new masthead new address
December 2012

National Alliance on Mental Illness, California State Organization 

Welcome Members and Affiliates
We welcome your ideas for topics to cover, your feedback on issues that face consumers, families, and providers across the state. Contact us at [email protected].

Advocates and Meaningful Stakeholder Involvement

The last two years have produced major changes to the responsibilities of mental health entities in California. There is no more Department of Mental Health and its responsibilities have been divided and moved to other departments.


 A new Department of State Hospitals has been formed. Mental health services have been removed from the state's general fund and realigned to the counties. Some Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation parolee services have been realigned to the counties and their sheriffs' and probation departments. The transition to health care reform has created new county service delivery mechanisms. And, finally, counties must submit their MHSA (Mental Health Services Act/Prop. 63) plans to their Boards of Supervisors for approval rather than to the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission in Sacramento.


However, plans must still be submitted to the MHSOAC and this is one of the places stakeholders play a role. See the FY 2013-2014 MHSA Annual Update Instructions.

Note the large section on Stakeholder Participation in the annual update process. It includes not only the who but What Should be Included:


WIC � 5848 states that counties shall demonstrate a partnership with constituents and stakeholders throughout the process that includes meaningful stakeholder involvement on:

  • Mental health policy
  • Program planning
  • Implementation
  • Monitoring
  • Quality improvement
  • Evaluation
  • Budget allocations.

Do you know how and when to engage in your county's plan or update process? If the answer is Yes, please do not wait another minute. Help make this a full community activity. If the answer is No, check with your local NAMI affiliate or call your mental health director's office and become a Yes.


-- Bettie Reinhardt, MPH

Legislative and Public Policy Consultant

[email protected] 

Ending the Silence on Stigma

Fourth in a series of columns by Roger Greenbaum

In the effort to eliminate stigma associated with mental illness, early education for all young people is a promising strategy that prioritizes prevention. Children and adolescents can themselves become agents of change in affirming a wholesome revision of traditional mores concerning mental illness. A curriculum of mental health education can be a valuable source of learning for students in elementary, middle and high school.


Click to read the column.
NAMI California 2013 Annual Conference: Super Early Bird Registration Deadline Dec. 31, 2012 


Save when you choose the Super Early Bird Registration for the NAMI California 2013 Annual Conference, August 16 & 17. Deadline is Dec. 31, 2012. 


San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront
1800 Old Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, California 94010
Phone: 506-474-2009


For hotel reservations click here, or call toll free: 877-622-3056


Renew your membership or become a member today!    

Attend NAMI California's Regional Meeting for the Counties of Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Tuolumne

Join us Monday, January 28 in Merced for NAMI Smarts and other key topics. The meeting will be from 9:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. The NAMI Smarts Module I training is from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and is open to people from anywhere in the state.

RSVP for location and other details
Ending the Silence in San Diego 

NAMI San Diego estimates that approximately 750,000 people in San Diego County deal with mental health challenges -- that's enough to fill the local NFL stadium ten times over. Executive Director Shannon Jaccard estimates that the affiliate has reached more than 100,000 people this year in its fight against stigma through outreach in schools, community groups and private homes.

Students who attended NAMI SD presentations commented:

"Now I know I am not alone and that I should start talking instead of keeping it to myself."


"I needed to hear it wasn't a bad thing to have mental illness."


"It was really helpful to learn about positive coping strategies for myself."

NAMI California congratulates NAMI San Diego for its outstanding efforts.
NAMI Santa Clara Members Receive the Asian American Heroes Award
santa clara award
From left: County Supervisor Liz Kniss, NAMI Members Chiao-Wen Chen, Jeffrey Pea, and NAMI Santa Clara County President Jen Hong
Santa Clara County Supervisor Liz Kniss awarded the Asian American Heroes Awards in an Award Ceremony on November 16, 2012, to NAMI Santa Clara Members Ms. Chiao-Wen Chen, for establishing the NAMI Santa Clara Chinese Family Support Group at River of Life Church, and to her son Jeffrey Pea, who founded the of Lynbrook High School's NAMI club (A first in California).

