Island Educational Services Newsletter

                     October 2013 Newsletter
In This Issue
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Autism 200 Lecture Series
The App Corner
Parent Education Classes
Writing Matters
Dylexie typeface
Transition Night
Wrightslaw Conference
Free Back-to-School Kit
BYS Compassionate Youth Awards
Island Educational Services is happy to welcome two new tutors; Annie Young and Denise Briggs Potter join our exemplary cadre of professionals.  Last spring we also added Tim Strevell, a recent transplant from Chicago who loves teaching high school science (particularly Physics and Chemistry). Please visit our website for additional background information on any of our great tutors.

In order to add an additional desk, our wait room is now located at the bottom of the steps.  Families are asked to use the seating area (not the steps, please) so everyone can quickly move in and out of the offices. 

We are very sad to share that Island Educational Services lost a dear friend this past month.  Lisa Stearns of Bainbridge Insurance Agency (Suite 201) passed away suddenly last month. Lisa gladly came down the stairs when we needed the master key or had issues with the thermostat.  She left behind her husband, two sons, and a grandchild.  We will miss her throaty laugh and her welcoming smile.

As always, we welcome comments from families about ways to improve our services. Please email me or call!

Lydia Harrison

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

According to the International Dyslexia Association one out of every 10 people have signs of dyslexia. Children with dyslexia are bright, capable and able to go on to college and successful careers; children with dyslexia simply learn differently. Many top CEOs, scientists, architects, artists and entrepreneurs are dyslexic.


Judy Rutberg-Self, a Bainbridge Island psychologist, recently wrote an article about dyslexia for Inside Bainbridge.  The article shares misconceptions and facts about dyslexia, as well as signs that a child might need to be screened for dyslexia.


Autism 200 Lecture Series 
Seattle Children's Autism Center is presenting two workshops this fall: Highway to Hell or Stairway to Heaven? Parenting a Child with Autism (Oct 17) and a Panel Discussion - Developing and Advocating for Services in the Local Communities (Nov 21). Both workshops start at 7:00pm and end at 8:30 pm.
The Bainbridge Island School District is hosting this series as a video conference. Please contact Liz Saliba to reserve a spot.  If you would like more information about the Autism 200 series, visit Seattle Children's Autism Center website.

What are Sibshops? 
Sibshops are lively action-packed workshops sponsored by The Arc that celebrate the many contributions brothers and sisters of a person with special needs make.

The Bainbridge Island Boys and Girls Club is hosting
Sibshops for children ages 7-18 on the second Saturday of each month from 1-4 pm. 

For more information  email Holly Patton, Kitsap County's Parent to Parent coordinator, or call (360)377-3473.
The App Corner

StudentLife has a simple interface for quick intuitive operation. It easily displays  
classes, lectures, homework, projects, essays, sports, social events, holiday and other important events.

Find Scholarship Money
Find Scholarship Money connects students with scholarships.

With Myhomework students can easily know what's due and when it is due so they will never forget a homework assignment again. myHomework is now available on the web so students can quickly sync and access their homework online from their computer through 
Parent Education Classes 
Children with Challenging Behaviors 

Shealeen Stabelfeldt, M.Ed., BCBA
$15 per class

Building Blocks NW is offering a five-week series of classes at The Peacock Family Center (305 Madison Avenue) on Bainbridge Island.

The following topics will be discussed:
"Why do kids do that?" Understanding the functions of behavior.
"How to stop my child from grumbling?" Understanding whining and complaining.
"How can I help my child be happy?" Understanding meltdowns and anger.
"What's in your bag? Helpful hints for choosing consequences.
"What good are they?" Sibling rivalry - teach them to love one another.

For more information and to RSVP contact Seating is limited.
"Writing Matters: Developing Sentence Skills for Students of All Ages" with William Van Cleave

Saturday, October 26  

8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Black River Conference Center

Renton, WA


The Washington branch of the International Dyslexia Association (WABIDA) is presenting a hands-on interactive workshop that participants can immediately use with their children and students addressing the following skills: 

-Motor skills

-Parts of speech

-Sentence and paragraph structure 

-Revision and edition

-Research strategies and practical application


Registration includes lunch and WABIDA's Dyslexia Resource Guide. $140 for IDA members/$150 for non IDA members. For more information contact Washington Dyslexia Association or call (206)382-1020.

"Dylexie" typeface designers claim font helps overcome reading difficulties.  

Dutch typeface designers, using scientific data, claim their new typeface promotes legibility for dyslexics and reduces the likelihood of reading errors. According to its developers, the typeface shows a clear advantage over the Arial font and a decrease in reading errors by emphasizing each letter's uniqueness. Semi-italics, varying tail-lengths and a pronounced baseline help distinguish letters and reduces word inversion inversion.
"Transition Night" for Parents/Teachers/Students
October 17

Learn about the community services and agencies available to assist students with disabilities as they transition from public school to post-secondary education, employment and adult services. Agencies present will include the Developmental Disabilities Administration, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Olympic College, West Sound Skills Center Program, Job Corps, Social Security and more.

Thursday, Oct 17
5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Sakai Intermediate School
9343 Sportsman Club Rd
Bainbridge Island 

For more information email Barbara Brewis, Coordinator, BISD Adult Living Program, or call (206)780-2412. 
Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference
November 7
Featuring Peter Wright of Wrightslaw, this non specific disability workshop will focus on the following topics: 
-special education law, rights and responsibilities,
-tests and measurements of progress and regression,
-tactics and strategies for effective advocacy for parents and advocates.

Registration includes three Wrightslaw publications: Special Education Law; From Emotions to Advocacy; and All About IEPs. The registration fee includes refreshments and lunch. For registration information email Ann Mullis or call (206)842-9027. Space is limited.
National Center for Learning Disabilities 
Free Back-to-School Kit for Parents
Visit the NCLD's website for this free e-book that covers the following topics:
This e-book will cover the following topics:
  • Building a Good Relationship with Your Child's Teacher
  • Essential Skills for Becoming Your Child's Advocate
  • Advocating for your School-Aged Child
  • Making the Most of Your Parent-Teacher Conference
  • Creating Great Expectations for an Effective Meeting worksheet
Bainbridge Youth Services 
Compassionate Youth Awards

Please nominate
youth in our community (ages 12 - 19) that contribute in positive ways to better our community.  Included but not limited to youth
who volunteer in our community and individuals who exhibit a spirit of generosity and kindness.  Everyone who is nominated receives an award!
Over the past 10 years Bainbridge Youth Services (BYS) has provided an opportunity for the community to recognize the volunteer efforts of our youth.  The Compassionate Action Awards are given in recognition to those youth.  BYS seeks to honor students who positively contribute to our community.

Please submit nominations  online. Nominations are due by November 1, 2013.