nami weekly news and calendar
April 30, 2013
Register for the NAMI California 2013 Annual Conference
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August 16 & 17 2013

San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront
1800 Old Bayshore Hwy. 
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: 506-474-2009

For reservations call toll free: 877-622-3056

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DMHSOAC Hosts Mariel Hemingway
Join The Affiliate Development Workgroup
Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health to Feature NAMI's Jessica Cruz
Largest Mental Health Celebration in CSUSB Campus History
Client Stakeholder Project
NAMI CA Programs News
NAMI Can! 

NAMI California in the California State Capitol

April 22nd was a busy day in the capitol for NAMI CA. We voiced our support for SB 391, CA Homes and Jobs Act of 2013, SB 364, LPS Reform, and SB 585, Clarification that MHSA funds may be used for Laura's Law mental health services. All passed their committee votes.


April 29th was just a busy as NAMI CA joined with California Adolescent and Child Psychiatrists (CalACAP), United Advocates for Children and Youth (UACF), and Lets erase the stigma (LET'S) to advocate for SB 22 (Beall), Health Insurance Parity for Mental Health and Substance Use conditions, and SB 330 (Padilla), K- 12 Mental Health Education in our Schools. Both are priority bills for NAMI CA. Senator Beall, Senator Yee, and Diane VanMaren from the Senate Pro Tem's office addressed the group in the morning. Participants divided up and met with 15 legislative offices in the afternoon. David Czarnecki, Roger Greenbaum, and Bettie Reinhardt represented NAMI California.


NAMI California's Bill List is on the NAMI California website legislative page.



Coming Soon to the Prop 63 Website: Mental Health Minutes - and more.


Early Detection and Intervention Saves Lives

A TED Talk by National Institute of Mental Health Director Thomas Insel, M.D is available on the NAMI California website.

--Bettie Reinhardt, MPH
Legislative and Public Policy Consultant

--David Czarnecki
Advocacy Coordinator
MHSOAC Hosts Mariel Hemingway
The Mental Health Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) is sponsoring two events for May Mental Health month: "A Conversation with Mariel Hemingway". One event will be held in Sacramento, the other in Los Angeles.

Miss Hemingway will show clips from her documentary "Running From Crazy"; the documentary was shown at this year's Sundance Film Festival.

Mariel will also talk about her family's legacy of mental illness which includes the suicides of her grandfather, Ernest Hemingway, and her sister, Margaux, and her own path of hope and recovery. A panel discussion will follow with Mariel and people from the mental health community to further the conversation on mental health.

The Sacramento event will be held at noon on Tuesday, May 14 at the Crest Theater in Sacramento. You are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch; beverages will be available for purchase.


The Los Angeles event will be on Wednesday, May 15 at 7 pm, at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase.

RSVPs are strongly encouraged.


To RSVP, please go to or to Evite.

Join The Affiliate Development Workgroup

NAMI California is seeking leadership from our local NAMI Affiliates to provide feedback to determine best practices and delineate duties between all levels of NAMI. Each member of this workgroup will be expected to collaborate, share experiences and give feedback to the NAMI California Board of Directors on how to best achieve these goals.


You can make a difference! To apply, complete the attached application and send it, with your bio and resume, to:

Fax: 916-567-1757

or mail to:

Deputy Director

NAMI California

1851 Heritage Lane #150

Sacramento, CA 95815

Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health to Feature NAMI's Jessica Cruz
May 6

"It was dark, probably about 3:30am on a crisp May morning. It was the third time my little man had awakened; this time I was not sure what to do. With tears running down my face, frustration and a lump in my throat I called for my husband who was asleep in the other room. Staggering in, half asleep he asked how he could help. I just handed my sweet boy over to him exclaiming..."I don't know what to do!" This was not true...I knew exactly what to do. I had my daughter 4 years earlier via C-section and did not have the feelings running through my veins as I did that evening. I knew what was hitting me, but I did not want to admit it."


-- Jessica Cruz, MPA, HS and Executive Director of National Alliance for Mental Illness - California.