The consideration criteria for this award in the areas of education, team/family, leadership and organization, include demonstrating a commitment in the selected category, inspiring others to believe they can make a difference, engaging community members, and bridging differences among communities.
NAMI Sonoma Mobile Support Team At-Work on the Front Lines

In late October of this year, NAMI Sonoma County was formally included as a part of a new MHSA funded project with Sonoma County Behavioral Health. The project, the Mobile Support Team, began operation along a defined area of the Highway 101 corridor in Santa Rosa, CA. This team made up of MH/AOD staff is providing crisis intervention, support and referrals to medical and social services as needed.


NAMI Sonoma County was awarded funding as a part of the Family Support Project; to serve as the agency assigned to provide follow-up calls to families who were contacted by law enforcement/Mobile Support Team. Once the Mobile Support Team returns from the call, our affiliate is contacted by the team, with the permission, and asked to make initial telephone contact within 24 hours.


We have been able to provide referrals and a compassionate ear to many adult and juvenile families with various mental health crises. This has been an amazing opportunity to participate close to the front line and do what NAMI does best by providing Education, Support, and Advocacy to those affected by mental illness.

Family Programs News  

Family to Family  


Save these dates for the Family Programs trainings for the fiscal year:


  • January 18-20, Spanish Familia a Familia, in Los Altos, CA
  • February 8-10, Teacher Training, Pittsburg, CA
  • April 12-14, Support Group, Pasadena, CA
  • May 31 - June 2, Teacher Training in Citrus Heights (Sacramento) CA 

If you are a current NAMI support group leader, please consider applying for becoming a support group trainer. Contact Lynn Cathy at: [email protected] 


If you would like to become involved as a Family to Family teacher or support group leader, please contact your local affiliate.


Thank you!

Discover the Resources at NAMI FaithNet


NAMI National FaithNet has exciting new resources for utilization by NAMI members in their advocacy to their places of worship. These resources are available for downloading on NAMI FaithNet's Web site (


These new modules are proving to be very helpful in developing ministry for those with a mental illness and their families in Faith Communities. 


To effectively utilize these Power-Point presentations for self or group study, it is necessary to download the files and save them to your desk top.  This will enable you to access the notes section which is essential to gain the full value of the training.  The slides by themselves only contain the main points.  The notes are made available by clicking on View in the tool bar at the top of your screen after the Power Point slides have been downloaded.

Click for complete modules and downloads.
Office of Health Equity Seeks Applicants for Advisory Committee


The newly created Office of Health Equity (OHE) at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is seeking applicants to serve on an advisory committee that will advise CDPH on the important issues of health and mental health disparities related to underserved and underrepresented communities.


OHE is looking for individuals for this diverse committee who represent relevant state agencies and departments, local health departments, community-based organizations, vulnerable communities and service providers. The advisory committee will offer varied perspectives from across California that will be included in policies, strategic plans, recommendations and implementation activities. A priority of this groundbreaking office is to establish partnerships between the public and private sectors.


All members serve at the discretion of the California Department of Public Health and must agree to consistent and active participation in the Advisory Committee. *The terms and requirements are listed on the application.


Interested individuals should fill-out the online application. Completed applications must be received or postmarked by December 26, 2012. Once received, applications will be reviewed and appointments will be made by OHE and CDPH leadership.


For further information, please contact OHE staff, Randy Wynn at (916) 322-2199 or email [email protected].

NAMI California Financial Statements and Supplemental Information 


NAMI California is posting the most-recent Independent Auditor's Report, June 30, 2011.  


 Click here to read the full report.

