of city streets and roads except as an access to the lake only. Travel shall be single file, at a speed no faster than ten miles per hour at the extreme right of the street or road in the direction being traversed. The right-of-way shall be yielded to any pedestrian or vehicle constituting an immediate hazard. This shall not be construed as relaxing any rules or regulations governing the use of county highways within the city promulgated by the commissioner of highways, nor shall it be construed as a right to use city streets and roads as recreation areas for snowmobiles, which is prohibited.
  • The council shall from time to time review existing conditions and, if determined to be detrimental to the safety and welfare of the public, shall by resolution impose restrictions to abate the hazard or nuisance.
  • While crossing a roadway having in tow any person, sled, cart, sleigh, passenger-carrying device or other adjunct not an integral part of the snowmobile.
  • On the right-of-way of any public roadway within the city between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and 1:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on any Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
  • Abreast of another snowmobile when making a legal crossing, or traveling parallel to a public roadway.
  • On any public lands within the city.
Spring Park
City of Spring Park, Minnesota
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384


Winter 2013
Spring Park
In This Issue
From your Mayor
From the City Desk
From the Utility Department
From the Fire Department
From the Post Office
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar 
Council Meetings:
Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Jan 2 & 22 (Tues); Feb 4 & 19 (Tues);  March 4 & 18, Apr - 1 & 15

Planning Commission:  

Wednesdays, 7 p.m.
Jan 9; Feb 13; March 13


Council Study Sessions: 

Mondays, 7 p.m.

Jan  28, Feb 25, Mar 25

No Sort Recycling:
Fridays, Jan 5 (Sat) & 18; Feb 1 & 15; March 1, 15 & 29


Daylight Savings Time Resumes:

March 10


Community Awareness: "Heroin in Our Community"
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 21    

Gillespie Center, Mound  

First Day of Spring:

March 22

Office Closed: 

Jan 1 & 21; Feb 18 

Quick Links 
Community Links
Permits & Applications
City Codes & Ordinances
More News
City Officials & Staff  

Mayor: Sarah Reinhardt
 Council Members:
Shirley Bren
Gary Hughes
Bruce Williamson

Chair: Jeff Hoffman

Steve Erickson

Michael Mason

Doug Sippel

Sarah Struck


Administrator: Dan Tolsma
City Clerk: Wendy Lewin
Utility Superintendent:
DJ Goman
Office Assistant/Utility Clerk: Sharon Farniok


About Us 
Post Office
City Parks
City Facts
City Water
Contact Us

Spring Park City Hall
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384
Phone: (952) 471-9051
Fax: (952) 471-9160

E-mail: cityofspringpark@



  Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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