July, 2013   

Probes & Tips header
Upcoming Events
Coffee Break Webinar
for Previously Trained Programs 
Coffee Break Logo
This webinar will provide you with an opportunity to re-examine effective OAE program practices, reflect on your own OAE screening experiences, and raise questions or concerns
about which you'd like
put from others.


Friday, Aug. 9th


12:00 p.m. Eastern

11:00 a.m. Central

10:00 a.m. Mountain

9:00 a.m. Pacific

8:00 a.m. Alaska

6:00 a.m. Hawaii
Click here for more information or to register
for this webinar


Quick Links


Find more helpful hints from previous issues of

 Probes and Tips 

and many other
resources at:  


New Staff?


 If you have new staff who need to learn about your OAE screening practices, remember to share our  website with them:  

Screeners checking equipment

In particular, 
have them view the
followed by the


Then, spend some time screening with them as they develop their screening skills.

masthead 3-green


Join Our Mailing List  


Tip of the Month
New Tutorial Video Modules for "Independent" Learners!         

As you celebrate this Independence Day, the ECHO Initiative would also like to set off some fireworks to highlight the new set of Tutorial Modules designed for the  "independent" learner! 

Tutorial Video Modules    

Whether you are just beginning to explore the potential benefits of Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening for young children, or well underway with your OAE screening efforts, we now offer a complete series of easy-to-watch video modules (2 - 6 minutes each) covering a wide range of topics:  


1.  Introduction to Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)

     Hearing Screening


2.  How OAE Screening Works


3.  Brief Overview of the OAE Screening Protocol  

     Emphasis on Education Setting


4.  Plan Your OAE Screening Program


5.  Get to Know Your OAE Equipment


6.  OAE Screening Step-by-Step


7.  Develop Your OAE Screening Skills


8.  Get Ready to Screen Children


9.  Strategies for Successful OAE Screening


10.  OAE Screening Protocol in Detail -  

       Education Setting

       OAE Screening Protocol in Detail -  

       Health Care Setting


11.  Establish a Tracking and Monitoring System



If you are just getting started with OAE screening, you'll want to work through the modules sequentially.  If you are experienced with OAE screening and are simply wanting to build on your knowledge or skill set, feel free to select and view the modules that meet your needs.


Also, be sure to bookmark the page and return to it regularly so that you can take advantage of the updated Tools and print Resources that will be coming soon!    

Probe of the Month
  Let us know what you think of the video modules and whether there are other content areas you would like to see covered:  


 [email protected] 


And, as always, share www.KidsHearing.org with anyone you think would benefit from our resources.     

 ECHO - Headstart

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2615 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322

Probes and Tips is a newsletter from the ECHO Initiative that provides monthly TIPS

to enhance early childhood hearing screening and follow-up practices and PROBES

 about current activities so we can learn from one another's successes and challenges.