Contact Information
[email protected]
or call NAMI California
(916) 567-0163
In This Issue
Ending the Silence on Stigma
Annual Conference: Super Early Bird Registration
Merced Regional Meeting
Ending the Silence in San Diego
Asian American Heroes Award
NAMI Sonoma Mobile Support Team
Family Programs News
NAMI FaithNet
Office of Health Equity Seeks Applicants


Proud Sponsor of NAMI California:

Janssen logo

NAMI California's Tree of Tribute
Fiscal Year 2011-12

tree of tribute
Each year many donors elect to give a gift in celebration of an event, in honor of a special individual or in memory of a loved one.

The Tree of Tribute formalizes this tradition by providing a lasting acknowledgement
for individuals who are remembered, individuals who are honored or have an enduring record of a significant celebration. 
Gifts in Celebration, in Honor or in Memory

Gifts of $500 or more will be eligible for an engraved leaf on the Tree of Tribute or an engraved stone at the base of the tree.

$500 - Bronze leaf
$1,000 - Silver leaf
$2,000 - Gold leaf
$3,000 -- Small stone
$5,000 - Large stone

Major Donors

I California thanks the following for their very generous contributions of $500 or more.

Humanitarian: $5,000-$15,000 Kelly Foundation, Sacramento, CA
Janssen Pharma
, New Brunswick, NJ
AstraZeneca, Wilmington, DE
Ruth Knudtson, Redlands, CA
Phrma, Sacramento, CA
Lilly Grant Office, Kalamazoo, MI    
Patron:  $2,500 - $4,999
May S. Farr, Upland. CA
Samira V. Moran, Encino, CA
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust, Pacific Palisades, CA
Teva Biologics & Specialty Products, North Wales, PA
Lilly Grant Office, Kalamazoo, MI 
Benefactor:  $1,000 - $2,499
The Knudtson Family Donor Advised Fund
, CA

Ralph E. Nelson, Visalia, CA

Attias Family Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
Frances Tibbits, Pacific Palisades, CA

Pfizer Inc., New York, NY

David M. Knapp Special Needs Trust, San Diego, CA   

Dwelle Family Foundation, Visalia, CA
Shackleton Adventure Racing, LLC,  Carmel, CA

Edward Gaston, MD, San Rafael, CA

Ngena Asante, Cypress, CA

Henry Garner, Yorba Linda, CA

NAMIWalks Los Angeles County

Shareholder: $750-$999

Orange County's United Way, Irvine, CA 

Teresa Walker, San Mateo, CA 

Ralph E. Nelson, Visalia, CA

Ronnie Okon, Tarzana, CA   

Sponsor:  $500-$749
Joseph Kotzin,, Los Angeles,CA

Patricia Goldring, PhD, Sherman Oaks, CA

Kessel, Young, & Logan, Charitable Account, Long Beach, CA

NAMI Glendale in honor of Tom & Kay Connus, Glendale, CA

Virginia Whitcombe, Palos Verdes Estates, CA  

Linda K. Pontious, Grass Valley, CA

Miriam C. Wille, Ventura, CA

Elizabeth Chamberlain, Woodside, CA 

Michael Aldrich, Glendale, CA

Arnold Klein, Malibu, CA

George Greenspon, Westlake Village, CA
Elizabeth Chamberlain, Woodside, CA
Google, Inc., CA

Joseph Kotzin, Los Angeles, CA

Patricia Goldring, PhD, Sherman Oaks, CA

Corning Exchange Club, Corning, CA

Linda K. Pontious, Grass Valley, CA 


NAMI California Annual Conference Donors, 2012 

Janssen Pharma, $7,500

Lilly Grant Office, $7,500 

Teva Biologics & Specialty Products, $2,500

River City Bank, $2,500

Turning Point Community Programs, $500   



All donations,
large and small,
are greatly appreciated by
NAMI California and help
us achieve
our mission
at the state level.
state advocacy

This educational newsletter is supported, in part, by an educational grant from Lilly USA, LLC.  For further information concerning Lilly grant funding visit