In This Issue
Upcoming Programs
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As-Salaamun Alaikum,
  بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ 

Highly recommended Dhikr in this month do tasbih:

لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ

Imam Ridha (as)
"Worship is not abundant prayer and fasting; rather it is abundant reflecting on the affair of Allah, the Great and Almighty." 
Doing seven things without doing the seven other things is self-mockery: asking for forgiveness from Allah verbally without repenting with the heart; asking for Allah's help without undertaking any effort; making a firm resolution to do something without taking due precautions; asking Allah for Paradise without enduring the related hardships; beseeching deliverance from the Hell-fire without refraining from lusts; remembering Allah without anticipating to encounter Him. 
Upcoming Programs at the Center

         Thursday August 25th

          (21st Dhilqad)

8:15pm   Namaz Maghribain
8:35pm   Sura Yasin
8:45pm   Dua Kumail
9:05pm   Lecture
9:35pm   Munajat
9:40pm   Ziyarat

Speaker: Br. Shabbir Yusufali

Sharwate Shadi majlis of Sayyeda Sajjad Khalfan to Hussain Jalil Zhian

         Friday August 26th

             (22nd Dhilqad) 

1:00pm    Namaz Juma

       Saturday August 27th

            (23th Dhilqad)
Nikah ceremony of Sayyeda d/o Sajjad and Fatima Khalfan to Hussain s/o Jalil and Caroline Zhian 

3:30pm Nikah ceremony followed by Dinner

Guest speaker: Sheikh Fayyaz Jaffer

       Sunday August 28th

             (24th Dhilqad)

8:00am Majlis at Rosehill Cemetery

Khalfan - Zhian Nikah - Sat. August 27, 2016

Articles submitted by Alhajj Yusuf Kermalli. Please click on the links below.

Iraq Ziyarat - December 2016

Newswire Submissions
Have an interesting article you would like included as part of the next newswire? Kindly submit to before Sunday for inclusion into the following week's newswire.

Articles by youths/Madressa students are especially encouraged.

Note: All submissions will be reviewed and accordingly included in upcoming newswires. We reserve the right to make any modifications/changes.
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Shia Ithna'asheri Jamaat of New York | 48-67 58th Street | Woodside | NY | 11367