February, 2015     

Probes & Tips header
ECHO Initiative 
Upcoming Events
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Live Webinars:

Introduction to
OAE Hearing Screening

Wed., Febr. 25th, 2014
4:00 p.m. Eastern

Wed., March 18, 2014
4:00 p.m. Eastern 

Introduction to
OAE Hearing Screening
Wed., April 8, 2014
4:00 p.m. Eastern

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Look for us at the
this coming March in Louisville, KY:

  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *    

ECHO Initiative
Links to Recorded Webinars

If you've missed any of
our previous webinars, you can now click on the links below to watch a recorded version  
version of 
these webinars:  


New to 
OAE Screening? 

If your program is new to OAE screening,  
or if you have added new staff who need  
instruction on OAE 
screening practices,  
visit our 
 where staff can view instructional video  
modules and access the corresponding 

Quick Links


Find more helpful hints from previous issues of

 Probes and Tips 

and many other
resources at:  


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Join Our Mailing List  


Tip of the Month
Tools for OAE Hearing Screening Available in Spanish

One of the benefits of otoacoustic emissions (OAE) hearing screening is that it can be conducted accurately even if a screener does not speak the same language as a child.  It is not so simple to bridge a language gap when it comes to communicating  screening results to parents, but if you serve families whose primary language is Spanish, the ECHO Initiative has some tools to help:

  • Sample letters introduce OAE screening to parents in English and Spanish and describe the need for referral to a health care provider if a child does not pass the screening.
  • Sample "scripts" provide language for screeners to use when sharing specific OAE hearing screening results with parents in Spanish.

In addition, the ECHO Initiative also has tools to help train screeners and staff whose primary language is Spanish:

  • The  Video Tutorial Companion Handbook in Spanish provides core information on planning an OAE hearing screening program, training screeners, and implementing a tracking and follow-up process for children who need further screening or evaluation.  Staff members who are learning to conduct OAE screenings can read each chapter in Spanish and watch the corresponding video module (in English), to access the training content.

OAE screening technology is just one part of a hearing screening program; finding ways for all participants to communicate effectively is equally important to overall program success.    

Probe of the Month
Do you have other tips or tools to share for implementing a hearing screening program that effectively crosses language boundaries?

Let us know at:  


  [email protected]    


And, as always, share www.KidsHearing.org with anyone you think would benefit from our resources.     

 ECHO - Headstart

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2615 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322

Probes and Tips is a newsletter from the ECHO Initiative that provides monthly TIPS

to enhance early childhood hearing screening and follow-up practices and PROBES

 about current activities so we can learn from one another's successes and challenges.