Blarney Stone

We're not in Kansas anymore.

The other morning, Tessa Johnson invited me to come into her first grade class to talk to the kids about my recent trip to Kansas City. Her kids were studying the geography of the Great Plains, and I jumped at the chance to be with them.

I started that I was in Kansas City and asked them, "What state that would be in?" "Canada" and "Washington" were the first tries until I heard a "Kansas." Yes, I said, and then another voice said, "Missouri." "Right!" I exclaimed. "There are two Kansas Cities right next to each other but in two different states, and I was in both this week." They thought that was cool.

I asked them what they knew of Kansas and many yelled, "It is flat." I asked them what is the highest point in Washington, and after a pause, I primed them with "What mountain do we see?" "Mt Rainier" everyone shouted, and pretty soon they were laughing when I put the name of the highest mountain in Kansas on the board: Mt Sunflower.

I thought I had them going when I acknowledged a raised hand. "My grandad lived in Nebraska." "That's good," I said. "Nebraska is a Plain State." That opened the door to five other places where grandparents lived, but I kept it going. "What did you learn about the weather in Kansas?" "Tornadoes; they have tornadoes!"  Excited now, I drew a map of the US and asked them what country cold air would come down from and which country hot air flows up from? "Kansas!" a boy said. "Nay, Kansas is a state, remember?" I said. "Missouri!" said another. I jumped back in: "Canada and Mexico are the countries I was looking for, because that is where the air comes from that causes the tornadoes." "My Dad is from Mexico," a girl said while another was telling me that they went on a family vacation to Canada. My head was swirling as if I were in a tornado trying to keep up with their train of thought!

I told them famous people have lived in Kansas and Missouri and asked them to close their eyes and think of their favorite spot to go. Two instantly said, "Disneyland," and then a third "Disneyworld." I told them that Walt Disney grew up in Kansas, and I thought I had them back on track when a boy said, "My Dad lived in Germany." Random, I thought, "but let me go with it." So I asked them the name of the castle in Disneyland. "Sleeping Beauty Castle," everyone shouted. I explained that the castle was built to look like a castle in Germany, and asked whether anyone knew its name.  After two "Sleeping Beauty Castle" re-tries, Mrs. Johnson said, "Let's look it up." I said that if they could find the name today and tell me before they left for the day, we would have another class together with pizza.

Mrs. Johnson didn't have much time left before the kids were off to Art class, but Patty Davidson had already been alerted to their task and had the computer on. And using their art shape lesson, every kid drafted a "Sleeping Beauty Castle." Each had Neuschwanstein printed at the bottom of the page. Three representatives came to my office to officially declare that the puzzle had been solved, and excited inquired whether pizza was still on.

What had started as me showing them pictures of flat Kansas detoured to Mt. Rainier, headed off to Nebraska via Canada, and landed in California, only to find its way to Germany. I guess it wasn't too strange that I offered pizza to them because we also went to Italy since I had mentioned that Kansas City, Kansas is the "Venice of the US." I was as random as them!

I loved the trip with both first grade classes and was instantly reminded that the human imagination is remarkable and something we need to cultivate during school. I don't know what they will remember about my 35 minutes with them, but I won't forget my adventure with 1J and 1R.  And yes, pizza is on me.


Upcoming Events

November 5:  Primary/Intermediate Mass

November 6:  Veterans' Day Assembly, 1:40 PM

November 10:  Picture Retakes

November 11:  Veterans' Day, No School

November 12:  Middle School Mass

Annual Fund 16

As we wrap up our fund drive, we would like to thank our donors for their generosity! 

In pledges and gifts, we have over $125,000 toward our goal of $150,000.  

If you haven't pledged or donated, we will be contacting you directly to discuss your participation. 

We will also be contacting donors that qualify for matching gifts.  If your employer matches donations to charitable organizations, please let us know.

For more information, click here for the video and click here to learn more about Annual Fund on our website.  

Veterans' Day Assembly

Veterans' Day Assembly
November 6, 2015 at 1:40 in the Gym

Calling all Veterans, Reservists, and Active Duty Service Members in the St. Patrick Catholic Church and School community.  You are cordially invited to be a part of our annual celebration and recognition of those who have served, or are currently serving our country in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.  Please join us for a celebration of your service to our nation!

As part of our Veterans' Day Assembly, we want to recognize any relatives of St. Patrick Catholic School students, staff, or faculty who are veterans.

We sincerely look forward to an assembly that instills in our students a true appreciation of the dedication and sacrifice our veterans have made for our country and for each of us.
At our assembly, we will introduce all honored veterans and their St. Patrick School family members. If there is someone you would like to have recognized, please click the Veterans' Day Form link below and complete it by Tuesday, November 3, 2015.

In addition, we are offering an opportunity to recognize a veteran who isn't present at the assembly, called "Stand Up For a Veteran". Parents, please watch for the yellow card coming home with your student. If you would like a military family member (living or deceased) honored during our upcoming Veteran's Day Assembly please complete it and have your student bring it back to school on Friday. During the program all students with these cards will be asked to stand for a special presentation.

Community Ministry

Question of the Week:  

"What happens when a lost sheep is found?"