Hear more about Jessica's story May 6, in Sacramento, during the Emerging Considerations in Maternal Mental Health May meeting and luncheon.


Celebrate Hope -- Largest Mental Health Celebration in CSUSB Campus History
May 9

Mental health is an urgent concern of colleges and universities across the U.S. California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) has experienced its share of tragedies relating to mental health. Recently a physical altercation with a mentally ill graduate student ended in his demise. Previously, a promising nursing student took her life from one of the university buildings.


We all know someone who suffers from mental health problems. CSUSB will be honoring the lives we have lost. Show our support for those who struggle daily to live mentally healthier lives. We are focusing attention during Mental Health Month in May on this vitally important issue, embracing the change needed on college campuses as we move forward with hope and healing


Suicide is the third-leading cause of death on college campuses.

Here are three ways you can support mental health at colleges and university throughout the U.S.

1. Using Email Spread the Word

Help us accomplish our goal of the LARGEST EMAIL CAMPAIGN supporting improved mental health services on college campuses.

Goal: Email sent to 50,000 people in 72 hours! Forward this message to as many people in your network as quickly as possible. We only have 72 hours!

2. Attend Our Event

CSUSB's School of Social Work will be hosting the public event

"Embrace the Change"

Thursday, May 9 from 1-4 pm

CSUSB, on the entrance lawn of the John M. Pfau Library

5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino CA, 92407

There will be wellness resources, inspirational speakers, and the "Parade of Flowers."


3. "Like" Us on Facebook

"Like" the CSUSB "Embrace the Change" event on Facebook by following the link"

Share" posts from the page to your timeline/page and friends' pages.

Please follow us on other Social Media sites Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc. using the official event:



If you are unable to attend our event on campus, you can participate via social media the "day of." Let's start the change!


--Lisa Gordon, College of Business & Public Admin, Cal State University San Bernardino

Client Stakeholder Project

Community Advisory Committee Needs You  

Peers Envisioning and Engaging In Recovery Services (PEERS) & California Association of Mental Health Peer Run Organizations (CAMHPRO), have partnered to form the Client Stakeholder Project ("CSP").

Through a contract with the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), a major goal of the CSP is to obtain a better understanding of current stakeholder processes so that this knowledge can be used for quality improvement purposes.

The composition of the CAC will follow the current MHSA definition of stakeholders: any individual or entity with an interest in mental health services in the State of California, including but not limited to: adults and seniors with serious mental illness; families of children, adults and seniors with serious mental illness; mental health service providers; law enforcement agencies; educational institutions; social service agencies; veterans service organizations; representatives from veterans organizations; providers of alcohol and drug services; health care organizations; and other important interests. Representatives from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of California, United Advocates for Children and Families (UACF) and the California Youth Empowerment Network (CAYEN), and the California Association of Mental Health Boards/Commissions (CALMHB) will be seated on and active members of the CAC.


If you are a stakeholder, please consider filling out an application to join the Community Advisory Committee.
NAMI CA Programs News

IMPORTANT REMINDER - The phone number for Lynn Cathy, Family Programs State Coordinator, is the NAMI Office telephone: (916) 567-0163 x101. 




Family to Family Teacher Training - May 31 - June 2, 2013 in Elk Grove, CA (Sacramento County) waiting list available



Peer To Peer Trainings Spring 2013
Chico - 5/17 - 5/19
Ontario - 6/7 - 6/9 (Spanish)

Campbell (San Jose) 6/21-6/23*


IOOV Spring 2013

5/4 - 5/5 - Campbell, California

5/18 - 5/19 - Redding, California

6/22-6/23 - Ontario, California


Send inquiries about IOOV to Nereida Castillo. Thank you.


-- Lynn Cathy, State Family Programs Coordinator

Interim Peer Programs Coordinator
916-567-0163 x101


Contact Us

1851 Heritage Lane, Ste 150
Sacramento, CA 95815
Phone: 916-567-0163
Fax: 916-567-1757