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City of Anna News

Changes to City's Water Coming this Summer


water tower Since the year 2000, the City of Anna has grown from a population of just over 1,200 people to an estimated 9,360 as of January this year. In 2012 alone, Anna welcomed approximately 1000 new residents. With over 600% growth over the past decade, Anna continues to be among the most rapidly growing cities in Collin County.


Early last decade as Anna began to grow, it became clear that the existing water wells that have served as our sole source of drinking water would not be sufficient to serve our rapidly growing city. Our neighboring communities along U.S. 75 were also experiencing significant growth pressure and began looking for additional sources of water. After evaluating alternatives, the City of Anna partnered with the cities of Melissa, Van Alstyne, and Howe to fund the construction of a large transmission line that would bring treated surface water owned by the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) from McKinney to the participating communities. NTMWD provides drinking water from Lake Lavon to most of the cities in Collin County.


While, construction on the transmission line was completed in 2007, the City has not yet begun adding the surface water to our city water system. However, with the growth that is now occurring in the city, we believe that it will be necessary to begin gradually blending surface water with our existing ground water this summer. The surface water and ground water will be blended in ground storage tanks at four separate locations and then released into the water distribution system. The ground storage tanks located at the NE corner of Sherley Avenue and Fifth Street will be equipped to receive the surface water by early summer. Improvements necessary to introduce surface water into the three remaining ground storage locations will be complete in 2014.


Blending surface water with ground water will require us to change the way we treat our water, and will change the way our water tastes. The difference in taste will probably be more noticeable in the areas closest to the Sherley/Fifth Street ground storage tank. When all the other ground storage tanks have been adapted to blend the surface and ground water, the taste of the water should be relatively uniform throughout the City and will only change as the percentage of surface water in the blend increases or decreases.


Some customers may also notice intermittent changes to water clarity which can happen when water with a different chemical composition is introduced and interacts with the water main lines of an older distribution system. Changes to water clarity will probably be more noticeable in the older areas of Anna where the distribution system is older. Regardless of issues with clarity, the water will remain safe to drink. We expect that any water clarity issues will be temporary and diminish over time.


All utility customers will receive a separate notice before we introduce the blended water into our distribution system. The timing will depend on the precipitation we receive this year and the overall demand for water. Feel free to contact James Parkman, Director of Public Works (972) 924-4510 or email jparkman@annatexas.gov if you have additional questions.

City Preparing for Reconstruction & Expansion of FM 455


For the past several years, the City of Anna has been working cooperatively with Collin County and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) on plans to reconstruct and widen FM 455 (W. White Street) from US 75 east to Powell Parkway (SH 5). Since FM 455 is a State Highway, TxDOT is the lead agency responsible for approving the roadway design and funding the improvements. The new expanded roadway will have four lanes with a raised median separating the east and west bound traffic lanes. The City has been advised by TxDOT that they plan to award a construction contract for the project this coming April and that construction will start in October of 2013. Construction is estimated to take 14 months and should be complete by the end of December 2014.


Prior to the start of construction, the City must relocate its water and sewer lines that will be in conflict with the project. A utility contractor hired by the City will begin relocating water and sewer lines along FM 455 this month and should be finished by October 2013. Some water customers may experience brief service interruptions during this project. The contractor performing the work should provide notice to affected customers prior to a water service interruption.


For questions about the FM 455 expansion project, please contact James Parkman, Director of Public Works at (972) 924-4510 or email jparkman@annatexas.gov 


Anna Fire Volunteer of the Quater


Volunteer FireThe Anna Fire Department recently started a new program to promote volunteer participation and to recognize a member who goes above and beyond the scope of duty.   The Department administrative staff has selected Volunteer Firefighter Andy Michrina as the Department's first Volunteer of the Quarter.


Andy has lived in Anna for two years after moving to Texas from California. Andy retired from the U.S. Postal Service after thirty years in the vehicle maintenance department. While in California he volunteered with the local Police Department and C.E.R.T. teams. His hobbies are working with stained glass and doing leather work.


Andy has volunteered with the Department for over one year. He is a welcome face at the Department. Andy makes sure the coolers are iced down with water and rehab supplies for all the firefighters if needed. Andy also plays a major role is assisting with station projects and making sure the equipment is ready to respond.


We are pleased to have people like Andy volunteering to serve the citizens of our community.

Citizen's Academy III

Anna LogoThe popular Citizen's Academy is back for the 3rd year. It will begin April 16th.  The Academy is a monthly, interactive program that focuses on educating citizens about the city's governmental processes.  Elected officials, department directors and other city staff will host unique and informative sessions designed to give citizens hands-on experience in city government operations. Note that the monthly class sessions will build on each other, therefore, regular attendance is important. Join us to keep our community moving in the right direction by actively participating in city affairs. The Academy starts April 16, 2013.


 - Classes are held for seven consecutive months starting in April.

- Classes will be the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

- Classes are open to any city resident, but class size is limited to 20 people. Potential students must be 18 years of age or older.

- Classes use hands-on activities and lectures to teach how city government functions day to day and how it affects the quality of life in Anna.

The academy prepares class participants for service on a city board or commission, if they choose. The academy is free.


How to Sign Up:
Please fill an application. Please submit a signed copy via email or fax. A staff person will contact you.

Code Red Weather Alerts - SIGN UP TODAY
code red
Severe weather is coming! The City's automated Code Red Weather alert system can keep you informed by calling or texting your cell phone. All you need to do is sign up for the Code Red  notification system.   https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=dkFJs4%2blJ3KLGVg79bdHXg%3d%3d
Anna ISD Calendar
ISD Paw 
 For Anna ISD activities click the link to view the ISD calendar


Chamber Update:  GACC Annual Banquet

 GACC logo 

The GACC banquet is coming in a few short weeks on Saturday, March 23, 2013.  The banquet honors businesses and residents for their community involvement and commitment.  You don't want to miss this evening of fun, food, and recognition.


Networking opportunities - join the chamber for breakfast or lunch:


*1st Thursday of each month, join the Chamber for breakfast at 8:00 am at the Chamber office or host location check out website for details.


*3rd Tuesday of each month, join the Chamber for lunch at 12:00 noon. Location varies. Check the website for details www.greaterannachamber.com

Community Calendar 



Anna Economic Development Corporation:  March 7, 2013 meeting at 5pm at 111 N. Powell Parkway.


Anna Community Development Corporation: March 7, 2013 meeting at 5pm at 111 N. Powell Parkway.

Anna ISD Spring Break: March 11-15th.


City Council Meeting: March 12, 2013 6:30pm workshop session, 7:30pm regular meeting at 111 N. Powell Parkway.  


Park Board:  March 18, 2013 meeting at 7pm at 111 N. Powell Parkway.


City Council Meeting:  March 26, 2013 6:30pm workshop session, 7:30pm regular meeting at 111 N. Powell Parkway.





Mike Crist
Counicl Place 1,
James T. Cook
Council Place 2,
Lauren Lovato
Council Place 3,
John Hopewell
Council Place 4
Mayor Pro Tem,
John Geren
Council Place 5,
Nathan Bryan
Council Place 6
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem,
Becky Glover
City Manager,
Philip Sanders
Police Chief,
Kenny Jenks
Fire Chief, 
Tim Gothard
City Secretary,
Natha Wilkison
Finance Director,
Clayton Fulton
Planning Director,
Maurice Schwanke
Public Work Director,
James Parkman
Assistant to the City Manager, Jessica Perkins
In This Issue
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Community Calendar
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City of Anna PO Box 776 Anna, TX 75409

Phone 972-924-3325  Fax 972-924-2620