Join us for Primary/Intermediate Mass on Thursday at 8:45 AM

Wreath Sale

St. Pat's Annual Wreath Sale is underway!
Orders must be turned in by November 13th.
Get a chance to win a $250 Amazon gift card
with every wreath you sell.

Scrip for Black Friday

Don't forget to use Scrip for your Black Friday shopping!  We are able to order cards for most national retailers and would love to get you prepared for your shopping this Christmas.  

Click here for a list of national vendors and click here for a list of our local merchants.  For Black Friday shopping, the ordering deadline is November 17.  The cards will be available for pick up on November 24.  

While you are preparing your order, don't forget to include grocery scrip for Thanksgiving dinner.  Please click here for our convenient online order form.  

Thank you for supporting the school by purchasing Scrip!  Contact with any questions.

Fulcrum Tuition Assistance

Fulcrum Foundation Hossfled Tuition Assistance Program
We Are Currently Accepting Applications For 2016-2017

It's our mission to make Catholic schools accessible for families and students. For the 2016-2017 school year, a Fulcrum Foundation Hossfeld Tuition Assistance grant will provide $1,100 towards elementary tuition and $1,250 towards high school tuition. Grants are distributed annually to students in grades K-12 and are awarded on the basis of financial need.

Beginning this fall, Fulcrum is partnering with FACTS to manage the collection and processing of tuition assistance applications. Award decisions will still be made by Fulcrum and will still be based on financial need.

It costs $24 per family (no matter how many students) to apply for a Fulcrum Foundation tuition assistance grant. You will be reimbursed for the full $24 even if you do not receive an award, but your student must be enrolled in a Catholic school for the 2016-2017 school year. 

Important:  Please read the Frequently Asked Questions prior to applying!  The FAQ contains important information about who should apply and gives financial guidelines that are helpful for determining your eligibility.

St. Patrick Catholic School will also be offering financial aid for the 2016/17 school year as usual. The applications will be available December 1, 2015. We would like any family in need of assistance to please complete this application. It is not necessary to also apply for the Hossfeld Tuition Assistance program as in years past.  Since the Archdiocese is reimbursing the application fee they ask that only families that meet the eligibility guidlines apply. If you have any questions about this change please contact Bonnie Viafore in the school office at (253)272-2297 or [email protected]. Thank you!


Safe Environment

We will be hosting in the Parish Center the "Protecting God's Children" class for new volunteers on Tuesday, November 10th beginning at 6:30 p.m. To attend this class you must log-on to to register and establish an account with the Archdiocese and follow the steps to becoming compliant with all Safe Environment requirements.
All current employees and volunteers who have already completed the Safe Environment requirements will be automatically transferred into the new database. VIRTUS sent log-on information to every current participant in August. Those who have already attended a Called to Protect for Ministries class will not be required to take the VIRTUS foundation class, Protecting God's Children. These individuals will be notified by VIRTUS when it is time to renew their background check and/or take an online refresher course, which is now required every three years.



Our teams are starting to practice!  It is a fun and exciting time.  Please check with your coach or the Athletic Director if you have not heard when your team is practicing.  Schedules should be out by the second week of November.  7th and 8th grade teams can expect to start play on November 21.  The 4th-6th grade teams will start games on December 5.  Coaches have fees and paperwork.

The Athletic Director's email is [email protected].

For more information about CYO, click here.

Photo Reminder

A reminder to 8th grade parents to get their student's pre-k or kindergarten pictures in by November 30th to Mindi Marsh at [email protected].

Also, if anyone has photos of students playing non- CYO sports but are on teams with class/school mates, please email them to Mindi Marsh at [email protected].

Thank you for your help in making the yearbook an accurate reflection of the school year!

St.Patrick Church
From the Parish

Join us for the viewing of a documentary
"Purgatory, The Forgotten Church" 

When: Sunday November 8th 4:00-5:30 P.M. 
Where: St. Patrick Church Hall  

Is Purgatory real? Could the Afterlife require suffering? Can the living help alleviate the anguish of the dead? This groundbreaking documentary investigates these compelling life-after-death questions through spiritual, scientific, and cultural perspectives. Drawing on this centuries-old article of faith professed by Catholics, this comprehensive expose reveals the formidable spiritual alliance Catholics once shared and hope to reinvigorate with the departed souls. 

From the award-winning producer of Ocean of Mercy, Audrey's Life, Fourteen Flowers of Pardon, this film uncovers new research offering fresh insights unavailable just a generation ago. Now for the first time top scholars, scientists, historians, and church leaders revisit age-old questions and embark on a spiritual quest to unlock the controversy and consolation of Purgatory: The Forgotten Church 

This is made possible by Saint Patrick Church and the Prayers Warriors of the Holy souls (WA).  Light snacks will be served.  For more information about the film, click here.

Youth Group

Saint Patrick Youth group meets every other Sunday from 4-5:30 PM in the Parish Center. We have fun, great fellowship, games, food, and grow in our faith. Come every time we meet or whenever you can make it. Bring a friend and join us.
Host Families Needed:  

A National Evangelization Team (NET) is facilitating a Confirmation Retreat at Saint Patrick Catholic Church the weekend after Thanksgiving, November 27 - 29, 2015 and host families are needed for the NET Retreat members!  Click here for more information.

St. Patrick Catholic School | 253-272-2297 

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