December, 2012  

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Upcoming Events

  Look for us at the 2013


 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Annual Meeting 

Glendale, AZ


ECHO Presentations at this year's EHDI Conference include:

Audiology 101-A Introduction to audiology for non-audiologists working in and supporting EDHI activities:

Date: Monday April 15, 2013 
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

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Audiology 101-B Introduction to audiology for non-audiologists working in and supporting EDHI activities:

Date: Monday April 15, 2013
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Quick Links


Find more helpful hints from previous issues of

 Probes and Tips 

and many other
resources at: 

New Staff?

  Screeners checking equipment(2)

 If you have new staff who need to learn about your OAE screening practices, remember to share our  website with them:  

Screeners checking equipment

In particular, 
have them view the
followed by the


Then, spend some time screening with them as they develop their screening skills.

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Join Our Mailing List  


Tip of the Month
Part of the ECHO:  Spotlight on Tennessee

In this busy holiday season, as 2012 comes to a close, we want to stop for a moment to reflect with gratitude on how many ECHO "elves" have been working year round to improve hearing screening and followup services for infants and young children.  With support from the ECHO Initiative, training workshops held this year have assisted over 600 individuals serving children in 134 programs from 30 states to gain screening skills. Thirteen webinars also attracted over 500 participants eager to learn more about implementing Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening for children birth to three years of age.   


We recognize Tennessee (TN) as one state where a host of caring individuals have been very, very busy. In August 2011, three model Early Head Start (EHS) programs participated in an ECHO Initiative training. Soon afterward, funding for 75 OAE screening units was secured through a collaborative effort between the Tennessee Head Start State Collaboration Office and the Early Intervention System Part C Program.  Next, from January to March 2012, four regional ECHO trainings were held. Joining EHS participants in theGirl being screened trainings were Developmental Specialists from each of the nine Part C districts. Under the leadership of the Head Start (HS) State Collaboration Office Director, an audiologist and speech-language pathologist herself, all 17 EHS Programs received OAE units, as did HS programs with large numbers of three-year-old children.       


To date, 102 EHS/HS participants and 22 Part C staff in Tennesee have been trained. Many are beginning to see the benefits of the ECHO Initiative:  

  • The EHS and Part C Programs are more confident in their screening results now that they are utilizing an objective tool.
  • Children with recurrent middle ear effusion are being identified sooner and referred promptly for medical attention.  
  • Tennessee's Early Hearing Detection and Intervention/Newborn Hearing Screening (EHDI/NHS) Program will soon begin to receive screening results from EHS Programs in an effort to address newborn lost-to-followup issues and to identify young children with late-onset hearing loss.  

The keys to success in TN include collaboration and an overall willingness to improve services to babies and young children by adopting current technology into screening protocols. 


To all of you in TN and across the country who are giving the gift of hearing health to so many young children each day, the ECHO Initiative Team wishes you many gifts in return!!

Probe of the Month

Tell us about your experiences and achievements in "being part of the ECHO":  


[email protected] 


And, as always, share with anyone you think would benefit from our resources.     

 ECHO - Headstart

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2615 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322

Probes and Tips is a newsletter from the ECHO Initiative that provides monthly TIPS

to enhance early childhood hearing screening and follow-up practices and PROBES

 about current activities so we can learn from one another's successes and challenges.