KGOU - Your NPR Source
KGOU e-Newsletter
August 6, 2015
  • Oklahoma news shared nationwide
  • New blog for Diane Rehm's producers
  • Listening closely to nature
  • Giveaway: More Capitol Steps Tickets!

Listen for KGOU Reporters on NPR Programs

white-faced calves KGOU reporters are working on a number of reports for our local audience, but also for NPR's national programs, over the next few days:

  • News Director Jacob McCleland will be exploring why Oklahoma ranchers don't use branding to identify their herds, despite the rise in cattle thefts.
  • He'll also be reporting on Congressman Steve Russell's efforts to have military members who were casualties of the Oklahoma City bombing awarded the Purple Heart.
  • And, a national audience will be hearing Kate Carlton Greer's report on native tribes' inconsistent adoption of the recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.
Listen for those stories and, of course, you'll be able to find them on
OCCC Capitol Steps Show A Near-Sellout
performers on stage
There are just a few seats left to see the Capitol Steps on Saturday, Aug. 22, when they bring their "Mock the Vote" tour to Oklahoma City Community College's Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater.

Balcony tickets are still available for this evening of political humor set to show tunes -- buy them online, by calling (405) 682-7579 or at the OCCC Box Office. See you there!
The Diane Rehm Show Launches Insider Blog
The Diane Rehm Show One of KGOU's most popular programs, The Diane Rehm Show, has a large following on the air. Diane and her team have now added a new online feature, a blog called Producers' Picks. In frequent posts, the show's producers give listeners a behind-the-scenes look at the show, they share more resources for show topics and reveal their favorite episodes. Give it a read and be sure to send them feedback for this project via this Google Form.
World Views: Telling the World's Stories in Film and Literature
children's photos from the film Greek filmmaker Vassilis Loules wanted to illuminate the plight of Greek children of the Holocaust in his documentary Kisses to the Children. He talked with World Views host Suzette Grillot about the five survivors profiled in his film and the losses they suffered. This week's show debuts tomorrow at 4 p.m. You can read or listen to the interview on

Coming up on Friday, Aug. 14, Suzette talks with Taiwanese novelist and screenwriter Chu T'ien-wen, winner of the 2015 Newman Prize for Chinese Literature from the University of Oklahoma's Institute for U.S.-China Issues. Chu was nominated for her short-story collection Fin-de-siecle Splendor, which weaves vivid tales of Taipei. Tune in for World Views every Friday at 4 p.m., repeated at 6:30 p.m.
Morning Edition's Close Listening: Decoding Nature Through Sound
a man holds a microphone out to a sea creature on a beach
Recording an elephant seal. Courtesy of Bill McQuay/Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Morning Edition
's series Close Listening -- exploring the intricacies of natural sounds that might be foreign to human ears -- continued with its second installment this morning. NPR science correspondent Christopher Joyce collaborated with scientists from Cornell's Lab of Ornithology to bring us the songs composed and sung by whales. All of the stories in the series will take listeners out to the field and into the lab to discover new sounds and learn how sound sustains existence on Earth. The series airs each Thursday through Sept. 10.
Another Ticket Giveaway ~ Capitol Steps in OKC Aug. 22
The Capitol Steps' Mock the Vote We can't wait to see the Capitol Steps at OCCC's Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater on Saturday, Aug. 22 -- there's so much going on in the world of political news right now for the Steps to really sink their teeth into! And we've got more tickets to give away. If you entered the drawing in the last issue, your name is already in the hat -- no need to fill out the form again. If you didn't enter last time, here's the entry form. Good luck!
Congratulations to Our Winner
We gave away one pair of tickets to the Capitol Steps in our last e-Newsletter -- Lissa was our lucky winner!