nami weekly news and calendar
April 1, 2014
NAMI California Annual Conference
"Growing Minds in Changing Times" 
August 1st & 2nd
Marriot Newport Beach
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NAMI CA Programs News
Directing Change Award Ceremony May 13
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Awareness Day

NAMI California Capitol Coalition Speaks in Support of SB 833

Members of the NAMI California Capitol Coalition spoke on March 25th in support of legislation authored by Senator Carol Liu, SB 833-Jails: discharge of prisoners, before the Senate Committee on Justice.


The NAMI California Capitol Coalition was created to empower consumers and family/caregivers to participate in the legislative process. Members were trained in NAMI Smarts for Advocacy and take part in legislative advocacy and participate in state-level agency meetings. Working with NAMI California, the Capitol Coalition is the next generation of advocates for mental health services.


SB 833 would authorize the sheriff to offer a voluntary program to a prisoner, upon completion of a sentence served or a release ordered by the court to be effected the same day, that would allow the prisoner to stay in the custody facility for up to 16 additional hours or until normal business hours, whichever is shorter, in order to offer the prisoner the ability to be discharged to a treatment center or during daytime hours.


NAMI California would like to thank Herb Pope and Rhenae Keyes for their testimony. It makes us so proud to see people lift up their voices to support those in need.


The video from the hearing is available here.


We look forward to many more opportunities to hear from the Capitol Coalition in support of important legislation.


Bay Area Regional Meeting a Success

Our NAMI California Bay Area Regional Meeting was successful on many levels. We had a fine turn out of dedicated NAMI affiliate members and good participation from our regional county partners. Some affiliates had the most substantive talks they have held with their local administrators, and all affiliates reported open, effective discussions


Forty (40) NAMI Affiliates members and four (4) county service administrators participated in a day long Regional Meeting on Thursday, March 20th. A NAMI Smarts for Advocacy training was followed by a briefing from county service administrators, followed by a break out session. Affiliate members and county discussed the opportunities and challenges within their county, and relationships between all parties were strengthened.


One affiliate offered: "Our work together (with county) went beyond our fondest expectations!  We accomplished a great deal in our breakout sessions and look forward to a fruitful future!"


Many thanks to all who participated! Our next Regional Meeting will take place in El Dorado County on April 28. Look for one in your area in the future.


OSHPD Advisory Committee to Discuss Peer/Family Employment April 3

The newly formed Statewide Workforce Education and Training (WET) Consumer and Family Member Employment Advisory Committee will hold its first meeting on April 3, 2014 from 1:00 to 4:30 at 400 R Street, Suite 468 Sacramento CA 95811 and via conference call.


This Advisory Committee is comprised of experts and stakeholders in the California Community Public Mental Health System and was formed to advise OSHPD on all aspects related to statewide mental health workforce education and training activities pertaining to consumer and family member employment. During this meeting members of the Advisory Committee will present on previous consumer and family member employment activities and Initiatives and will engage in a discussion on future WET consumer and family member employment activities and priorities. A full copy of the agenda can be located here: Agenda.


If you have any questions on the WET Consumer and Family Member Employment Advisory Committee please contact OSHPD at


Today: MHSOAC Evaluation Committee to Consider Development of Methods for Involving Those with Lived Experience

Today, the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Evaluation Committee will discuss the role of people with lived experience in the design, measurement and data collection efforts for evaluating programs running under the MHSA.


Dr. David Pating, Chair and Dr. Victor Carrion, Vice-Chair of the Committee will discuss how to best involve those with lived experience with the Evaluation Committee, and how best to involve those with lived experience in evaluations conducted by the MHSOAC


Today's meeting will take place from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the MHSOAC Board Room, 1325 J Street, Suite 1700, Sacramento. The Call-in Number is 866-508-0945 and the Participation Code is 2128536.


Advocates who wish to make public comment must be in attendance at the meeting, or send their concerns to the committee staff by emailing the MHSOAC at  


The agenda and supporting documents can be found here:


NAMI California Capitol Coalition Member Testifies in Congress

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on Wednesday, March 26, in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. The hearing was entitled "Where Have All the Patients Gone? Examining the Psychiatric Bed Shortage." Lisa Ashley from NAMI Sacramento and a member of the NAMI California Capitol Coalition testified before the Subcommittee. See her testimony here:  


-- Caliph Assagai, J.D. 

Legislation and Public Policy Director, NAMI California 


--David Czarnecki
Advocacy Coordinator, NAMI California

NAMI CA Programs News

Family Programs Trainings:

Family Support Group and Basics Trainings: (Full)

April 11-13, 2014 Encino, CA                                        


Family to Family Training

May 30-June 1, 2014 Elk Grove, CA


NAMI Family Program news is also posted Facebook.

The NAMI Family Programs Blog is now active - same address:


Peer and Stigma Reduction Programs Trainings:


May 9-11, 2014 - Ventura



May 16-18, 2014 - Sacramento


Parents and Teachers /Provider Education Trainings - To be announced


Send inquiries to:  

Family Programs 

IOOV, Peer to Peer and Connection 


Parents and Teachers as Allies, Ending the Silence, NAMI on Campus, Provider Education


Directing Change  


Programs Director 


NAMI California Office:  916-567-0163

Save the Date: Directing Change Award Ceremony May 13  

We hope you can join us for this inspiring event to recognize our student film makers! These youth used their creativity to tackle the important topics of suicide prevention and ending the silence of mental illness. Winners will be announced and recognized at the award ceremony! Please note that it is a free event, but space is limited and RSVP is required.

: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 from

Cost: Free

Time: 3pm to 5:30pm

Where: Crest Theatre, 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA 35814



Want to help promote the event? Download the flier.


The award ceremony is part of the "Mental Health Matters Day" in Sacramento, May 13th 10.30am to 12.30pm. (See announcement below).

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Awareness Day, May 13, 2014

Join Each Mind Matters on the South Lawn of the California Capitol Building, May 13, 2014. You may also join the Solidarity March and attend the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Resource Fair!


Take the pledge against stigma and discrimination and listen to stories of hope and courage. More information to come as the event approaches.


For information, email, visit the website, or telephone, 916-389-2625.


View and print the flier here.

Contact Us

1851 Heritage Lane, Ste 150
Sacramento, CA 95815
Phone: 916-567-0163
Fax: 916-567-1757